Exam 1 Study Guide CLT3378 Mark Buzbee Classical mythology o Greek and Roman mythology Myth o Traditional story that usually involves gods or other supernatural beings Happen in a remote past Time is vague Have religious scientific or moral significance Legend Folktale o Heroes o More recent than a myth o Lesser supernatural figures or ordinary people o No set time Gods Goddesses o Powerful important supernatural beings that ancient cultures experienced to be more powerful than themselves have a bearing on their lives and helped to explain the order of function of the universe Heroes Tricksters o Figures in whom we take a special positive or negative interest o Amoral neither good nor bad o Shape shifters deceivers instigators sometimes are cultural heroes Polytheism o Belief in many gods Anthropomorphism o Conception of gods in the forms of human beings o Look and act like humans have emotions o Varies by gods Bi naturalism o Conception of gods with 2 natures 1 Physical space and a god Sky Earth 2 Abstract concept and a god love Victory 3 Tangible thing and a god fire Syncretism o One culture adopts the mystic beliefs of another culture Example Greece and Rome Sphere of Influence Hesiod o Areas in which gods are associated have power o Ancient Greek poet lived c 750 650 BCE o Wrote Theogony and Works and Days Theogony o Birth of the gods Works and Days o Toil and pain make up the human condition o Agricultural manual of sorts o Five ages of man o Biographical info about Hesiod himself Muses o Daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne o Muses inspire poetry o Hesiod shepherding on Mt Helicon Mt Helicon Chaos o Chasm empty space nothingness o Binatural Space and god Gaia o Earth o Binatural not formed from Chaos o Foundation of Mt Olympus Tartaros o Dark abyss underworld o Prison for gods o Binatural Eros o Love sexual desire o binatural Parthenogenesis o Virgin birth o Asexual reproduction Ouranos o Heaven surrounds Gaia o Has an incestial relationship with Gaia o Hides hundred handers inside of Gaia o Castrated by son Kronos Titans o Children of Gaia and Ouranos o 12 total Hundred Handers o Hidden away inside of Gaia o 3 total Kronos Saturn o Kronos lies in wait inside of Gaia o Castrates Ouranos with the sickle of adamant Rhea o Has incestial relationship with Kronos o Gives birth to the first generation of Olympians o Hides baby Zeus from Kronos so that he will not eat him o Grows from the sea foam that surrounded Ouranos genitalia in the sea o Eros and Desire twins follow her Aphrodite Venus Hestia Vesta o Hearth home Demeter Ceres o Agriculture Grain o Daughter Persephone is abducted by Zeus Angers Demeter and threatens famine among mankind Hera Juno o Wife of Zeus o Queen of the gods Hades Pluto o Underworld death o Abducts Persephone from a meadow Poseidon Neptune o Sea rivers Zeus Jupiter Crete Titanomachy o Titan battle o King of the gods o Grows up on Crete hidden from father Kronos o Zeus and the Olympians defeat Kronos and the titans confining them in Tartaros o Small island where Rhea hid baby Zeus from Kronos In Thessaly between Mt Olympus and Mt Othrys o 10 Year stalemate o Hundred handers released o Zeus obtains thunder and lightning Mt Olympus o A mountain peak in northeast Greece near the Aegean coast o The dwelling place of the gods Metis o Applied intelligence o Pregnant with Athena o Wife who Zeus swallows so that she may counsel him Athena Minerva o Wisdom o Born through Zeus head Typhoeus Typhon o Earth and Tartaros produce Typhoeus o 100 snakeheads with flashing fire o Challenges Zeus o Zeus unleashes lightning banishes Typhoeus to Tartaros Apollodorus Library o Greek mythological handbook o Unknown author pseudo Apollodorus o Mountain thrown on top of Typhon Mt Etna Plato Timaeus o Greek philosopher o 360 BCE o Socratic dialogue Prometheus o Forethinker o Punishment Bound or impaled by Zeus o Eagle and Liver Zeus sends an eagle to eat Prometheus liver every day but since Prometheus is immortal his liver regenerates every night leading to an unending torture o Eventually saved by Heracles o Punished by Zeus to hold up Heaven on his back Atlas Epimetheus o Given Pandora as punishment by Zeus Hephaestus Vulcan o The lame god of fire and metalworking in ancient mythology o Chains Prometheus Hermes Mercury o Rescues Io from Argos o Messenger of Zeus o Brings Persephone back to Demeter Pandora o Gifts from all o Evil sickness toil and hope o Mischief and sorrow follow once the pithos is opened Pithos o Large clay storage jar o Not a box Prometheus Bound o Prometheus is a cultural hero Gives man medicine astronomy farming etc o Chained to a rock on the coast Io o Mortal woman lusted after by Zeus o Transformed into a heifer by Zeus Hidden from Hera o Hera sends Argos to watch Io o Hermes rescues Io kills Argos o Hera sends gadfly madness Oceanus o Zeus sympathizer o Tries to convince Prometheus to repent Octavian Augustus Ovid o Publius Ovidius Naso o 46 BCE 17 CE Metamorphoses o 15 books over 250 myths o Book 1 creation The Ages of Mankind The Flood o Finished 8 CE date of exile subtle criticisms of Augustus Ara Pacis Lycaon o Altar of Peace o Goddess Pax daughter of Zeus o Achievements of the Julio Claudian dynasty o Peaceful stability o Jupiter Zeus angered by Iron Age crimes o Jupiter tests Lycaon King of Arcadia o Lycaon kills and serves a hostage to Jupiter o Jupiter angered and unleashes thunder bolt o Roman statesman who established the Roman Empire and became emperor in 27 BC defeated Mark Antony and Cleopatra in 31 BC at Actium o Lycaon turned into a wolf Deucalion Pyrrha o Son of Prometheus o Daughter of Epimetheus and Pandora Mt Parnassus o Husband and wife Deucalion and Pyrrha lane here on a small boat o During the flood by Jupiter and Neptune o Worshipping mountain nymphs and Themis Themis o Oracle Nymphs Cast behind you the bones of your mother o Minor female deities associated with locations landforms and fertility Persephone Proserpina o Daughter of Demeter o Abducted by Hades and brought to the Underworld o Eats pomegranate seed from Hades o Must spend 1 3 of the year in the underworld and 2 3 of the year on Mt Olympus Ancient explanation for seasons Eleusis Thetis Eris Achilles o Greek city state rich with grain o Temple 1300 BCE o Mystery religious cult with secret initiations o Sea nymph o Marries mortal man Peleus o Hollywood like wedding o Goddess of discord o Only god not invited to the wedding o Greek demigod o Killed by Paris in the Trojan War
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