Creation in Genesis 1 bereshith Genesis Hebrew for in the beginning title 2 shemesh Genesis Hebrew for sun 3 yareah Genesis Hebrew moon 4 tehom Genesis Hebrew for deep 5 cosmocentric Genesis Heavens first 6 geocentric Genesis Earth first 7 anthropocentric Genesis creation of humans 8 Tree of Knowledge Genesis Tree that Adam and Eve eat from but are not allowed to eat from does it make them like God 9 Tree of Life Genesis makes Adam and Eve immortal 10 itsavon Genesis Hebrew pain toil 11 adam Genesis Hebrew for man 12 adamah Genesis Hebrew for land 13 pun Genesis verbal play 14 false etymology Genesis false belief about origin of words 15 Adam Genesis first man created 16 Eve Genesis first woman urges man to eat forbidden fruit 17 Serpent Genesis convinces Eve to eat forbidden fruit legs taken away Creation in Hesiod s Theogony 18 Hesiod Theogony Greek poet who wrote Theogony 19 Theogony birth of gods 20 poem Theogony Form of Hesiod s theogony 21 Muses Theogony goddesses of arts 22 Helikon Theogony mountain where Hesiod asks Muses for inspiration 23 Chaos Theogony one of the primal gods binatural empty space 24 Gaia Ge Theogony a primal goddess binatural Earth 25 Tartaros Theogony primal god binatura underworld pit where defeated gods are held 26 Eros Theogony primal god binatural sexual desire 27 Erebos Theogony son of Chaos region of underworld 28 Ouranos Theogony son of Gaia the sky 29 Titans Theogony 12 in all children of primal gods includes Okeanos Rhea et al 30 Cyclopes Theogony 3 creatures that make thunderbolts one of the sets of children of Gaia and Ouranos hundred hands and 50 heads 31 Hundred handers Theogony one of the sets of children of Gaia and Ouranos 3 of them 32 Zeus Theogony storm god who becomes and stays king of other gods 33 Kronos Theogony titan who is father of Zeus and tries to eat him 34 sickle Theogony used for Kronos to castrate Ouranos 35 adamant Theogony a very hard metal used in the sickle 36 Erinyes Theogony another name for Furies spirits of blood vengeance kill you if you kill blood relative 37 Furies Theogony made when blood of Ouranos drips on Earth spirits of blood vengeance kill you if you kill blood relative 38 Giants Theogony made when blood of Ouranos drips on Earth 39 Meliae Theogony made when blood of Ouranos drips on Earth Ash tree nymphs 40 Ash tree Theogony used to make spears 41 nymphs Theogony female spirits goddesses associated with nature 42 aphros Theogony foam 43 Aphrodite Theogony goddess of love and beauty that emerges from sea foam 44 Dione Theogony possible mother of Aphrodite 45 Rhea Theogony mother of Zues and all Olympians 46 Olympians Theogony children of Kronos and Rhea 47 omphalos Theogony stone Rhea gives to Kronos to swallow 48 Delphi Theogony center of the world and sacred site of Apollo 49 Apollo Theogony god of music 50 Titanomachy Theogony battle with Titans 10 year battle 51 Metis Theogony early mate of Zeus cleverness mother of Athena 52 Athena Theogony daughter of Zeus and Metis goddess of craftiness wisdom good side of 53 Typhon typhoios typhoeus Theogony 100 headed fire breathing dragon that threatens 54 Apollodorus Theogony writer of the Library that gives another version of battle between war Zeus s rule Zeus and Typhon 55 Library Theogony mythological Handbook 56 Delphyne Theogony dragoness that guards sinews of Zeus 57 Mt Aitna Theogony a volcano that Zeus places on Typhon Background Reading 5 58 Phoenicians Background creators of alphabetic script used by Hesiod 59 Ascra Background Town where Hesiod had grown up 60 Cyme Background city in Anatolia where Hesiod s father moved from possible literary connection Atrahasis and Flood 61 Atrahasis Atrahasis and the Flood man who survives flood 62 Ipiq Aya Atrahasis and the Flood author or compiler of Flood story 63 Ellil Atrahasis and the Flood boss of Babylonian gods 64 Mami Nintu Atrahasis and the Flood creator of humans that weeps at their destruction 65 Ilawela Atrahasis and the Flood slain so humans can be created 66 Shuruppak Atrahasis and the Flood city that Atrahasis rules 67 Namtara Atrahasis and the Flood lifts plague placed on humans after humans worship him 68 Adad Atrahasis and the Flood lifts famine placed on humans once worshipped 69 Reed hut Atrahasis and the Flood what is addressed when warning Atrahasis about flood Enki tells the hut about the flood so he doesn t break pact 70 New Atrahasis Fragment new flood story fragment that tells about shape of the boat of Atrahasis Utnapishtim Noah and Flood 71 Epic of Gilgamesh a very popular story in the Near East 72 Utnapishtim survivor of the Flood that was the only human to achieve immortality 73 bitumen waterproof material used for Utnapishtim s boat 74 Mt Nimush where Utnapishtim s boat lands 75 Noah flood survivor of Christian story 76 cypress wood what Noah s ark is made of 77 Mt Arat where Noah s boat lands 78 berit God forms a covenant with humans to never destroy them with flood again Raven and Coyote 79 Raven trickster of Tlingit people 80 Tlingit coastal Native Americans that made the Raven stories culture still active 81 Nass River important river for Tlingit 82 Kit ka ositiyi qa god that is Raven s father 83 Petrel a bird that controlled fog with a special hat that he gave to Raven 84 Coyote trickster of Klamath people 85 Klamath people in Oregon near Klamath lake that made Coyote stories 86 Thunder binatural god who controlled all the fires 87 aetiology an explanation 88 West Africa region of Anansi stories 89 Akan people of Ghana who told Anansi stories Anansi 90 Anansi trickster who is known as either man or spider 91 Nyame sky god found in many Anansi stories 92 Kweku Kwaku Anansi day names means Anansi was born on a Wednesday 93 Mmoboro hornets that Anansi traps to give to Nyame in exchange for stories 94 Onini python that Anansi traps to give to Nyame in exchange for stories 95 Osebo leopard that Anansi kills for Nyame in exchange for stories 96 okyeami means linguist symbol of Anansi 97 Baduasemanpensa name of Nyame s daughter 98 Owoh snake that Anansi borrows money from 99 Tsin son of Anansi Folktale Heroines 100 Aarne Thompson Two last names Aarne started the index and Thompson finished it 101 folktale motifs single element idea in story e g magic ring 102 Motif Index of Folk Tale a classification of narrative elements in folktales 103 folktale types type of story e g the Dragon Slayer 104 AT Tale type 720 My Mother She Killed Me My Father He Ate Me is the Title of the tell
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