Rig Veda Rig Veda The oldest literary work of India composed in the early form of Sanskrit Performed orally for centuries then written down so don t know how long it actually existed Contains hymns to gods and arranged in 10 books Sanskrit Indo European language extends far out through India and Europe The language that Rig Veda was composed in Vedic people The people that composed the rig Veda Indra was the Vedic king of gods Agni A Vedic binatural god of fire Ha many different meanings of fire heat or light like the natural fire all the way t the domestic fire in the hearth at your house Soma Binatural god for deified sacred drink Soma was made from an unknown plant and was drank by the gods for immortality and strength Indra Vedic King of the gods Also god of thunder and war Indra was an avid drinker of Soma Vritra Vedic dragon or serpent that holds back waters Vritra is defeated by Indra with thunderbolts Tiamat Both Tiamat and Vritra are serpents Both of them also are defeated by storm gods which follows fresh water being created Sarama Indra s dog or loyal companion Resists bribes of Panis the demons live beyond the river Rasa Panis The demons that dwell beyond the River Rasa They try to bribe Sarama but with no success river Rasa Encircles heaven and earth where the gods and humans are The Panis live beyond this river Golden Embryo The unknown Vedic creator god It is metaphorical for the gold means brilliant and the embryo has to do with seeds and creation because this is the creator god Hiranyagarbha the other name for the Golden Embryo Hirany means gold and Garbha means womb seed or embryo Prajapati A Vedic creator god Think this is the god that the poem is addressed to answers the questions the poem asks at the end Purusha A cosmic giant and a primeval male He is dismantled by a creator god and used to create the universe Aditi female creative force and infinity She gives birth to earth which bears the sky Daksha Male creative force Aditi gives birth to Daksha but he also gives birth to her Martanda The sun that is found in the water Martanda is rejected by Aditi because he s defective because he dies every night when the sun goes down Yama King of the dead in Vedic mythology He started out as a human being and is the first mortal to reach the death realm Path maker for humans Three Days of Soma Occurs after cremation Fire burns for 3 days and soma is offered Have to keep fire and soma going until the soul finally travels the path to the afterlife realm Chinese Creation and Flood Chinese sources influenced under the surfaces by philosophical views especially Confucianism and Taoism The earliest historical period was the Shang Yin dynasty where traditional Chinese mythology was created Shang or Yin Dynasty Where most of the myths were developed Traditional Chinese mythology was from this earliest historical period Chou Dynasty Larger territory than the first dynasty but still located mainly in the east There are almost 900 years between the two dynasties Han Dynasty during this dynasty where china reaches the height of its power and cultural flowering Succeeds the Ch in dynasty and is the last dynasty before the 3 kingdom come along Questions of Heaven Part of a larger work called the Ch u Tz u from the Chu dynasty Was made during the Warring States Era and is part of the earliest comprehensive collection of Chinese myths Ch u about creation and is the first comprehensive collection of Chinese myths Ch u because he is the first Chinese poet that has a name He was an important person and perhaps an official in court Ch u A state in the Chou Dynasty The first name of the Chinese poet who wrote the Ch u Tz u Hun first element in creation of cosmos in the beginning of creation Depends what it is exactly by which source you read could be empty space formless dark misty or chaos Yin Female part of the pair of opposites Associated with heaviness and darkness Yang Male part of the pair of opposites Associated with lightness and masculinity P an dies his body becomes parts of the universe Nu aristocrats out of yellow earth then runs out of it and creates mud for the commoners Creator goddess that creates humans just like Mami Nintu Creates primeval giant god man He is also in the cosmic egg and when he means Songs of Ch u composed by Ch u Yuan Poses questions author of the Ch u Tz u Don t know if that s his real first name Yuan Tz u Kua Tun Ku Hsi From the Han dynasty where he was considered a couple with Nua Fu Kua Often showed as intertwined serpentine bodies because they were a closely tied couple Was a god and a culture hero for his inventions Kun trickster god that steals his jang from gods When gods kill him from his belly is born Yu hsi jang means breathing earth This is the self renewing soil that can reproduce and regrow that Kun tries to steal from the gods Yu The son of Kun Yu is born from Kun s belly when the gods kill Kun He s a culture hero because he uses his jang to stop the flooding and saves humans Yu walk after many years of hard work Yu shrivels up Because he shrivels up he walks weird Norse Creation and Afterlife Norse Also known as the Viking mythology There are two families are Norse gods sir Vanir sir long drawn out war between them and the Vanir However they came to terms and the Vanir came to live with them in their home called Asgard Vanir Known as the Norse fertility gods An example of this world be Frey the fertility god associated with the fertility of the earth Njord The sea god associated with the Norse fertility gods He is the father of the Twins Frey and Freyja Frey The Norse fertility god Associated with the fertility of the earth Freyja The Norse fertility goddess Associated with sexual desire The giants pursue her a lot to have sex with her so she s constantly trying to fend them off J tnar this is what the giants are called Giants are not always gigantic in size it just means a family of related beings They re the enemy of the sir Vanir Odin king of the Norse gods Odin is in charge of Asgard and is the god od death Valhalla one of the two death realms A hall in Asgard exclusively for the warriors slain in battle Asgard where the human beings live Odin is the king of the Norse gods is in charge of Asgard Valkyries female spirits of battle Their job is to bring the souls of the dead from battle field up to Valhalla like an escort Saehrimnir the name of the boar that the souls of battle feast on This boar …
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