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CLT 3378 Ancient Mythology East and West Fall 2014 Lecture Outline Pandora Pandora I first woman acc to Hesiod creation myth II Hesiod gives two different versions of myth a 1 Theogony and 2 Works and Days b in both versions 1 no women just men in the world 2 woman were created to punish men c misogynistic strain in Greek culture III Pandora in Works and Days longer then the other a Zeus has first woman created after Prometheus theft of fire that is given to men b Hephaistos blacksmith god forms woman clay and water to punish men and Prometheus like the Yahway creation of men and women Genniss c gods endow woman with gifts 1 Athena gives women the skill of weaving 2 Aphrodite gives women charm 3 Hermes gives women the skill of deceit d According to Hesiod gives the meaning to Pandora all pan gifts dora and thus the first women was named Pandora e Hermes takes Pandora to Epimetheus f Epimetheus name means afterthought 1 warned by brother Prometheus forethought that he should not accept gifts from Zeus 2 Zeus gives Pandora to Epimetheus and he accepts it g before women men had no diseases or had to toil over anything h Pandora s jar 1 c 1500 CE Erasmus mistranslation the Pandora s work and mistranslated a word for box and jar 2 pyxis box small to medium boxes with decorations on them 3 pithos jar large and made out of clay i Pandora is curious about what is inside the jar and she removes lid of it to see what s inside 1 What is inside the jar was evils of the world plagues sickness etc 2 Elpis Hope is still trapped in the jar is binatural goddess a good or evil no one knows from the story b absent or present no one knows from the story j Pandora as pithos both share common ascepts with eahc other 1 both are clay vessel 2 both are life size 3 both are decorated IV First Woman in Theogony a briefer account beginning the same shorter then the other 1 Zeus has woman created because of the theft of fire 2 Hephaistos makes the women clay and water b only Athena and Hephaistos adorn woman in this myth 1 Athena gives the women clothes 2 Hephaistos gives the women a golden crown a The golden crown has life like animals b artificial deceptive like woman because she is beautiful but evil c Hesiod gives the woman the term beautiful evil kalon kakon d woman unnamed in Thegonoy no Pandora because she does not receive gifts from all the gods e woman herself is source of evil no jar no Epimetheus different the Works and Days V Myth of the Races in Hesiod s Works and Days a Hesiod s Works and Days 1 didactic work has a moral lesson in it 2 farmer s almanac tell you about crops and farming and working days 3 folk wisdom lucky days and unlucky days 4 contains some myths like the Pandora s myth b creation myth Myth of the Races inside the Pandora s myth c Myth of the Races aka Myth of the Ages in the Works and Days 1 five races ages of people a Golden Race b Silver Race c Bronze Race d Race of Heroes e Iron Race 2 Olympians create a and b 3 Zeus creates c d and e 4 devolution of people Silver worse than Gold etc women and men are created at he same time in each race 5 Race of Heroes no decline happens and is better then the other races 6 Iron Race worst of all he races in this myth d Golden Race 1 It is created in time of Kronos as king and created by Olympians 2 paradisal peace and abundance 3 no aging death like sleep e Silver Race 1 Is created in time of Zeus as king by the Olympians 2 people as babies for 100 years 3 adults only briefly 4 foolish people who won t honor gods 5 So Zeus destroys them f Bronze Race created by Zeus 1 war like race from ash trees like the nypmths from castration of Unrus 2 kill each other off because they are to war like g Race of Heroes created by Zeus 1 Are the heroes from Greek myth 2 Nobler than Bronze Race 3 Some die at Troy duringthe Trojan War 4 Others live on in Isles of Blessed paradise at ends of earth only the heros can go there h Iron Race created by Zeus 1 The human race age 2 People will become utterly impious evil 3 People will become the evil race when babies have grey hair at birth 4 When the evil races becomes evil then Zeus will destroy race i Myth of Races Near Eastern idea 1 Is transposed onto Greek myth 2 Race of Heroes does not fit the scheme that was going on during this time a Heracles Achilles Odyseus etc all existed during the time b Real historical figures to Greeks during their time c Ancestors of Greek aristocrats traced their lineage to the Greek Heros d This myth was actual ancient history of the Greek people VI Hesiod s Works and Days Hesiod ask the question Why Life is Hard a Hesiod gives two explanations 1 Pandora because she released al the evil into the world 2 Myth of the Races Ages because we not like the races before us 3 explanations juxtaposed b The two explanations contradict each other 1 Pandora men then women 2 Golden Race men women same time c cf creation myths in Genesis and JEDP Theory

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