Final Exam ID s for CLT 3378 Muthos a forceful speech mythological element a logos would be the contrast Mesopotamia Between rivers modern day Iraq Referred to as the Fertile Crescent It s inhabitants are Sumerians est in 4500 to 4000 B C Enuma Elish Composed 2000 B C written down 1800 1100 B C A Sumerian creation myth written on 7 clay tablets Ritual Context is to perform it ever New Years festival in Babylon It means From on high Akkadian Cuneiform Their form of writing using a stylus to etch different markings in which they used as their written language Babylon Amorites took over the South and founded Babylon in 1894 B C Hammurabi establishes Babylon as an empire roughly 100 years after the take over The Assyrian Empire conquers Babylon in 729 B C Assyrians co existed with Babylonians Apsu Fresh Water Reservoir God binatural god they produce Lahmu and Lahamu they in turn produce Anshar and Kishar Anshar and Kishar mate and produce Anu the sky Anu s son is Ea Apsu plans to kill the other gods His advisor Mummu persuades him to go ahead with the plan Tiamat Salt Water Sea Goddess binatural god does not want to kill the new gods Anu gives Marduk the four winds this angers Tiamat and the gods in her She then creates an army of monsters Anu Anshar and Kishar mate and produce Anu the sky Anu s son is Ea Anu gives Marduk the four winds to play with Ea Learns of the plot puts Apsu to sleep with a spell then kills him Ea makes him home in the Apsu His home is built inside Apsu Ea takes Damkina as his lover They produce Marduk Takes the blood of Qingu and crafts humans from it Marduk Fearsome with four eyes four ears and breaths fire Anu gives Marduk the four winds to play with Ea and Damkina produce him and he the greatest of all gods Tiamat s his great great great great grandmother 5 generations He crafts the winds into a net and traps her He blows Tiamat by blowing her up like a balloon and then severed her in half with his handcrafted arrow named Accurate Half of her body was used for the heavens half for the earth He is set up as king of the gods Patron God of Babylon Qingu Tiamat puts Qingu her lover in charge She gives Qingu the tablet of destinies His blood is sacrificed in order to create humans Tablet of Destinies the right to rule Whoever holds them gives them the right to rule it controls fate Linear B early form of Greek writing belongs to the Mycenaean civilization 1600 1100 B C Lost in the Dark Ages Also used by the Minoans Hesiod Greek poet 700 B C from Cyme in Asia Minor modern day Turkey Wrote during the Orientalizing Period He hates everything women family and weather He was a shepherd He wrote Theogony Works and Days Theogony birth of gods Theos god gods Gonia birth origin invocation to the muses Four Primordial gods all binatural Works and Days General farming and living a good life It s a didactic poem Devolution of human beings Five races of mankind Golden Race Kronos Silver Race Zeus Bronze Race Race of the Heroes and Iron Race Cyme In Asia Minor which would be modern day Turkey Chaos Hesiod A void or gap He creates Erebos a region of the underworld and Nyx night Gaia the earth mountains and hills god Pontus sea Ouranos the sky Ouranos make Titans She wraps a rock in swaddling clothes to replace Zeus Tartarus an underworld pit Eros sexual desire Cupid Hechatonchinres hundred handers Kronos a Titan hides inside of Gaia waiting for them to have sex He castrates Ouranos He throws his genitals and it makes Gods and monsters from the blood It made Aphros Aphrodite goddess of love He now becomes king of the gods He later swallows his children in order to prevent him being dethrownd Rhea a Titan Kronos marries her and their children are the Olympians Hestia Demeter Hera Hades Poseidon Seus Gaia tells her to hide Zeus on Crete Ouranos the sky he stuffs his children in Gaia in fear that he will be overthrown Zeus Forces Kronos to regurgitate his siblings He wages war with Kronos and the Titans and is victorious He now can birth Athena from his head after eating Metis pregnant Titans The ones who fight against Zeus in the Troy war Titanomachy war of the Titans Cyclopes Freed by Zeus and they make thunderbolts for Zeus as weapons Mt Olympus Olympians Mt Othrys Titans Metis Cleverness first wife of Zeus He eats her alive Athena Goddess of wisdom born from Zeus head Typhoeus Gaia and Tartaros make him He is a 100 headed fire breathing dragon God of fire Loses to Zeus and is thrown into Tartaros Binatural Gods cannot die they just get thrown into Tartaros Anthropomorphic Gods in the shape of humans J Yahwist author focused on human beings Anthropocentric Human Centered myths the myth is based around Cosmocentric concerned with creation of the universe natural forces Cosmology Demythologizes natural forces Two Lights Sun Akkadian Moon Akkadian yarikh The universe is NOT composed of gods Ovid Publius Ovidius Naso Roman poet 63 B C 14 A C He has trouble with the emperor Augustus he is then exiled to Tomis in the Black Sea Myth of the Ages Third story Golden Age ruled by Saturn which is Kronos No need for labor or laws Silver Age ruled by Jupiter Seasons start Bronze Age people are warlike but not criminal Iron Age our time people are very evil but are civilized e4 Giants Ovid Born from the blood of Quaranos Gigantomachy Giants rebel against Jupiter Zeus Pile up mountains to reach the heavens Jupiter shoots the giants down with lightning humans born from blood Themes mix of mythical and philosophical elements Order v Chaos Giants v Jupiter Ovid is trying to entertain Metamorphoses a mythical and philosophical account There are two accounts First an unknown power or being creates the world creation is chaos then the elements are organized and animals come into being spontaneously Second story is Prometheus using soil Genesis First book of the Torah means origin or beginning in Greek In Hebrew it means In the Beginning Composed 950 400 BCE Derived from an older religious tradition primarily prose with some poetic passages Authorship and Composition Traditional Attribution Moses JEDP By Moses Documentary Hypothesis by Julius Wellhausen 1844 1918 J Yahwist E Elohist D Deuteronomist and P Priestly Name of the Israelite God Elohim God Genesis 1 2 4 God does not create the waters pre existing water 1 2 Separated 1 6 Yahweh Yahweh Elohim Yahweh Name name of the writes J human beings Yaweh and the Sea storm god vs the sea motif order against chaos Yahweh presented as a storm god rides
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