CLT3378 01 Ancient Mythology East and West Spring 2015 Study Guide for Exam 2 As a study aid for the exam make sure you can identify each of the following terms Who is each god or other figure To what culture does the god figure term belong In what literary work does the god figure term appear What does the god figure do in that literary work For a term concept what does the term concept mean How does the term concept relate to the myths cultures and literary works that we have studied Theogony Creation in Hesiod s Hesiod Greek poet form Ascra Greece o Father lived in Kyme before moving to Greece Could be the reason why Hesoid s Theogony is similar to works Theogony The creation myth from the Asia Minor o Birth of Gods o Greek culture and language o Poem o C 700 BCE o Found in a library by Apollodorus Proem Muses Goddessed of the arts o Usually 9 of them o Daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne Mnemosyne is the goddess of memory o Closely related to and always accompanying Apollo The god of music healing disease and prophecy o Both epic poest Homer and Hesiod begun their wors with invocation to muses as they are meant to inspire poets danceers musicians and the arts in general o Muses on poetry truth and fiction Sing of creation o Muses sung in Hesiod s theogony until the 116th line where Hesiod himself comes in and begins the creation myth Helikon a mountain where one could find two springs who where dedicated to the muses Chaos a big empty space chasm o First thing coming into being is nothing Chaos o Binatural god Physical space and god Gaia Ge earth o Binatura goddess Physical space and goddess Four primal Gods C Tartaros o Underword pit prison Empty space but localized o Binatural god Physical space and god Eros sexual desire o Binatural god Abstract concept Sex walking around o Needed him for procreation in the beginning A theogony Erebos Where dead souls go o Created by Chaos through a virgin birth o Has sex with Night brother sister and produces Air and Day o Produced by Gaia along with the mountains and the sea o Has sex with Gaia to produce the Titans the Cyclopes and the Hundred Ouranos sky Handers Titans o Created by Gaia and Ouranos o 12 of them Okeanos Kronos Rhea Okeanos a fresh water river that circled the earth Binatural god Cyclopes o Created by Gaia and Ouranos o 3 of them o master craftsmen constructed the thunderbolts of Zeus Hunder Handers o Created by Gaia and Ouranos o 3 of them o 100 arms 100 heads extremely strong The Creation of the Universe 1 The 4 primal gods existed 2 Chaos creates Erebos and Night 3 Erebos and Night have sex and produce Air and Day 4 Gaia produces Ouranos Mountains and The Sea 5 Gaia and Ouranos have sex to produce 3 sets of children a The Titans 12 b Cyclopes 3 c Hundred handers 3 6 Still to be born in Theogony at this point are many more gods abstract concepts sleep death and monsters Theogony The succession myth Zeus storm god o King of the gods o Hesiod s Theogony tells the story of Zeus and how he becomes king Through a succession myth Kronos one of the titans created by Gaia and Ouranos o Overthrows Ouranos and becomes king o Father of Zeus o Later overthrown by Zeus 1st Succession Myth Sickle a short handed curved tool o Made by Gaia out of Adamant o Given to Kronos Adamant the super hard metal formed by Gaia to make the sickle and castrate ouranos Erinyes furies Furies the spirits of blood vengeance born out of Ourano s blood on Gaia Giants also born out of Ourano s blood on Gaia Meliae ash tree nymphs Ash tree Nymphs the types of nymphs born form the blood or Ouranos Nymphs female spirits goddesses of nature o Associated with spears and bloodshed Aphros foam in greek o False etymology with Aphrodite Her name doesn t come from there Aphrodite engulfed in sea foam STORY o Born out of the balls of Ouranos when they landed in the sea and were o Ouranos the sky and the king of gods joins with Gaia earth to created the titans Ouranos stuff the titans back into earth because he doesn t want a child to overthrow him Gaia gets pissed and plots revenge for Ouranos Kronos steps up to help his mother Gaia defeat his father Gaia being the earth makes super hard metal adamant and makes a sickle from it and gives it to Kronos who hides out in Gaia When Ouranos comes down to have sex with Gaia Kronos pops out and castrated him and throws his genitals across his back Drops of blood drop from the balls and onto Gaia From the blood on earth the Erinyes are born being the furies and spirits of blood vengeance the Giants are born and the Meliae ash tree nympths are born The genitals land in the sea and sea foam forms around them and Aphrodite is born Kronos becomes king of the gods 2 nd Succession Myth Dione mother of Aphrodite from Zeus not part of Hesiod s Theogony Rhea o Has sex with Kronos to create the Olympians Olympians made by Kronos and rhea o The first Olympians 1 Zeus 2 Hera 3 Hades 4 Poseidon 5 Hestia 6 Demeter Omphalos the name of the stone Delphi the center of the earth to the greeks o Sacred to Apollo o Where the stone thrown up by Kronos is placed STORY o After Kronos becomes king of the gods in the 1st succession story he has sex with Rhea to create the Olympians Kronos hears a prophecy from Gaia and Ouranos saying that Kronos will be overthrown by his own son Kronos doesn t want this so he swallows his children once they are born Rhea gets pissed at him and goes to her mother Gaia for advice who says to go hide her last born child Zeus in the island of Crete and to trick Kronos into swallowing a stone instead of Zeus Six children are born to Kronos and rhea being the first Olympians Zeus Hera Hades Poseidon Hestia and Demeter Zeus grows up on Crete and once he has aged he goes to make Kronos throw up his siblings and the stone The stone is placed at Delphi the center of the world Zeus then throws Kronos into Tartaros and frees the Cyclopes his uncles from Tartaros Zeus becomes king of the gods and has the Cyclopes create his thunderbolts Titanomachy battle with the Titans Typhoios Typhoeus Typhon fire o Created by Gaia and tartatos o 100 headed fire breathing dragon Each head making a different animal noise Threats to Zeus Rule 1 Titanomachy Olympians and Zeus battled with the Titans The Olympians battled from Mt Olympis the biggest mountain known like to be a heaven and the Titans from Mt Otnys Zeus goes to his grandmother Gaia to …
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