List of Terms for Test 3 Oedipus Greek mythology Oedipus Son of king and queen of thebes Laios and Jocasta Laios Legitimate father of Oedipus is killed by Oedipus King of Thebes Jocasta Legitimate mother of Oedipus marries Oedipus after husband is killed queen of thebes Thebes Origin of Oedipus land Laios and Jocasta rule ove Delphic oracle oracle of Apollo at Delphi tells Oedipus he will kill his father and marry mother which causes Oedipus to leave Corinth to save his parents Apollo god of fire light that gives prophecies to Oedipus and creon Delphi location of Delphic oracle Merope married to polybos and lives in Corinth a shepherd gives her husband Oedipus to take care of Polybos marrid to merope and lives in Corinth a shepherd gives him his wife Oedipus to take care of Corinth place where merope and polybos live where they take care of oedipus Creon when Oedipus comes to Thebes Creon is king after sphinx is gone he rewards Oedipus with kingship and Jocasta Sphinx terrorizes thebes sphinxes are monsters from near eastern myth head of woman body of lion wings of bird tests everyone with riddle what has one voice but four legs then two legs then three legs riddle is solved by Oedipus so sphinx jumps to her death Sophocles wrote over 120 plays we have 7 Athenian tragedian Oedipus the King written by Sophocles in 420s bce Aristotle philosopher 384 322 in Poetics literary criticism saw Oedipus the King as model tragedy Poetics featured philosopher Aristotle was a literary criticsm Hamartia was viewed as not a tragic flaw but it is not the mistake made be hero of tragedy Anagnorisis hero misperceives reality has a moment of realization dramatic irony audience knows more than characters irony in Oedipus words Teiresias blind prophet in Oedipus the King says Oedipus is murderer Chiton Oedipus uses this to blind himself after he realizes the truth Sigmund Freud austrian psychiatrist 1856 1939 describes Oedipus complex metaphorical meaning of Oedipus the King Oedipus Complex sexual desire of song for bother and jealousy of son for father Herodotus greek historian 485c 425bce tells of exiled Athenian tyrant hippias Hippias athenian tyrant has dream of sex with mother From Paleontology to Mythology Fossil latin curious or valuable thing that comes out of the ground Protoceratops skeleton found in the gobi desert by roy chapman Andrews erosion by wind or rain reveal gold fossils white bones red sand guarding eggs beak frill pronounced scapula gour legged bird protective Griffin ears horns flying or hopping beak feathers scale sor fun folklore elements in stories Monster of Troy appeared after flood and depicted as skull Cyclops single central hole trunk eye socket from island in sicily Cyclops in polyphemus odyssey Bones of Orestes delphis oracle to the Spartans bring orestes to your city sparked panhellinic bone rush brought back to Sparta and reburied with great honors Rig Veda Rig Veda oldest literary work of India composed 1700 1100 bce written in Sanskrit rig praise veda knowledge Sanskrit indo european language language rig veda was composed in Vedic people composed rig veda Agni fire cf Latin ignis binatural thing god fire heat light Soma deified sacred drink binatural thing god hallucinogenic drink unknown plants drank by gods vitality immortality poetry Indra king of gods god of thunder and war rain fertility avid drinker of soma poet seer Vritra dragon serpent holds back waters indra attacks it with thunderbolts creates rivers storm god vs dragon Tiamat responsible for sources of water in world Sarama indra s dog tracks down cattle Panis demons stole cattle of angirases family of sages river Rasa encircles heaven earth gods humans demons are beyond it Golden Embryo unknown creator god referred to as hiranyagarbha arises from primordial waters creates waters separates earth sky creates earth sky hymn about creation Hiranyagarbha golden embryo unknown creator god hirany gold harbha womb seed embryo egg Prajapati creator god featured in later edition Purusha cosmic giant primeval male dismembered by creator god used to create universe like Ymir earth sky humans animals first sacrifice Aditi female creative force infinity gives birth to earth which bears sky bears gods h as 8 sons Daksha male creative force aditi gives birth to him he gives birth to her Martanda sun is rejected dies Yama king of dead first mortal to reach death realm in heaven path maker for humans his wife sister was yami Three Days of Soma after cremation fire burns 3 days as spirit makes its way to the afterlife soma is offered Chinese Creation and Flood Chinese has creation flood myth questions of heaven Shang or Yin Dynasty 1766 1123 bce Chou Dynasty 1123 221bce Han Dynasty 206 280ce Questions of Heaven part of Ch u Tz u has 186 poetic verses is from 4th c bce poses questions about creation Ch u Tz u contains Questions of Heaven written by Ch u Yuan may have been official in Ch u court Ch u Yuan author of Ch u Tz u first named poet may have been official in Ch u court Ch u state in Chou Dynasty Hun Tun first element in creation of cosmos empty space dark wet images no forms dark misty later seen as confusion disorder Yin heavy feminine becomes earth Yang light masculine becomes sky P an Ku is also in egg primeval giant god man coiled antiquity grows for 18000 years until earth and sky fully formed body become parts of universe for example flesh land hair beard stars Nu Kua creator goddess creates humans aristocrats made from yellow earth commonos from mud married to fu his serpentine lower body Fu Hsi married to nu kua serpentine lower bodies god culture hero invents writing hunting fishing music fire cooking Kun trickster god steals his jang from gods killed by gods yu is born from kun s belly hsi jang breathing earth is stolen by Kun from gods Yu culture hero uses his jang to stop flood travels world repairs it Yu walk happens after yu travels world repairs it he starts doing his yu walk Norse Creation and Afterlife Norse mostly from Iceland snorri sturluson includes prose edda sir Asgard in war against Vanir Vanir fertility gods Njord sea god father of twins Frey and Freyja Njord sea god and father of twins frey freyja Frey son of njord god of fertility of earth twin of freyja Freyja goddess of sexual desire daughter of njord twin of frey J tnar giants not always gigantic they are a family Odin king of aesir god of death and cleverness sleipnir odin s horse has two ravens Hugin and Munin god of prophecy
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