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CLT3378 08 Exam One Study Guide Cultures We Have Studied Greek Roman Mesopotamian Sumerians Babylonians Hebrew Israelites Egyptian Memphites and Heliopolitans Vedic Norse Scandinavians Terms be able to identify and define each of the following terms Be sure you know what culture and or work they are associated with Polytheism belief in multiple gods Anthropomorphism concept of gods in the shape of human beings Binaturalism concept of god with two natures Physical space god or abstract concept god Syncretism adaptation of one culture s myths by another culture Spheres of influence Areas with which gods are especially associated or have special power Parthenogenesis is a form of asexual reproduction where growth and development of embryos occur without fertilization Etiology explanation for the way things are salmon having tapered tail Loki and Thor Titanomachy 10 year war between Olympians and Titans Zeus is victorious with help of the winds thunderbolts and the hundred handers Zeus throws titans into Tartaros Five Races of Man Greek Golden Silver Zeus made Bronze Zeus made Heroes Zeus made Iron Trickster amoral shape shifting deceivers Instigators Sometimes culture hero a marginal usually male character endowed with intelligence who mocks authority and holds a place between gods and men as the bringer of new knowledge he may be punished but will not stop tricks Culture hero A mythical figure considered by a people to have furnished it the means of existence or survival such as by inventing their alphabet teaching them husbandry or stealing fire from the gods for them Misogyny hatred of women Pandora is the race of women who are evil and only drain wealth from men Four Ages of Man Gold Silver Bronze Iron Gigantomachy Giants threaten reign of Jupiter Jupiter aka Jove destroys them with his Thunderbolts Earth is covered with the Giants blood From the blood were born offspring in the shape of man New race hated the gods Babylonian Captivity Hebrews were held captive in Babylon became Jewish Monolatry worship of one god but acceptance of the existence of others Monotheism belief in one god Firmament God creates firmament to separate waters God calls the firmament Heaven Anthropocentric human beings to regard themselves as the central and most significant entities in the universe or the assessment of reality through an exclusively human perspective of that one supreme god preserver destroyer idea of best afterlife Cosmocentric humans are not the center of the universe Garden of Eden where god placed adam and eve to live Tanakh Hebrew Bible The Torah the first of three parts of the Tanakh includes the books of Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers and Deuteronomy Pharaoh Egyptian king pharaoh incarnation of Horus Anthropomorphic concept of gods in the shape of human beings Theriomorphic having animal form Therianthropic having part animal part human form Ennead The first 9 Egyptian gods Atum Shu Tefnut Geb Nut Osiris Isis Seth and Nephthys Cuneiform tablets myths are written on Reincarnation the coming back to life of a mortal Henotheism the belief in one god while all other gods and goddesses are manifestations or aspects Trimurti sanskrit word three forms cosmic functions of creation personified creator Gylfaginning The deluding of king gylfi prose edda Valhalla a hall in asgard Only can go if a warrior slain in battle Warriors await Ragnarok Norse Asgard heaven god residence in Norse Mythology Home of the Esir created by Odin and bros Midgard Earth in Norse Mythology Utgard Hell in Norse Mythology Yggdrasill Ancient tree in Norse Mythology has roots in each world World tree ash tree Ginnungagap Norse THE GREAT VOID existed first Niflheim norse prose edda Northern cold realm Muspell southern fiery realm Interaction of two realms creates Ymir frost giant Bifrost Bridge rainbow road between asgard and midgard Heimdall guards Bifrost he blows his horn when the final battle begins Final battle is esir vs giants Gleipnir guard of bifrost bridge Ragnarok 3 winters no summers Humans turn wicked Wolves swallow the sun and moon End of gods events leading to death of the gods and the world s destruction by fire In mythic future has not yet happened Xenia hospitality of guest host relationship Backbone of Greek society Protected by Jupiter Lycaon s actions were horrible according to this Mt Parnassus Where Pyrrha and Deucalion land Coracle modern round boats Basket boats Mt Nimush Mt Ararat Noah lands on this mountain Berit Hebrew word for covenant Ex Nihilo out of nothing the earth and humans were not created from preexisting matter divine logos divine world Important Characters be able to identify and articulate the significance of each character as well as their role in the myth and why they are important Titans 12 Rhea Cronos Themis Cyclopes Brontes Steropes and Arges Hundred handers Cottus Briareos Gyes Chaos Void Empty space one of the 4 primal gods Produces Erebos darkness and night Gaia Earth one of the four primal gods Produces Ouranos sky and mountains and sea by parthenogenesis Gaia and Ouranos produce the Titans Cyclopes and Hundred handers Tartaros Underworld pit prison One of 4 primal gods Eros love desire One of 4 primal gods Ouranos First king of gods Keeps children inside Gaia and gets his dick cut off Aphrodite Cronos Titan Births Olympians Zeus Posieden Hestia Demeter Hades Hera with Rhea sister Decides to swallow children Rhea sister and lover of cronos A titan Zeus GOD OF lightning RULER OF UNIVERSE FUCKING BOSS Olympian Metis cleverness Zeus first wife Zeus swallows Metis and Athena is born from his head Typhoeus Monstrous and immortal storm giant imprisoned by Zeus in Tartaros Pandora given to men as price for fire all gifts Made from earth and water Opens JAR and releases evil and disease upon the world Punishment for Prometheus tricks Prometheus trickster Name means forethought Has three brothers Epimetheus atlas menoetios He tricked Zeus with the bones and fat and Zeus was not happy Gives men fire after Zeus takes it away snuck in fennel stalk Epimetheus afterthought Prometheus brother Tiamat the Creator aka Mother Huber made everyone in Mesopotamian story killed by Marduk Salt water binatural Apsu killed by Ea also name of Ea s new sanctuary Fresh water binatural Ea father of Marduk son of Anu grandson of Anshar Trickster Aka Nummidad Spheres of influence cleverness wisdom and fresh water Anu The upmost sky father of Ea gives Marduk power of 4 winds Marduk fucking boss

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