CLT 3378 Ancient Mythology East and West Spring 2015 Lecture Outline Egyptian Creation Culture Egyptian Work read various prose texts Type of work prose Date of work c 2600 1000 BCE Language of work Egyptian I Ancient Egypt Historical Periods a Early Dynastic Period c 3100 2600 BCE Dynasties 1 3 b Old Kingdom c 2600 2100 Dynasties 4 8 Great Pyramid d Middle Kingdom c 2000 1650 Dynasties 11 13 king takes power again c First Intermediate Period e Second Intermediate Period f New Kingdom c 1550 1000 Dynasties 18 20 Tutankhamun g Third Intermediate Period h Late Period 650 332 Egypt rued by all foreign powers 1 flows south to north opposite of most people 2 annual flood when waters receded soil was very fertile made them wealthy 3 Upper Egypt to south Lower Egypt to north bc river direction II Egypt King and Land a Nile River b security of Egypt 1 geography sea desert 2 invasion difficult c during Early Dynastic Period d king incarnation of Horus 1 Horus 1 Egypt united Upper and Lower under one king for first time 2 stable periods Old Middle New Kingdoms a early god b associated with falcon or human body w falcon head c assoc with 1 sky 2 sun 2 Hor the Distant One way up in the sky e two Horuses usu combined 1 elder Horus sun god falcon 2 younger Horus a Horus the child b son of Osiris and Isis III Journey of Sun a Re 1 Egyptian word for sun 2 overall most important god 3 often assoc w other gods e g Horus 4 Eye of Re solar disc can sometimes be a separate god b stages of sun diferent god for each stage 1 morning rising a reborn in east b two main gods 1 Horakhty a also a falcon b Horus of the two horizons 2 Khepri scarab beetle dung came to be associated with rebirth a Tutankhamun s throne name each god had many names b Neb kheperu re c Lord of the Forms of Re d baboons welcomed back the rising sun 2 midday Re 3 evening setting Atum ram 4 composite god Re Horakhty Atum Horus Khepri c sun travels by boat 1 by day across sky 2 by night through underworld river 3 when 2 Apophis Aapep serpent force of chaos d western side of Nile a sun s setting b tombs and underworld c underworld western horizon e rebirth of sun 1 hope for human rebirth 2 cf rebirth of Osiris IV Sun and Creation a Re important 1 often creator god 2 importance of sun 3 humans romet created tears remit of Re s Eye 4 patron god of a city creator god sun god each city thought theirs was most b Deliverance of Mankind from Destruction 1 humans plot rebellion from Re 2 Re sends Eye to destroy them a Eye of Re merges into Hathor b Hathor 1 cow goddess usually not shown as cow but as horned goddess 2 female sexuality motherhood 3 mother or wife of falcon god Horus 4 Hat hor house of Horus 4 Re changes his mind so he sends down lots of beer dyed red instead of blood Sekhmet drinks all this gets very drunk forgets to kill humans 3 Hathor merges into Sekhmet a lion goddess b plague healing war 5 reverse flood myth V Creation Myths a Heliopolitan Creation Myth 1 earliest Egyptian creation myth Old Kingdom 2 in the beginning Nu Nun god a waters of chaos b later exists on edges of universe 3 mound rises from water first bit of land a cf Nile flood b mound located in Heliopolis 4 Atum the all a creative force b appears on mound but preexists it already existed but appeared on mound c coeval with Nun d assoc with sun esp evening e Atum patron god of Heliopolis sun city 5 Atum produces out of himself a Shu god of air b Tefnut goddess of moisture c masturbation or sneezing Shu spitting Tefnut 6 Shu and Tefnut mate produce a Geb earth god switched genders from normal b Nut sky goddess switched genders 7 Geb and Nut mate produce a brothers Osiris and Seth b sisters Isis and Nephthys 8 Ennead the nine nine gods Atum Shu Tefnut Geb Nut Osiris Isis Seth Nephthys b Memphite Creation Myth 1 creation myth New Kingdom 2 Ptah craftsman god a patron god of Memphis b Memphis center of royal craft shops 2 Ptah creates world incl Ennead a creates through heart mind and tongue speech b cf creation by Atum c cf Genesis 1 3 d cf John 1 1 logos doctrine e mound located in Memphis
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