CLT3378 08 Exam One Study Guide Cultures We Have Studied Greek Roman Mesopotamian Sumerians Babylonians Hebrew Israelites Egyptian Memphites and Heliopolitans Vedic Norse Scandinavians Terms be able to identify and define each of the following terms Be sure you know what culture and or work they are associated with polytheism anthropomorphism binaturalism syncretism spheres of influence parthenogenesis etiology Titanomachy Five Races of Man trickster culture hero misogyny Four Ages of Man Gigantomachy Babylonian Captivity monolatry monotheism firmament anthropocentric cosmocentric Garden of Eden Tanakh The Torah Pharaoh anthropomorphic theriomorphic therianthropic Ennead cuneiform reincarnation henotheism trimurti Gylfaginning Valhalla Asgard Midgard Utgard Yggdrasill Mjollnir Ginnungagap Niflheim Muspell Bifrost Bridge Gleipnir Ragnarok Xenia Mt Parnassus coracle Mt Nimush Mt Ararat berit Ex Nihilo divine logos Important Characters be able to identify and articulate the significance of each character as well as their role in the myth and why they are important The Golden Embryo Purusha sir Vanir Giants Odin Sleipnir Valkyries Thor Loki Fenrir Jormungand Midgard Serpent Hel Gylfi Gangleri Ymir Ask and Embla Baldr Lycaon Jupiter Zeus Neptune Poseidon Deucalion Pyrrha Themis Atrahasis Ellil Enki Ea Mami Nintu Ilawela Utnapishtim Ishtar Noah Titans Cyclopes Hundred handers Chaos Gaia Tartaros Eros Ouranos Cronos Rhea Zeus Metis Typhoeus Pandora Prometheus Epimetheus Tiamat Apsu Ea Anu Marduk Kingu Qingu Yaweh elohim Adam and Eve Horus Re Ra Apophis Hathor Sekhmet Atum Ptah Geb Nut Shu Tefnut Agni Soma Indra Prajapati Works know the culture to which each belongs and any agenda they may have had which accounts for their version of the myth as we read and analyzed it Theogony Works and Days Metamorphoses Enuma Elish Genesis Rig Veda Prose Edda Atrahasis Epic of Gilgamesh Hesiod Ovid Snorri Sturlusun Authors be able to identify characters story elements and assign the work to the appropriate culture as we discussed it in class Short and Long Answer Topics to Think About Etiologies Differences and similarities between creation myths Differences and similarities between flood myths Order vs Chaos Succession Tricksters or Culture Heroes and the roles they play in creation and destruction Format of Exam Part 1 Fill in the Blank 10 questions 2 points each 20 points total Part 2 Identification 5 out of 10 questions 4 points each 20 points total Part 3 Short Answer 4 out of 6 questions 10 points each 40 points total Part 4 Long Answer 1 out of 2 questions 20 points total
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