Exam 2 Study Guide Atrahasis Atrahasis Ellil Belet ili Nintu Mami Ilawela Ishtar Shuruppak Ea Lahmu creatures Coracle Tablet I means extra wise King of Shuruppak A counselor warrior He also led the Igigi A mother goddess She creates the humans God chosen to be sacrificed so his body could be used to create humans In charge of governing sex and the love humans have for one another An ancient Sumerian city located on the banks of the Euphrates The trickster god Tries to save Atrahasis Little hairy creatures that control the sky Small lightweight boat The myth begins with the gods complaining that they are tired of doing so much work Annunaki therefore made the Igigi group of laborers do the work for the gods After 3 600 years of load the Igigi decided to go to Ellil s house and strike demanding that they refuse to keep Babylon going They decided that Belet Ili the mother goddess would use the flesh and blood of the god Ilawela clay and spittle to create humans that way they can be the ones to do all the labor work and the Igigi can then relax Ishtar made rules on how humans will recreate how they will marry how many children to have etc After about 600 years overpopulation began and too many humans were on earth Tablet II Ea warns Atrahasis that Ellil is trying to kill off all of humanity so Ea tries to find ways to trick the other Gods into not going through with that plan Ellil s first attempt to kill off humanity was through illness he tried to cause a plague amongst them all Atrahasis saves them by asking his people to worship to Namtara and she saves all of the humans because of this After another 1200 years the earth began to overpopulate again so Ellil decides on a drought this time Ea then says to only worship the god Adad and so the people did and he put an end to the drought Ellil s third attempt was another drought which again failed The 4th attempt was a flood Ellil opened up the sky to flood all of humanity and uses the imhullu winds Tablet III Ea warns Atrahasis of the flood by speaking to him through the reed walls because he vowed to not tell a human of the flood he uses his trickster ways to convey the message to Atrahasis but without technically breaking his promise He instructs him on how to build the boat with what material etc When the boat is complete Atrahasis boards with his family for seven days Everyone else on Earth dies and Nintu mourns that all of her creations have perished When they arrive on a mountain Atrahasis makes a sacrifice and Elil is enraged that a human survives The Gods gather like flies to enjoy the sacrifice and they conclude that humans do serve some sort of purpose Elil is mad at Ea for sharing the flood secret with Atrahasis and they come to the conclusion that they are going to find a better method to control the population instead of causing another flood Ea s plan is to introduce more ways of how humans can die Elil promised to never cause a flood again Epic of Gilgamesh Used to bring together the Earth and the Sky Used both to create means he found life Immortal human Another name for Utnapishtim Imhullu wind Atrahasis but this is the name they use for him in this myth and destroy the world God associated with war and plague Was a righteous man He walked with God Mt Nimush Erra Noah Yahweh Mt Ararat Berit A form of agreement made between Noah and Yahweh Where Utnapishtim s boat lands The Lord The sender and also the warner of the flood Where Noah s ark lands Utnapishtim Dalley Gilgamesh the king of Uruk crosses the seas waters of death in search for immortality He comes across Utnapishtim and his wife who have been granted immortality Gilgamesh asked him how to become immortal and Utnapishtim responded to him by saying he needed to survive the flood Utnapishtim tells Gilgamesh of his flood story summarized below and how he survived it He tells Gilgamesh he is going to give him a test to see if he can become immortal The test was to see if he could stay awake for an entire week Immediately Gilgamesh falls asleep and his wife bakes bread for each day that he is asleep that way they will have proof that he was asleep for several days After seven days Utnapishtim touches Gilgamesh on the forehead and wakes him This was proof that Gilgamesh cannot become immortal because all humans need to sleep Utnapishtim s Flood Story Utnapishtim begins to tell the flood story with his version of how it happened Ea swore an oath to Elil that he will not tell humans there is going to be a flood He sort of breaks his promise by addressing the reed hut brick wall knowing that Utnapishtim is standing behind it This way he is not technically breaking his oath and is still able to convey the message to Utnapishtim Ea tells Utnapishtim to destroy his house and build a boat from it He says to bring the seed of all living things and all of his relatives Ea tells Utnapishtim to tell his people that Elil hates him and once he leaves the city will be showered with good fortune After the boat was ready they launched it in the Euphrates After 7 days they landed on Mt Nimush Utnapishtim released a dove and when it couldn t find a dry place to alight it returned to the boat He then released a swallow which too returned Then he released a raven and it never came back roving that the floodwaters have been receded Utnapishtim then sacrifices a sheep and when the Gods smell the fragrance they gather like flies around it They then realize there may be a benefit to keeping humans around Ishtar is furious that Ellil has killed off humanity while Ellil is furious that some humans are still alive Ea then comes up with a plan to send three things to kill humans lion famine and Erra Ellil listened and granted Utnapishtim and his wife immortality for saving humanity Noah Yahweh found the people so corrupt that he wanted to wipe out humanity with a flood He warned Noah of his plan and advised him to create an ark He said the length of the ark should be three hundred cubits its breadth fifty cubits and its height thirty cubits He said to make a roof for the ark lower second and third decks and to create it out of gopher wood He said to bring his family members and he said and of every living thing of all flesh you shall bring two of every sort into the ark After 150 days the ark came to rest upon the mountains of Ar art Another account says it lasted 40 days and 40 nights At the end of 40 days he sent …
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