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Final Study Guide CLT 3378 Mesopotamian Afterlife Ishtar daughter of Sin sister of Ereshkigal Sphere love war Sin god of the moon father of Ishtar and Ereshkigal Ereshkigal goddess of underworld daughter of Sin sister of Ishtar Namtar vizier of Ereshkigal Ea god of wisdom Good looks man created by Ea seducer Dumuzi lover of Ishtar dead Kunurgi underworld Erkalla underworld Akkadian Descent to the underworld that has Ishtar 2400 2000 BCE 140 lines Sumerian Descent to underworld that has Inanna 4100 2000 BCE 410 lines Sultantepe Version 1 of Nergal and Ereshkigal Uruk Mesopotamia 600s BCE 350 lines Uruk Sultantepe Mesopotamia Tell el Amarna Version 2 of Nergal and Ereshkigal Egypt 1400 1200 BCE 90 lines Nergal god of underworld son of Ea and Ishtar Anu son of anshar and kishar sky god king of gods Kakka vizier of Anu Ellil storm god son of Anu Ningishzida god of trees woodworking M tu death Mutu husband Pun Descent of Ishtar into Underworld Ishtar arrives at the gates Kunurgi She makes a series of threats to the gatekeeper smash the doors and break the bolts claims that she will raise the dead and they shall eat the living Gatekeeper gets permission from Ereshkigal to open the gates Each time Ishtar passes a gate an accessory is removed Gate 1 crown Gate 2 Earrings Gate 3 Necklace Gate 4 Toggle pins Gate 5 Girdle Gate 6 Bracelets Gate 7 Clothing Ishtar is stripped of her symbols of power Ea s Solution Good looks playboy While Ishtar is in the underworld no sex or pregnancies on Earth Good looks is instructed to go to the underworld to get Ereshkigal to swear an oath by the gods gap in the text Good looks is cursed by Ereshkigal Ishtar is allowed to return from underworld as she passes gates her items are returned Nergal and Ereshkigal There is a banquet among the gods but Ereshkigal cannot leave the underworld and other gods cannot go down Anu sends his Vizier Kakka to the underworld Kakka tells Ereshkigal to send her messenger Namtar Ea sends Nergal down to the underworld he must cut down special trees and make a chair Mesu tree rosewood Tiaru tree white pine CLT 3378 Final Study Guide Juniper tree Kinaktu tree aromatic timber Ea s advice to Nergal Do not eat sit drink wash feet or have sex with Ereshkigal Nergal makes the chair and decorates it Nergal does not eat sit drink or wash feet but he sleeps with Ereshkigal for 6 nights Nergal asks to leave on the 7th day angers Ereshkigal Nergal deceives the gatekeeper and returns to heaven Distraught Ereshkigal sends Namtar to retrieve Nergal she cannot find him Nergal returns to the gates of the Underworld Nergal dethrones Ereshkigal they sleep for 6 nights Nergal is now king of the underworld Ereshkigal threatens to raise the dead if Nergal does not return Ea conceals Nergal by sprinkling him with water Egyptian Afterlife Plutarch auhor of Morali 46 127 CE Greek Moralia topic is matters relating to customs and morals of Greek and Roman life Osiris initially king of gods god of underworld fertility god Seth god of disorder violence desert and storms kills Osiris Isis goddess of motherhood fertility Nephtys goddess of death lamentation Horus God of sky sun war ultimately king of gods son of Isis and Osiris Anubis god of mummification guard dog for the gods son of Nephthys and Osiris raised by Isis Ra egyptian word for sun most important god in Egyptian religion sun travels by boat day across sky night in underworld Maat goddess of truth and justice scales and feather Byblos city where Osiris is famous for papyrus Mummy wraps in linen Book of the Dead collection of magical spells kept in tomb for spirits of afterlife Protestation of Guiltlessness criteria for a happy life no evil against man pious behavior towards gods amduat that which happens in the Underworld Seth plots against Osiris and puts him in a chest The chest is sent up the Nile with Osiris in it Isis searches for Osiris Anubis directs Isis to Byblos The chest was used as a pillar in Byblos Isis mates with the corpse of Osiris and becomes pregnant with Horus Isis gives the chest to Horus Seth finds the chest and dismembers the body of Osiris and scatters his parts Isis finds 14 parts and set up a tomb at each place where part is found replicates phallus the missing part Isis rebuilds Osiris s body and makes him a mummy god of underworld Horus dethrones Seth and becomes the king of the gods Greek Afterlife Homer poet bard return of Odysseus following the Trojan War Homeric Hymns collection of hymns 33 to individual gods Hymn to Demeter Hymn 2 ca 600 BCE Demeter s loss of her daughter Persephone Demeter earth mother goddess goddess of the harvest bringer of seasons giver of good gifts Persephone daughter of Demeter kidnapped by Hades Hade s wife Hades god of the underworld kidnaps Persephone Final Study Guide CLT 3378 Hermes messenger god sent by Zeus to retrieve Persephone Hecate hears the cries of Persephone Pomegranate prevents Persephone from leaving the underworld must spend 1 3 of year in underworld Odysseus character of the Odyssey who departs to underworld Minos judge of sinners in the Underworld Tityus carnivorous vultures Sisyphus rolls rock up hill Tantalus unquenchable thirst hunger Tartarus part of underworld Erebus another name for underworld Elysian Fields the reward for heroes Homeric Hymns Hymn to Demeter Dated to 6th Century B C E Persephone is playing and gathering flowers with the daughters of Oceanus She finds a radiant flower that grew a hundred blooms As she reaches to pick the flower a chasm opens in the ground and Hades takes her away in his golden car Only Hecate and Helios hear her cries Demeter searches all over for her daughter 9 days of mourning Helios tells Demeter that Zeus gave Persephone to Hades to be his wife Demeter is stricken with grief and refuses to gather with the gods on Olympus Demeter stays in the house of Celeus and takes care of the son of Metaneira Deo Demeter Demeter nourishes the child and attempts to make him somewhat immortal but Metaneira watches from her room and stops it Demeter takes the son from the fire and casts him to the ground out of anger Celeus has his people build a temple for Demeter to please her Demeter makes it where no seed will sprout for mankind Zeus sees the plague and asks for her to come up to Olympus Demeter refuses to stop the plague unless she sees her daughter again Hermes descends to the underworld to retrieve Persephone Hades allows Hades secretly gave Persephone pomegranate which prevents her

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FSU CLT 3378 - Mesopotamian Afterlife

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