REVIEW SHEET FOR FINAL EXAM JUDEO CHRISTIAN SACRED STORIES Story of Genesis Author P and Author J Author P More sophisticated priestly style with artistic devices common to Hebrew poetry Poetic meter Possibly sung as a hymn Prefers to creator god as Elohim Author J Simple prose style Refers to creator god as Yahweh Mary as Mother Goddess Jesus as Hero John the Baptist story of his birth and his role Jesus hero journey Last Supper Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane Crucification and Resurrection of Jesus DANTE S INFERNO The Divine Comedy poem written by dante and is considered the premium of Italian literature Portrayed his idea of the afterlife It reperresents dantes travel to hell purgatory and heaven It also it represents the travel of his soul to god Dante Who is this man and what is his function in the poem he is the description of sin and virtue his actions often illustrate the concepts he is discussing Virgil Who is this man and what is his function in the poem he is the guide of dante through his pilgrimage he knows all the in s and outs of the different worlds throw dirt in the eyes of ceberus to get around He is also a poet Contrapasso define suffer the opposite refers to the punishment of souls in the story Filippo Argenti relationship with Dante based on lecture fifth circle he is ripped apart in the river of styx he once slapped dante his brother took dante s possessions his family opposed dante s return from exile City of Dis encompasses the sixth through ninth circles of hell most serious sins are punished here walls are guarded by fallen angels the lives the punished here are marked by active sins like murder NORSE MYTHOLOGY Prose Edda collection of four sections containing tales of Nordic myth assumed to be written by snorri sturluson begins with prologue followed by three distinct books Snorri Sturluson Icelandic poet and politician author of the prose edda had the theory that gods were human war leaders and kings whose funeral sited developed cults Aesir one of the clans of gods in Nordic myth to have fought with the vanir they fought had treaties and exchanged hostages Norse World Creation the two worlds met and they combined to form a giant named ymir and a cow the cow nourished ymir by licking salty ice blocks Ymir was the father of the frost giants he sweated a male and female from under his left arm he was then killed by odin and his blood killed all the frost giants Odin then took his body and created the world the blood was the sea his flesh the earth his skull the sky and his bones the mountains his hair the trees Muspell is a common envisioning of the end times is the world of fire at odds with niflehim the fire giants will break the bifrost bridge starting the apocolypse Niflheim one of the nine worlds in Nordic myth it is the realm of cold and between the two realms the creation begain it becomes the location of hel the abode of those who did not die a heroic death Ymir he is born from the venom dripped in the icy rivers he birthed a male and female from his arms his legs mated to make a six headed being his body was used to create the world after his death Yggdrasil is an emmense tree that is central in norse cosmology on which the nine worlds existed considered very holy Ragnarok is the handwritten scripts telling of future events It foretold a great battle that would be the death of a number of major figures and various natural disasters and the world being submerged into water then the world would resurface anew and the surviving gods will meet and the world will be repopulated by two human survivors BEOWULF Beowulf Is the title of and old English hero epic poem In the poem Beowulf a hero of the Geats comes to hep Hroogar the king of the Danes whos mead hall is under attck by a being known was Grendel Beowulf defeats Grendel by tearing his arm from his body He then battles Grendels mother by following her back to her lair in which the only weapon that could harm her is a golden sowrd he found in the carven He then returns home and becomes king of his people Beowulf then fights a dragon in which all his men leave his side and hide in the woods except for Wiglaf who stays by his side Together they slay the dragon but Beowulf dies froma wound sustained in the battle Hrothgar He is a Danish king who appears in the poem of Beowulf He is considered both honest and generous Hrothgar goes with Beowulf and other men to kill Grendels mother and after succeeding Beowulf leaves and Hrothgar is no longer seen in the poem Grendel Grendel is one of the three antagonists in the poem Grendel is said to be feared by everyone except for Beowulf Grendel attacks the mead hall because he can not handle the signing and drinking He has his arm ripped off by Beowulf and he returns to the cave wear he dies Grendel s Mother She attacks the mead hall after her son is slain Beowulf follows her back to her lair after the attack She engages in battle once he enters the cave and she is decapitated by a sword Beowulf finds in her cave Dragon of Earnaness A slave steal a golden cup from his cave which sends him into a rage deystroying everything and is confronted by Beowulf They engage in battle in which the dragon is slain but manage to inflict a fatal wound on Beowulf Wiglaf he is the only man that went with Beowulf to fight the dragon He attacks the wound Beowulf inflicted on the dragon in the throat rendering it unable to breathe fire After the battle Beowulf tells him to show him the treasure and makes him the next king He gives his rings helmet and chain mail to him Heorot Herot The mead hall in the story of Beowulf Geats and Geatland One of the three providence in Sweden during the story of Beowulf ARTHURIAN ROMANCES Sword in the Stone Book written in 1938 telling of the myth of King Arthur Excalibur Legendary sword of King Arthur sometimes attributed with magical powers or associated with the rightful sovereignty of Great Britain Camelot Is a castle and court associated with the legendary King Arthur Morgan le Fey Sorceress versed in the magical arts Shape shifter Travels long distances with great speed Hovers in the air Dwells on and under water Is immune to fire Controls animals and evil spirits Usually at odds with Arthur At times helps took Arthur to Avalon to be healed Merlin Prophet magician advisor and warrior Supporter and protector of Arthur and his kingdom Antichris created to undo all the good done by Christ 1 Merlin s mother baptizes him making him a force of
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