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REVIEW SHEET FOR FINAL EXAM JUDEO CHRISTIAN SACRED STORIES 1 Story of Genesis Author P and Author J Creation story attributed to two different authors written at two different times o Genesis 1 2 4a written by author P 7th century BCE Author P 7th century BCE More sophisticated priestly style with artistic devices common to Hebrew poetry Poetic Meter o Possibly sung as a hymn o P refers to creator god as Elohim Powerful Ones Gods o Plural phrasing Let us make man in our own image o Multiple divinities o Use of the royal we a way to emphasize magnitude of God divinity o Creation is divided into days o Creation has a cosmic scope o Woman is created simultaneously with man o The deity makes a day of the week holy o J refers to creator god as Yahweh Elohim Yahweh Gods Powerful Yahweh Lord Yahweh Lord God o Elohim E lo HEEM The powerful ones or Gods God o No days or other periods of time are mentioned o Creation has to do with the earth only o Woman is created after and from the body of man o The deity forbids eating the fruit of a tree o Genesis 2 4b 3 24 written by author J 10th century BCE Author J 10th century BCE Simple prose style 2 Mary as Mother Goddess Born free of original sin After death resurrected like Jesus and descended to Heaven Mary gesturing toward Jesus He is your salvation An earthy fleshy mother nursing her newborn Loving bond between mother and son 3 Jesus as Hero Miraculous birth o Mary and the immaculate conception o son of God Call to adventure o Baptism by John the Baptist o Arrest of John the Baptist Crossing the threshold o Leaves the familiar world of Nazareth o 40 days and nights in the desert Amulets o Angels Tests o Jesus fasts for forty days and nights in the desert o Devil appears and tempts him three times FIRST TREMPTATION Make bread out of stones to relieve his own hunger LUKE 4 4 it is written Man shall not live by bread alone SECOND TEMPTATION Worship the devil in return for all the kingdoms of the world LUKE 4 8 It is written You shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve THIRD TEMPTATION Prove himself to be the son of God by jumping from the summit of a temple and relying on angels to break his fall LUKE 4 12 It is said You shall not tempt the Lord your God o Jesus refuses temptations o Angels descend and bring him nourishment o Devil tempts Jesus three times in the desert o Challenged by Jewish religious establishment Helpers o John the Baptist 12 Apostles angels Climax Final battle o Last Supper o Agony in the garden of Gethsemane o Jesus arrest and crucifixion Return New power Home o Jesus resurrection o Mankind benefits through Jesus sacrifice forgiveness of sins 4 John the Baptist story of his birth and his role Jesus hero journey Son of Elizabeth and Zechar iah Elizabeth o Kinswoman of Mary o Barren by conceived through the power of God John the Baptist baptized Jesus John the Baptist gets arrested and this begins Jesus journey 5 Last Supper Symbolic sacrifice Jesus said that he will eat and drink this last meal before he suffers and he will not eat or drink again until the kingdom of God comes 6 Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane He withdrew about a stone s throw beyond them knelt down and prayed Father if you are willing take this cup from me yet not my will but yours be done An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him And being in anguish he prayed more earnestly and his swat was like drops of blood falling to the ground Refers to the events in the life of Jesus between the Last Supper and Jesus arrest Jesus struggle praying and discussing with God before accepting his sacrifice before his arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane also denotes a state of mind agony 7 Crucification and Resurrection of Jesus Mankind benefits through Jesus sacrifice forgiveness of sins Jesus was crucified and resurrected a few days later DANTE S INFERNO 8 The Divine Comedy Inferno Hell 34 cantos Purgatorio purgatory 33 cantos Paradiso Paradise 33 cantos Comedy the story ends in harmony and balance 9 Dante Who is this man and what is his function in the poem Dante s Inferno an allegory telling of the journey of Dante through what is largely the medieval concept of Hell guided by the Roman poet Virgil In the poem Hell is depicted as nine circles of suffering located within the Earth 10 Virgil Who is this man and what is his function in the poem Virgil was a Roman poet that guided Dante s journey through the nine circles of Hell 11 Contrapasso define Refers to the punishment of souls in Dante s Inferno 12 Filippo Argenti relationship with Dante based on lecture A politician and contemporary of Dante Condemned because he physically assaulted Dante In Circle 5 the Wrathful and Sullen o River Styx runs through it o filthy and filled with muck and slime o Wrathful fight one another at surface Sullen repressed below 13 City of Dis Part of Circle Six Circle 6 o Shades who rejected the Christian belief that the souls continues to live after death o The heretics spend eternity inside the walls of Dis o Souls placed in open tombs engulfed in flames o Three Furies o Medusa NORSE MYTHOLOGY 14 Prose Edda Norse mythology dates back to the Viking Age late 8th to 11th centuries Written down ca 1200 CE by Snorri Sturluson Christian Euhemerist believed Norse mythology recorded important historical events but in a distorted way Instruction manual which includes tales from Norse mythology Four Parts o Prologue Christian Creation Myth o Gylfaginning The Deluding of Gylfi o Sk ldskaparm l Art of Poetry o H ttatal Number of Meters 15 Snorri Sturluson Wrote the Prose Edda instruction manual which includes tales from Norse mythology Christian Euhemerist believed Norse mythology recorded important historical events but in a distorted way 16 Aesir Reside in Asgard led by Odin and assisted by heroic dead in Ragnarok 17 Norse World Creation Muspell and Niflheim Beginning of World Creation o Ginnungagap yawning void o Muspell place of light flames and intense heat o Niflheim a place of ice frost wind rain and heavy cold o Ymir created from moisture created by the mingling of the two atmospheres of Muspell and Neflheim in Ginnuungagap o Frost Ogres formed from sweat under hand arms of Ymir o Audhumla cow created from melting frost from her teats flow four rivers of milk used to nourish Ymir and frost ogres 18 Ymir Created from moisture by the mingling of the two atmospheres of Muspell and Neflheim in Ginnuungagap yawning void Death o Audhumla licks salty ice

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