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CLT3378 11 Exam 1 Review Terms Intro To Myth Hero figures in whom the gods take a special interest in Trickster amoral shape shifting deceivers instigators Neither good nor bad they just operate under a different moral code Polytheism belief in many gods ex Greek and Romans Anthropomorphism conception of gods in the shape of human beings Binaturalism conception of gods with two natures ex God is both a god and the physical space Ex Tiamat is both the sea and a god Syncretism adaptation of one s culture s mythic beliefs by another culture Ex Sumerian Inanna Akkadian Ishtar Sphere of influence areas with which gods are associated have power Ex Ishtar is the goddess of sexual desire war morning evening star venus Enuma Elish Mesopotamia land between rivers between the Tigris Euphrates rivers Sumerians influenced Mesopotamian mythology made Cuneiform tablets Akkadians heavily influenced by the Sumerians culture Assyrians from northern Mesopotamia are in Enuma Elish Babylonians Enuma Elish is a Babylonian epic Akkadian city state of Mesopotamia Enuma Elish Babylonian epic means when on high Poem was recited at New Years Festival Marduk patron god of Babylon and also storm god not binatural Cuneiform seven tablets earliest form of written expression Apsu male fresh water One of the two primordial water is binatural Tiamat female sea One of the two primordial waters is binatural Lahmu Hairy first born son of Apsu and Tiamat Lahamu first born daughter of Apsu and Tiamat mother of Anshar and Kishar with her brother Lahmu Anshar god of the sky father of Anu Kishar daughter of Lahamu and Lahmu mother of Anu Anu sky god god of heaven parents are Anshar and Kishar Ea Enki Nuddimud Ea Akkadian name and Enki Sumerian name all the same god God of cleverness wisdom and fresh water Is a trickster god and is associated with human creation Mummu Apso s right hand man vizier of primeval gods Damkina mother goddess mother of Marduk Qingu Kingu Tiamat s general Tiamat gave Kingu the 3 Tablets of Destiny Kakka Gaga minister of state to Anu and Anshar minor god in Enuma Elish Tablet of Destinies Marduk gives tablet to Anu Baal Cycle Baal Cycle group of poems about Baal about the Canaanite or Ugaritic storm god Baal Ugarit Canaanite people lived there modern day Syria Canaan modern day Isreal Hittite empires used to live there El means God creator god father of gods wise eternal and powerful Baal means Lord god of storms wind fertility rain farmers and sailors Hadad storm and rain god was often called Baal Dagon father of Baal worshiped by people of Ugarit Zaphon mountain located on the Syria Turkey border Asherah wife of El Mother of the gods Anat sister of Baal Nubile virgin goddess Goddess of war and hunting blood thirsty Kothar wa Hasis god of crafts responsible for supplying gods with weapons and building and furnishing their palaces Shapash sun goddess Linked to both life and death Ilimilku couldn t find this one Niqmaddu II second ruler and kind of ancient Syrian city of Ugarit succeeded his father Ammishtamru I Yam the sea aka Nahar aka river dragon serpent Mot death lives in the underworld aka swamp muck Illuyanka Myths and the Kumarbi Cycle Hittites people who lived in what is now Turkey ancient Anatolia Asia Minor The Kumarbi Cycle is a Hittite group of poems Hattians people who occupied modern day Turkey had no written language Hurrians people in northern Syria Empire named Mitanni Hattusas Hittite capital modern day city Bo azkale Turkey Hattian Hittite Storm God son of Wurusemu and sun goddess of Arinna Illuyanka defeats Storm God takes the Storm God s heart and eyes Purulli festival Hattian Spring Festival held at Nerik dedicated to earth goddess Hannahanna Inara daughter of Storm God huntresss prepares the feast Hupasiya killed by a goddess for his disobedience in Illuyanka Myths Kumarbi Cycle group of poems about Kumarbi Hurrian literary works written in Hittite Kumarbi Hurrian god associated with underworld chief god of the Hurrians Alalu king of gods father of Kumarbi Tessub born from Kumarbi s penis Overthrows Kumarbi Song of Kumarbi succession myth rise and fall of Kumarbi Song of Ullikummi Kumarbi tries to overthrow Tessub wants to use child to storm heaven Impregnates a 3 mile long rock Ullikummi stone child born from a 3mile long rock Ubelurri has Ullikummi growing on him Ullikummi gets so heavy that he has to be removed from Ubelurri TERMS FROM CREATION IN GENESIS JEDP Theory the final form of the torah a theory that assumes the text of the Torah as preserved can be divided into 4 sources there are discrepancies to the different sources J Jahwist source oldest E Elohist D Deuteronomist P Priestly source Shemesh Hebrew word for sun from Genesis 1 2 4 the first creation myth Yareah Hebrew word for moon from Genesis 1 2 4 the first creation myth Tehom Hebrew word fro deep tehom Tiamat Marduk and Tiamat Cosmocentric typically no god the ordering of celestial bodies a heavenly creation story Geocentric theory that earth is the center of the universe prominent in the ancient Greek civilization Aristotle Ptolemy Anthropocentric an earthly creation story centered on human beings Creation in Genesis 2 5 3 Tree of Knowledge from Creation in Genesis after Eve eats from the tree mankind dies metaphorically losing their innocence Tree of Life gives immortality God doesn t want them to eat from it from Creation in Genesis itsavon Hebrew for pain toil used in reference to woman s punishment of childbirth and man s toiling in the soil adam Hebrew for made from soil name for Adam adamah Hebrew for soil this term and the above term create a pun in the story Adam first man created from dust of the Earth used rib to make eve in 2nd creation myth from Genesis Eve first woman created ate the apple from the Tree of Knowledge tempted by the serpent TERMS FROM CREATION IN HESIOD S THEOGONY The Creation Myth Hesiod wrote the Theogony Theogony written by Hesiod Muses goddesses who inspire the creation of literature and the arts considered the source of knowledge daughters of Zeus who accompany Apollo in Hesiod s Theogony Mnemosyne wife of Zeus mother of muses god of Memory Apollo accompanied by the Muses in Hesiod s Theogony god of music healing disease prophecy Chaos chaos chasm or empty space sea chaos is one of the four primal first gods Gaia Ge second of the primal gods god of earth binatural goddess Tartaros third of the primal gods binatural god of the underworld pit prison Eros fourth of the primal

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