Exam 2 Review Sheet Review Terms 312212012 4 21 00 PM Ar ansi a trickster figure anC culture hero in West Africa who was friends with the gods Anansi is liminal also between god human and spider Liminal between categcries of gcd and man or god and animal llkan West African where these stories originated Kweku Kwaku Anansi all names for Anansi name given because he was born on a VJednesday Human but he behaves like a god Onyame Nyame Means ruler of the gods He is the sky god who knows ali the stories and says he will tell them tc Anansi if he can catch the 3 most dangerous creatures Ananse Kokuroko The Great Spider Anansi Trickster known to be shape shifters annoral tricky deceitful transforms seif and world around him and is a culture hero shape shifting tricksters have the ability to change their shapes either deliberately as a disguise but also because their bodies can be rearranged without being hurt amoral trickster is not a bad or evil character but does some things that are not necessarily good Mmoboro Hornets Anansi traps them in a gourd by making them think its raining Onini Python Anansi says he doesn t think the snake is longer then the pcle and tricks him into letting him tie him to the pole Osebo Leopard Anansi tricks leopard into walking over a trap by walking across it himself Because Anansi is a spider he is too light to set it off DOES ALL CF THIS TO GET ALL THE STORIES FROM NYAME Anansesem stories folk tales Anansi brings the creatures to Nyame and gets stories and gains power means folktale or traditional story Akyearni means linguist Anansi is a symbol of this because he has all the storres now Baduasemanpensa the secret name of Nyame s daughter Anansi is told that he can marry her if he knows it so he finds out by hanging in her tree and teils the lizard He tried to play the atumpan drum to say her name but the lizard says it and he gets to marry her Lizard tells Anansi Nyame s daughters nickname but beats Anansi to telling Nyame what it is so he gets to marry her aturnpan drum a pai ticular type of West African drum that Anansi uses to say Nyame s Daughters name Sw h the snake ient Anansi money with the promise that he return it in 21 days but didn t so Anansi had a trial to see who took his yams by cuttlng animals with a n ragic knlfe He cut and killed Owoh and that s why snakes turn up there beilies to the sky when thy die son of Iapetos and Clymene 1 p t s married Clymene and had a sons Atias Menoetius Prometheus and Epimetheus ei gs r e rnarrjed Iapetos and had sons Atlas Menoetrus Zeus struck him witn Iightening bolt and sent him to Erebus Prometheus and Epimetheus tBas son of Iapetos and Clymene Zeus assigned him the difficult task of holding up the worlo r r mctheus trickster god son of Iapetos and Clymene Tricks Zeus Stole frre for mankind Was bound by Zeus with a shaft through his middle where Heracles the eagle would come and eat his immortai liver every day to have it grow back by the next morning CpErcet us Z a king of the gods Tricked by Prometheus to eat bones so he wouldn t let Melian race have fire to burn bones He alsc creaied the women race as punishement and makes them evil Says that if a nran does not marry he will die of old age and his possessions will be split but if he does marry he will be cursed by her evil battiing his good phaist s craftsman god that creates Zeus s women from clay with help of Athena Aphrodite and Hermes as a punishment to the Melian race Pa ndora f arsqeF stalk what Prometheus uses to steal fire back from Zeus h ma makes clothes es od Greek oral poet with wrote the Theogony and Works and Days only found in fragments gffmr s arxd Says about labor and man where the story of Pandora is F g rxy about the cosmology and theogony of the Greek gods g3 d i 9e time when everything was happy and there was peace it was before women were created Sxred r a woman created Given as gift to Epimetheus Pandora s jar pened toil sickness ills spread trough earth F ermes trickster god that gives trickiness evil Nickname is go between because he can cross between the 2 worlds and is associated with traveling trading thieves He leads souls to the underworld FrfF es means jar Pandora s box full of evils Fyxis small cosmetic box Don t get it confused with Pithosl Myth of the Races 5 different races Gctrden Race live a long time and die in your sleep with no problems SiEver Race people never grow up so gods kill them for being too childish r r xe Raee violent prinral race massive mighty people that kill each other off ffi ae of Heroes don t dre off descendants are the iron race maybe borrowed from near easrern n ryth Doesn t fit with the other races Ircn Race no cne is hercic ard everyone is terrible sehylus grea A nen an tragedian author even though it s called Aeschylus Promeane ts Sound they don t think it was written by him so they cart the a thc Ps aS v LS Frametheus Baund s or 1 of r hen Prometheus is punished by Zeus for stealing fire eaucasus Mountains i vhere Prometheus bound takes place where Prometheus s i pr soned snowy iCy and cold mountains I tight sseaks rvith Hephaestus while he is tying up Prometheus Makes hinr do it Violence cne of the gods that helps imprison Prometheus by order of Zeus l arthex stem which Prometheus used to steal the fire back for the hrmans Gkeanos titan god associated with the big river shaped ocean that s rrc nds the r vorld binatual god Moirai The fates that tell Prometheus that Zeus will marry Thetis whose n id ivill overthrow him but Prometheus makes the mistake of telling sc r ecne so Zeus finds out and makes her marry a mortal man and they c 3 ut c 5urtliLIltlle5 Clotho one of the three fates Spinner Spinning a thread human life asscciated rr rith the beginning of a human life Lachesis one of the three fates Apportioner of Lots job is to measure cui tne thread span of your life t n 1 tr p s one of the three fates Not turning away relentless that doesn t turn away from dark things snlpplng off the thread and ending a human life E priestess of Hera Zeus causes her exile because he lusted for her and was tormented by Hera being jealous and was forced to walk around the r nlorld a lone H s wife of Zeus who was very jealous Hera sends Argos Zeus body quar d to guard …
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