CLT3378 Final Exam Study Guide Credit Stephen J Esposito CLT3378 Ancient Mythology East West Final Exam Study Guide TABLE OF CONTENTS Oedipus Lecture Outline 2 Oedipus Key Terms 12 From Paleontology to Mythology Lecture Outline TA s Lecture 15 From Paleontology to Mythology Key Terms 20 Rig Veda Lecture Outline 20 Rig Veda Key Terms 28 Chinese Creation and the Flood Lecture Outline 30 Chinese Creation and the Flood Key Terms 36 Norse Creation and Afterlife Lecture Outline 38 Norse Creation and Afterlife Key Terms 49 Prose Edda Background Reading Key Terms 53 Ragnarok Lecture Outline 53 Ragnarok Key Terms 60 Egyptian Creation Lecture Outline 62 Egyptian Creation Key Terms 69 Egyptian Afterlife Lecture Outline 72 Egyptian Afterlife Key Terms 78 Mesopotamian Afterlife Lecture Outline 80 Mesopotamian Afterlife Key Terms 86 Ruler Cult in Ancient Greece 88 Ruler Cult in Ancient Greece Key Terms 90 1 CLT3378 Final Exam Study Guide Credit Stephen J Esposito OEDIPUS ABOUT OEDIPUS I Oedipus is a Greek Hero has two mortal parents II Laios and Jocasta 1 king and queen of Thebes 2 they had no children III Delphic oracle says to Laios 1 son by Jocasta will kill father Laios They ask the oracle what they can do to have children and the oracle says that the son will kill the father oracle answers in riddles IV Delphic oracle oracle of Apollo at Delphi 1 At Delphi there was a priestess that supposedly became possessed by Apollo and she would say what Apollo is saying in reply to a certain question 2 In literature responses from oracles tend to be riddling V Sometime later Laios gets drunk he forces himself on his wife Jocasta and she 2 CLT3378 Final Exam Study Guide Credit Stephen J Esposito becomes pregnant she becomes pregnant with Oedipus VI the baby is born Laios wants to do away with this child 1 Laios pierces the baby s ankles with metal pins In ancient times they would expose the baby by taking them out somewhere and leaving them such as the wilderness a mountain top etc and at that point it would be up to the Gods to decide if they save the baby or not once the person who brought the baby there leaves the baby Branscome VII Laios gives the baby to a shepherd to expose on a mountain VIII shepherd gives baby to Merope and Polybos Polybos King of Corinth IX Merope names baby Oedipus oed swollen and pous foot X As a young man Oedipus is taunted by other children saying that he is illegitimate and that he is adopted XI Oedipus goes to the Delphic oracle to ask if he is adopted 1 The delphic oracle answers with a riddle saying You will kill your father and 3 marry your mother CLT3378 Final Exam Study Guide Credit Stephen J Esposito XII Oedipus leaves Corinth to save his parents who are not really his true parents so that he may not marry his mother or kill his father as the Oracle said XIII At a crossroads Oedipus kills an old man who is his father Laios and he also kills all of Laios servants but one One manages to get away Oedipus cannot cross the road because the old man King Laios is being carried by his servants and they are blocking the road as they move forward As Oedipus goes around them to cross them the haughty King Laios whacks Oedipus on the back with a stick This is what sets Oedipus off in order to make him kill the servants and the king XIV Oedipus keeps on travelling and he eventually reaches Thebes 1 Creon is the King of Thebes It must take a while for Oedipus to get to Thebes because the servant that was left alive by Oedipus said that Laios was killed by a band of robbers XV There are sphinxes that begin to terrorize Thebes XVI Sphinxes monsters from Near Eastern myths XVII Sphinxes have the head of a woman the body of a lion and the wings of a bird 4 CLT3378 Final Exam Study Guide Credit Stephen J Esposito The sphinx poses a riddle to all that come toward Thebes What has one voice but four legs then two legs then three legs The answer is man or a human being XIX If you cannot answer the riddle the sphinx will eat you But the sphinx says that if someone can solve the riddle the sphinx will leave XX Oedipus solves the riddle XXI Sphinx jumps to her death was plaguing Thebes 1 So Oedipus has solved the riddle killed the sphinx and solved the problem that XXII Creon rewards Oedipus kingship to Oedipus and Jocasta as a wife XIII Oedipus and Jocasta get married and have children 1 sons Eteocles Polyneices 2 daughters Antigone and Ismene ARISTOTLE ON SOPHOCLES OEDIPUS THE KING I Athenian tragedian Sophocles c 496 406 BCE 1 Sophocles wrote over 120 plays we have 7 5 CLT3378 Final Exam Study Guide Credit Stephen J Esposito 2 Oedipus the King c 420s BCE II philosopher Aristotle 384 322 1 in Poetics literary criticism 2 Oedipus the King as a model tragedy III hamartia Aristotle doesn t define exactly what hamartia is But 1 most scholars now think that hamartia refers to some sort of mistake that the hero of a tragedy makes that then will lead to a character s doom What is Oedipus hamartia what is Oedipus mistake that he makes that will lead to his doom IV anagnorisis recognition 1 hero is misperceiving reality anagnorisis recognition scene 2 then they have a moment of realization this moment of realization is called When does Oedipus have his anagnorisis when does Oedipus have his 6 CLT3378 Final Exam Study Guide Credit Stephen J Esposito V dramatic irony in Oedipus the King 1 the audience knows more than the characters do 2 there is irony in Oedipus words SOPHOCLES OEDIPUS THE KING I Opens with a plague in Thebes II King Oedipus is a detective as to why there is a plague in Thebes III Creon King of Thebes is sent to Delphi the oracle IV oracle says 1 Thebes is polluted because it contains the murderer of Laios 2 Drive the murderers of Laios into exile The murderers must not necessarily be killed but at least driven into exile V Teiresias a blind prophet is summoned Oedipus expects Teiresias to tell him what he knows about the murder of Laios VI Teiresias says that Oedipus is the murderer Oedipus doesn t believe him one bit VII Oedipus accuses Teiresias and Creon of treachery 7 Oedipus refuses to believe Teiresias CLT3378 Final Exam Study Guide Credit Stephen J Esposito VIII After a while a messenger from Corinth comes to tell Oedipus that Polybos is dead who Oedipus thinks is his father but is not The messenger tells Oedipus that he is adopted X coincidence 1 this same messenger brought the baby Oedipus to Merope XI messenger got the baby Oedipus from a Theban shepherd XII Jocasta
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