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REVIEW SHEET ANCIENT MYTHOLOGY EAST AND WEST 60 Review Terms for Final Exam ARTHURIAN ROMANCES 1 Excalibur Given to him by the Lady of the Lake in exchange that he will give her a gift when she asks King Arthur s sword for it Arthur removed from an anvil in a stone to legitimize his role of England 2 Morgan le Fey Arthur s half sister Sorceress versed in the magical arts Shape shifter Travels long distances w great speed Hovers in the air Dwells on under water Usually at odds with Arthur Is immune to fire Controls animals and evil spirits At times helps him she is among those women who take Arthur to Avalon to be healed Addition from Medieval Literature King Laudegraunce 100 knights and the Round Table 3 Knights of the Round Table Merlin 28 vacant seats Arthur elected Gawain and Tor to a seat Remaining 20 seats including the Seige Perilous danger seat were left for those who might prove worthy 4 Merlin Prophet magician advisor and warrior Supporter and protector of Arthur and his kingdom Antichrist created to undo all the good done by Christ Robert de Boron o Merlin s mother baptizes him making him a force of good not evil o From his father the devil knowledge of all past things o From God prophecy Merlin transforms Uther into likeness of Duke of Cornwall so that he may sleep with Igraine in compensation that Uther gives Arthur to Merlin Is imprisoned by Vivien a lady of the lake not the same lady of the lake that gives Arthur the sword Has prophecy that Arthur will be destroyed by someone born on a May day o Arthur sends them all to death Mordred was saved 5 Uther Pendragon Merlin transforms Uther into likeness of Duke of Cornwall so that he may sleep with Igraine Father of King Arthur mother of King Arthur Igraine wife of the Duke of Cornwall King of all Britain in compensation that Uther gives Arthur to Merlin 6 Lancelot Knight of the Round Table Lancelot was Arthur s favorite knight Among the best of knights in skill bravery and strength Flawed caught in a struggle between o his passionate love for Guinevere Arthur s wife o his duty to Arthur Takes no other lover but is tricked into sleeping with Elaine of Corbenic Galahad is born Is accused of having an affair with Guinevere twice o First accusation Meleagant confronted Lancelot in front of the kind and queen The insult led to the single combat between the two Lancelot overpowered Meleagant and by law this proves his innocence o Second accusation Agravaine and Mordred catch Lancelot and Guinevere in her bed chamber Arthur sentences Guinevere to death Lancelot rescues her but kills Gareth in the process Lancelot leaves for France and Arthur follows Mordred attempts to take throne in Arthur s absence 7 Guinevere Has love affair with Lancelot Arthur s wife 8 Avalon Where Arthur is taken to be healed It is unknown if he was healed o Home to the ladies of the Lake among those present is Morgan le Fay NYANGAN MYTHOLOGY 9 Shemwindo Rules a village called Tubondo in the state of Ihimbi Has seven wives and demands they give birth to only girls forbids them to have sons Tries to kill Mwindo because he does not want sons o Throws spears into the birth hut but it is always deflected o Buries him alive in a grave but he climbs out o Locks him up in a drum and casts him in the river Escapes into the Underworld when Nkuba sends 7 lightening bolts to destroy city Mwindo follows him 10 Mwindo His father tries to kill him because he only wanted daughters Son of Shemwindo A hero born fully mature and equipped with tools o Throws spears into the birth hut but it is always deflected o Buries him alive in a grave but he climbs out o Locks him up in a drum and casts him in the river Mwindo reaches Iyangura who takes him in Nkuba the god of lightening tries to kill Mwindo but is unable to strike him later they Kasiyembe seeks to kill him become allies Mwindo sets fire to Kasiyembe s hair and kill Mukiti Reconciliation with his father o Heals those who had been killed in Tubondo o The kingdom is divided into two parts one rules by the hero one rules by his father Confrontation with the dragon o Dragon kills three of four of Mwindo s Pygmies whom he has sent to hunt meat o When dragon attempts to swallow him Mwindo beats him with his conga sceptre o The Pygmies emerge from the body of the Dragon o Nkuba descends to take Mwindo on a journey to show him that he did wrong o The journey lasts a year and on that trip Mwindo Encounters numerous gods Learns the secrets of the universe Learns he must not kill any animal or he will die 11 Iyangura Shemwindo s sister Mwindo s aunt Holds magic cord Marries Mukiti the water serpent goes to like with Mukiti under the protection of the headman called Kasiyembe Takes Mwindo in after his father Shemwindo tries to kill him 12 Kasiyembe Bodyguard of Iyangura Headman that protects Iyangura Mwindo sets fire to Kasiyembe s hair Tries to kill Mwindo 13 Conga 14 Nkuba A flyswatter with a scepter like handle of wood Is included in the regalia of a chief and so signifies here there destiny of Mwindo who will become chief after his father Mwindo was born with this The god of lightening Tries to kill Mwindo but is unable to strike him Later becomes allies with Mwindo Sends 7 lightening bolts to destroy city o Shemwindo escapes into the underworld o Many of Mwindo s uncles are killed o Mwindo resuscitates his uncles with his conga sceptre and pursues Shemwindo 15 Kahindo Helps Mwindo in his encounter with Muisa The spirit of good fortune and daughter of Muisa 16 Muisa King of the Underworld Gives Mwindo a series of tasks o Cultivate bananas o Gather honey o Gamble with Sheburungu the creator god YORUBAN MYTHOLOGY 17 Orisha Distinct deities Manifestations of a single archdivinity Olodumare the Supreme God Myth of Orisha and Orishanla Each person contains a spark of the Orisha personal deity o Slave Eshu secretly hates his master Orisha Eshu smashes Orisha into hundreds of pieces pieces become scattered throughout the world o Orunmila puts pieces he finds in a larger calabash and deposits them in a shrine in Ile Ife the pieces in the calabash Orishanla the big Orisha offspring of Olodumare 18 Olodumare Supreme God Creation of Land World Creation from Chaos o Version one Orunmila sends Oduduwa from heave to create the world Brings with him a hen with five toes five chameleons and five hundred chains Olodumare gives him some sand wrapped in a cloth Pours sand into water o Version two a bag of black earth Olodumare orders Oduduwa

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