CLT3378 11 Exam 3 Review Terms Raven Coyote Native American the indigenous people of North America told oral stories collected by ethnographers Raven a Native American trickster shape shifter portrayed in several different stories Tlingit Klinkit the name of the coastal people who life in Alaska and Northwestern Canada in the early 20th century Nass River the origin of the Tlingit according to the Tlingit people Raven as a Creator Kit ka ositiyi qa a god the father of Raven Raven creates the world Raven as a Distributor similar to Prometheus and fire Petrel is the controller of fresh water wears a fog hat to hide from Raven dog manure trick Raven poops on Petrel in his sleep and takes water from him in the morning Raven escapes through smoke hole comes out black etiology distributes water Coyote and Fire from the Klamath people Coyote trickster from the western U S Thunder says is Coyote wins he will distribute fire but Thunder knows Coyote cheated Coyote takes his skin off Thunder throws the rock containing fire at Coyote s skin thinking it is Coyote the rock shatters and pieces fire are distributed by the animals to the world Coyote puts his skin back on malleable body Anansi West Africa the region of people who belong to the Anansi story the Akan peoples esp Ashanti in Ghana slaves brought stories with them to the West Indies United State Anansi West African trickster name means spider and sometimes he takes the shape of one he is god like friends with gods Anansi as a liminal figure doorway between one realm another Nyame aka Onyame alternate name Ananse Kokuroko meaning The Great Spider a sky god who is friends with Anansi controls all stories but Anansi wants to own them Anansi and language Baduasemanpensa the secret name of Nyame daughter Anansi finds out the name and only drums it which backfires because lizard says the name to clarify what Anansi is drumming lizard wins Nyame s daughter Rig Veda India the Rig Veda is the oldest literary work of India Rig Veda composed c 1700 1100 BCE told orally for centuries then written down in Sanskrit 1028 hymns to gods in 10 books rig praise veda knowledge Sanskrit Indo European language the language of the Rig Veda Vedic people the people who composed the Rig Veda Vedic gods Agni means fire binatural god of fire heat light in the natural fire lightning sun domestic hearth in the home ritual sacrifice funeral cremation of the dead and poetry light settings Soma is a deified sacred drink binatural characteristics a hallucinogenic drink narcotic an unknown plant that grew in the mountains drank by the gods priests immortality for gods and poetry vision effects fear and exultation Indra king of the gods god of thunder and war storm god LOVES to drink soma a poet and a seer compared to Agni and Soma bursts our mother s side kills father mother tried to keep him unborn in order to protect him from his father Killing of Vritra 1 32 Vritra a male dragon serpent holds back the waters rivers until he is killed by Indra rivers set free Tiamat the creation of rivers in this story is similar to when Marduk defeats Tiamat the Tigris Euphrates rivers are created Sarama and the Panis 10 108 Sarama Indra s dog a female who tracks down the cattle of Angirases a family of sages that were stolen by the demons Panis and kept beyond the river Rasa Panis demons who go beyond the river Rasa and steal the cattle of Angirases River Rasa river that encircles heaven earth gods humans demons go beyond it comparable to Okeanos Creation Myths the Golden Embryo 10 121 Golden Embryo a creation story with an unknown creator god referred to as Hiranyagarbha Prajapati the god rises from the primordial waters creates the waters separates earth sky and then creates the earth and sky Hiranyagarbha a name given to the unknown creator god in the Golden Embryo creation story gold hirany womb seed embryo egg garbha Prajapati the name of the creator god in 10 121 12 a later addition Creation Myths Purusha 10 90 Purusha a cosmic giant primeval male who is dismembered by the creator god is used to create the universe his body is the first sacrifice yet he is also the recipient of the sacrifice Creation Myths Aditi and Birth of Gods 10 72 Aditi the female creative force infinity who gives birth to earth which gives birth to the sky has 8 sons gods Daksha the female creative force he gives birth to Aditi and Aditi gives birth to him Martanda one of the 8 sons gods that Aditi gives birth to a sun god who Aditi rejects because he dies every night sunset A Myth of the Afterlife Yama 10 14 Yama king of the dead path maker for humans the first mortal to reach the death realm in heaven aka first mortal to reach the afterlife has 2 4 eyed dogs who guard the path to the death realm Three Days of Soma ceremony that occurs when a person dies after cremation that same fire burns for 3 days for the soul to make it to the afterlife and soma is offered the soul travels a path just like Yama traveled Norse Creation and Afterlife Prose Edda Norse medieval Scandinavians aka Vikings some sir one family of Norse gods live in Asgard with the Vanir family at Ragnarok warriors sir good Vanir the other family of Norse gods live in Asgard with the sir family fertility gods Njord Frey Freyja Njord from the Vanir family of Norse gods the sea god father of twins Frey and Freyja Frey from the Vanir family of Norse gods father Njord male twin of Freyja connected to the fertility of earth Freyja female twin goddess of sexual desire see Freya above J tnar means evil side refers to the giants they are not always gigantic in size they are a family of related beings they tend to be enemies of the sir and Vanir families Norse Afterlife Valhalla Odin in charge of the death realm Valhalla king of sir god of death cleverness knowledge and prophecy Valhalla means heaven the death realm a hall in Asgard which is the home of the Norse gods only for souls of warriors who were slain in battle Odin is in charge Norse idea of the best afterlife it is unsure if women are allowed Asgard the home of the Norse gods contains Valhalla Valkyries Valkyrja means chooser of the slain female spirits of battle who take souls of the slain from the battlefield and lead them to Valhalla Saehrimnir magical boat that can regenerate itself where the feast of Ragnarok takes place Heidrun a goat that produces mead what the warriors drink on the boat at the feast Odin Thor and Loki Sleipnir Odin s 8 legged horse Hugin means thought one of
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