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CLT 3378 Study Guide Test 3 FINAL EXAM 1 No Beowulf does not differ from Vikings He has to go through battles to get to recognition Nomadic culture shows specific echoes of Viking myth such as fighting dragon and Indo European the king is the shepherd of the people just like Beowulf is It represents the shield or protection 2 Hrothgar names hall Hero deer prey and Beowulf is a wolf predator Poet makes legend for Beowulf before Grendel s mother is killed The POV of poem is that of a grieving mother It brings in Viking myth and Christianity when talking about heaven 3 The lord resembles the fates and Helen who sits on the wall weaving fates 4 Because she chooses wer and takes Aeschera She does not have a heroic code because she is a villain As a woman she should seek revenge 5 If you don t follow heroic code you are essentially leaving your kingdom to die This lack of loyalty resembles the Trojan War when Achilles friend dies because of his own actions and then troy ends up falling as well This is parallel to Hrothgar s friend dying by Grendel s mother and then Beowulf having to fight In both situation the two fight and die together Lecture 14 1 Medea thinks she deserves to be treated as a hero because she constantly steps up to do the hero s job Greeks disagree because she is not even Greek and is female She does not have a good understanding of values and uses trickery and magic Her aunt if an evil sorcerous so her magic does not stem from a good place 2 Once Jason has the fleece he is compared to a girl looking at herself in the mirror trying on a new dress not heroic 1 CLT 3378 Study Guide Test 3 FINAL EXAM 3 The significance is that Medea is hissing like a snake to tell him he will never win In fact Jason always has trouble defeating snakes serpent monsters Medea has to trick the serpent to get fleece meaning Jason can t get the fleece without her help This all symbolizes he will wander the world alone 4 Women aren t expected to take on vengeance because they are not the ones who usually fight They don t have a heroic code Medea s use of Dues ex Machina is abnormal because this way of tying up loose ends is surprising when it would usually end with a god fixing things 5 To be considered heroic a woman must be able to produce offspring abandon traditional roles and remain loyal Penelope Judith and chi li show this through their use of cunning deceit to help their kingdom family and not in a selfish manner Athena is the perfect patron because she is a virgin goddess and also goddess of war Clytemnestra is a villain because she sleeps with another man and when Agamemnon returns she kills him and stands on her own red carpet and then brags about murdering him Lecture 15 1 The suitors threaten to destroy the lives of Penelope and Odysseus because if Penelope is not faithful Odysseus return won t be successful Also if his crew is too reckless is can make his return home even longer or can ruin their chance of getting home They transgress xenia by taking all of his time wealth cattle portions honor etc 2 Oresteia is the story of Agamemnon returning from the Trojan War and then being tricked and killed by his wife The moral of the story is how even though Agamemnon 2 CLT 3378 Study Guide Test 3 FINAL EXAM made it home because his wife and son worked against him he was no successful upon his return It tells Odysseus that if his wife and son don t cooperate with his return he 3 When Odysseus arrives on the island he avoids what looks like a rape scene by covering himself with an olive branch and calling Artemis who takes him to the palace and feeds 4 Odysseus tells Polyphemus his name is Nobody this is a riddle because Nobody gets out alive Once he is out he turns it into a boast of how smart he was to be able to get will die too him away 5 Odysseus is like Athena because she is a god of war strategy and tactic just like Odysseus who is very smart He is an almost natural enemy of Poseidon because Athena watches over Odysseus and his family while Poseidon is patron of the suitors and a natural enemy of Athena ever since they fought for Athens honor Penelope and Athena both remain pure and faithful Athena is associated with weaving good fates which Penelope also does His use of techne is using fire to make the stick hot which he uses to poke Polyphemus s eye out 6 Athena gives Athens an olive tree Poseidon gives the city a salt water spring 7 When Odysseus meets Achilles in the afterlife he feels like he would rather fight and come home again than be the most glorious he would rather be a slave He says Odysseus kleos is better and everlasting The suitors sing of Penelope s kleos in Hades Lecture 16 3 CLT 3378 Study Guide Test 3 FINAL EXAM 1 Heroes often have hubris as a flaw because they abuse their kingship and subjects as a result of unchecked power Since they are above humans but below gods they feel they are entitled Gilgamesh is happy sad man because he is bipolar due to wanting all the glory but also feeling unfulfilled 2 Enkidu is civilized by sleeping with a prostitute He loses his animal ways but gains knowledge much like Adam and Eve who lose their ignorance but gain knowledge or right and wrong In both occasions they are initially above humans but fall to human status Civilization softens humans and liminal heroes are needed because heroes usually overpower horrors of nature 3 Enkidu is killed by the gods because Gilgamesh rejects Inanna s request to sleep with him The god s get mad and give Enkidu a fever which in turn kills him not an honorable death Gilgamesh is supposed to learn to appreciate life and loose his hubris but instead he fears his immortality and continues to want to be like the gods 4 Many cultures consider the serpent a symbol for immortality because it is an aition for why snakes shed skin and keep gaining knowledge because the consolation prize is for anyone who is not a fool only fools seek immortality Ut Napishtim tries to tell Gilgamesh that immortality is not glorious Heroes may become immortal by accepting mortality and having pride in accomplishments Ut Napishtam is the last of his race they reach immortality through great suffering 5 Herakles battle with Hydra is like Zeus and Typhon because they are both storm god v water dragon Hydra means water Hera sends a giant crab to complicate the fight and one up the competition 4 CLT 3378 Study Guide Test 3 FINAL EXAM 6 Herakles last labors foreshadow his …

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