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Ancient Myth Study Guide Test 1 1 Beginning of creation Babylonian Apsu vs Tiamat vs Marduk In the beginning water When Marduk defeats Tiamat her eyes become the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers and the breasts became the mountains Israelite God and the sea 1 3 and 6th days it is good 2nd day waters and sky Chaos and disorder w Yahweh and the sea El is the creator Then comes the beginning of creation Greek Theogony Four primal gods Chaos empty space Gaia earth Tarataros underworld pit prison and Eros sexual desire god All binatural meaning they are the god space Parthenogenesis asexual reproduction virgin birth Gaia Ouranos 3 sets of children Roman Metamorphoses Metamorphoses of universe creation In the beginning chaos disordered elements nothingness and emptiness Unnamed creator god that separates out elements earth sea sky animals fish birds Creation of humans could have been the creator god or Prometheus or Earth blood of giants Humans are morally worse and technologically civilized 2 Succession myths vs creation myths Babylonian Apsu Tiamat to Marduk Apsu fresh water god tells Tiamat he wants to kill the younger gods Tiamat disagrees and she tells Ea too who then puts into a coma then kills Apsu Ea has a son w Damkina named Marduk and he is given 4 winds He battles her and splits her in two breasts mountains and the eyes become the Tigris and Euphrates rivers Israelite Yahweh warrior god defeats the sea order vs chaos There is not much succession because of monotheism Greek Theogony King of Gods father overthrown by son Ouranos to Kronos to Zeus Zeus ends cycle 1 Ouranos sky vs Kronos Gaia wants revenge for her children and Kronos castrates Ouranos with a sickle adamant Kronos throws the genitals and the splattering blood creates monsters and sea foam Aphrodite 2 Kronos father of Zeus husband of Rhea vs Zeus Kronos begins to swallow his children b c of a prophecy Gaia becomes mad Rhea is told to hide Zeus on Crete and she gives Kronos a stone to swallow Zeus grows up and ends up throwing Kronos into Tartaros binatural underworld pit Zeus frees the Cyclopes who made his thunderbolts He then becomes King of the Gods 3 Creation of humans Babylonian Enuma Elish Humans are created from the aftermath of the battle of Marduk vs Tiamat the sea Qingu Tiamat s new husband is given the mysterious tablet of destinies and taken captive after the death of Tiamat and Ea says to use the blood of Qingu This creates humans in order to do work for the gods such as build Marduk s temple Israelite Genesis two creation myths one with man and woman created at the same time 6th day and the job of humans dominion It said that we needed all of the things before light sky earth sea etc in order to survive The second creation myth said that woman was created from man who was the 2nd created after earth God is like a concerned father he creates animals then a woman to help man 4 Tiamat Enuma Elish Mesopotamian vs Yam Baal Cycle Caananite Both invoke chaos and primordial waters Yam wants El s powers while Tiamat only wants to rule Gods are afraid of both Tiamat created an army and was ended up being split in two by Marduk creating the sky and the earth Eyes of Tiamat became the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and breasts become mountains Tiamat is never called a dragon like Yam Yam is smashed and defeated Yaweh Genesis and Baal Baal Cycle Yaweh is an Israelite God while Baal is a storm god and a Canaanite deity Baal is the king over earth and has a house temple built by Kothar the craftsman god They are similar as they are conqueror gods Both also fight and defeat the sea They both are involved in a situation of order over chaos Yahweh Genesis vs Marduk Enuma Elish Yaweh is an Israelite God while Marduk is a storm as well as patron god of Babylon They both have to deal with order vs chaos in order to defeat the sea Yahweh MAY have been a storm god Marduk becomes king of the gods while Yaweh was always the only one lord Israelites worshipped Ea Enuma Elish Song of Kumarbi Song of Ullikummi Atrahasis and the Serpent in the Garden of Eden Genesis Both are deemed as tricksters The Serpent is later interpreted as Satan while Ea is just a mischievous god The serprent in the end is cursed because he is not a god and ended up getting cursed by God Ea on the other hand is associated with fresh water and tricks for good sometimes in order for Tessub to not be eaten by Kumarbi and be able to take the throne Both seem to cross boundaries between humans and divines have close connections w humans In Ullikummi Ea seems to be someone of wisdom and an advisor Adam and Eve end up listening to the serpent thus proving to have similar roles Anat Baal Cycle and Gaia Theogony Creation Myth Anat is the sister of Baal and is a goddess of war and hunting She loves to kill and is bloodthirsty Some say she is a highly sexual goddess She ends up going into battle to slaughter warriors and possibly helps Baal defeat Yam Gaia is not born from anything she just pops into existence She is the earth and has three sets of children with Ouranos Titans Cyclopes and Hundred Handlers She is the one that ends up telling Rhea to hide her son Zeus on Crete from Kronos Gaia s revenge in her children dying was that she gave Kronos to castrate Ouranos with a sickle of adamant At this point she is similarly bloodthirsty like Anat Anu Song of Kumarbi and Ouranos Theogony Anu is the sky god top most layer of sky by the Mesopotamians He is castrated by Kumarbi who bites and swallows his genitals This is to take his powers so he won t have children to overthrow him Also he loses his masculinity Ouranos also is a sky god and his mate is Gaia who he has 3 sets of children with Cyclopes Titans and hundred helpers He gets castrated by Kronos who is given a sickle adamant by Gaia who convinced her children to rebel because Ouranos locked up the eldest children Kronos throws the genitals and the blood splatters creating monsters and sea foam creating Aphrodite Tessub Song of Kumarbi Song of Ullikummi and Zeus Theogony Tessub is the son of Kumarbi caused by the castration of Anu He ends up overthrowing Kumarbi Also Ea becomes his advisor and battles Ullikummi the heavy basalt Zeus becomes the king of the gods by overthrowing Kronos and throwing him into Tartaros Ellil Atrahasis and Jupiter Metamorphoses Ellil controls the earth Noise of humans annoys him because earth is overpopulated and he therefore causes a plague then a famine a drought and then sends out a

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FSU CLT 3378 - Ancient Myth Study Guide Test 1

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