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CLT3378 Ancient Myth Exam 1 Review Terms and Questions polytheism anthropomorphism binatural syncretism Mesopotamia Sumer Babylon Enuma Elish cuneiform Marduk Apsu Tiamat Anu Ea Enki Nudimmud Qingu Kingu mushussu dragon Tablet of Destinies The Baal Cycle Ugarit Ras Shamra Canaanite Baal Attanu Purlianni El Asherah the Fisherman Anat Kothar wa Hasis Yam Shapash Mot wadi Hittites Hattians Hurrians Hittite Storm God Song of Kumarbi Kumarbi Alalu Anu Tessub Ea Song of Ullikummi Ullikummi Ubelurri Illuyanka Inara Hupasiya elohim Yahweh tetragrammaton adonay Israelite monolatry Leviathan Rahab Genesis bereshith tehom cosmocentric anthropocentric itsavon adam adamah Tree of Life Tree of Knowledge Hesiod Theogony Muses Mt Helicon Chaos Gaia Tartaros Eros Ouranos adamant Kronos Aphrodite aphros Titans Zeus Kronos Rhea Cyclopes Titanomachy Typhoeus Typhon Metis Athena Hera Delphyne Prose Edda Snorri Sturluson Gylfaginnung sir Vanir Odin Thor Frey Freyja Ginnungagap Niflheim Muspell Ymir Audhumla Bergelmir Midgard Utgard Asgard Bifrost Yggdrasil Ask Embla Yoruba Olorun Olodumare Orisha Nla Orisa nla orisha Ife Obatala Oduduwa Orunmila Fulani Doondari Gueno Bushongo Bumba Fon Mawu Lisa Nana Buluku Aido Hwedo uMvelingqangi iNkosi Y ny ng Yin yang H nd n Hun Tun P ng P an Ku N w Nu Kua F x Fu Hsi I Ching Pa Kua trigrams Ptah Ennead Memphis Memphite Creation Myth Re Eye of Re Hathor Sekhmet Heliopolitan Creation Myth Nu Nun Atum Shu Tefnut Geb Nut Osiris Seth Isis Nephthys Ennead Atrahasis Ellil Belet ili Nintu Mami Ilawela Ishtar Shuruppak Ea lahmu creatures coracle Epic of Gilgamesh Utnapishtim imhullu wind Mt Nimush Erra Noah Yahweh Mt Ararat berit Polytheism belief in many poly gods the Anthropomorphism conception of gods in shape morph of humans anthropo Binatural conception of gods with two natures Syncretism adaptation of one culture s mythic beliefs by another culture EX Greek Zeus Roman Jupiter Mesopotamia means between the rivers It refers to the land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in ancient times when this land was occupied by the Sumerians the Babylonians and the Assyrians Sumer first civilization to develop in Mesopotamia The culture and religion of the Sumerians influenced the Babylonians and can be seen in the Enuma Elish Babylon civilization in Mesopotamia The Enuma Elish Atrahasis and the Epic of Gilgamesh all originate from Babylon Babylon Enuma Elish Babylonian Creation Myth in the beginning water Cuneiform means wedge shaped It is a term describing the type of writing used by most of the cultures in the ancient Near East who wrote on clay tablets with a wedge shaped stylus Marduk From Tiamat s remains Marduk created the sky and the earth and from Kingu s blood he created the first human beings Apsu male figure can t sleep plots destruction Tiamat female figure Tiamat creates army 11 monsters defeated by marduk Anu sky Anu father of Ea Ea father of Marduk Ea Enki Nudimmud considered to be a very wise trickster freshwater Qingu Kingu Tablet of Destinies mushussu dragon one of tiamats created monsters Tablet of Destinies appears in the Enuma Elish It seems to grant power to the god who owns it as we see when Tiamat gives it to Kingu The Baal Cycle Canaanite in ugaritic language group of poems about Baal Ugarit Semitic language first alphabet Ras Shamra port city on Mediterranean coast Canaanite from the land of Canaan Baal Baal lord Prince Baal Rider on the Clouds the Conqueror of Warriors Hadad thunderer spheres of influence storm god wind rain fertility protector son of Dagon Attanu Purlianni chief preist who recited Baal cycle to be copied down by Ilimilku El god father creator god wisdom power behind all gods mountain with 2 rivers AKA the Bull the Compassionate the Kind the Creator of All Asherah wife of El Lady Asherah of the Sea Mother of the Gods her attendant is the Fisherman She is AKA the Holy one the Holy and Most Blessed One the Fisherman attendant of Asherah saddles donkey for asherah Anat sister and or lover of Baal associated with sex virgin goddess childbirth hunting war fighting aka Virgin Anat Mistress of the Peoples makes and fights furniture after helping baal battle yam Kothar wa Hasis craftsman god the Clever One makes baal s weapons chaser and driver Blacksmith Yam Sea chaos defeated by baal and anat Shapash Canaanite sun goddess In the Baal Cycle she advises Baal on how to escape Mot Mot Death El s Son El s Darling the Hero ruler of underworld Swamp Muck Phlegm Wadi dry riverbed El dreams wadis run with honey signifying El is alive Hittites Indo European people entered Anatolia from northeast c 2300 BCE empire from 1700 1200 BCE Hattians indigenous pre Hittite people Hurrians people in northern Syria empire name Mitanni Hittite Storm God name unknown identified with Hattian Storm God Hurrian Tessub Song of Kumarbi group of poems about Kumarbi Hurrian literary works but written in Hittite texts c 1400 1200 BCE Kumarbi Hurrian god assoc with underworld Alalu king of gods father of Kumarbi Anu binatural Mesopotamian god who represents the sky He appears in the Enuma Elish and he is also found in Hittite myth including the Song of Kumarbi where he is castrated by Kumarbi Tessub born from good place overthrows Kumarbi fragmentary Ea serves as advisor midwife to king Kumarbi Kumarbi thinks Tessub already born bites into stone tricked by Ea advisor to king Tessub Song of Ullikummi Kumarbi tries to overthrow Tessub wants to use child to storm heaven impregnates rock Ullikummi stone child named Ullikummi Ubelurri sky supporter Illuyanka adopted from Hattians texts c 1700 1500 BCE Storm God vs serpent Illuyanka Hattian or Hittite for serpent Inara daughter of Storm God huntress prepares feast Hupasiya mortal man helps but asks to sleep w Inara Israelite elohim god adonay lord Yahweh in Persian period after 538 too holy thus YHWH Lord god of Israelites Hebrews Tetragrammaton four letter word YHWH meaning Lord Israelite Monolatry worship of one god Leviathan Leviathan Rahab river serpent dragon Rahab name of a creature in Israelite mythology who is associated with the sea and is characterized as serpent like In several passages from the Bible the defeat of Rahab by Yahwek is mentioned Genesis Isrealite bible origin Greek written c 950 550 BCE Bereshith in the beginning Hebrew Tehom deep Hebrew Cosmocentric Heaven centered order of creation 1 light 2 sky 3 earth sea plants geocentric 4 sun moon stars 5 animals 6 human beings man woman created at same

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