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Exam 2 Review Sheet Titles and Cultures Atrahasis Babylonian Epic of Gilgamesh including the story of Utnapishtim Babylonian Genesis Israelite Hebrew Anansi Myths Akan Ashanti The Theogony Hesiod Greek The Works and Days Hesiod Greek Prometheus Bound Aeschylus Greek Raven Myths Tlingit Coyote Myths Klamath Greek Heroes Heroines and Nymphs Greek Nixies Kelpies Mermaids Scandinavian German Welsh Scottish Grimms Fairy Tales German The Crow s Nest Hungarian The Rose Tree English The Tale of Tulisa Indian Cupid and Psyche Roman Review Terms Flood hero builds boat flood kills off rest of humanity flood hero survives landing on mountain reconciliation between flood hero and gods sacrifice problem that caused flood is fixed Atrahasis earliest flood myth older Sumerian version Babylonian Atram Hasis flood hero Igigi group of lower ranking gods that did not want to work anymore led by Ellil subordinate to Anunnaki Ellil god of wisdom command is said to be unalterable once he had made a decision there was no way of changing it although he did have to revise his decision to destroy mankind through the flood Ea god of fresh water spells and civilization son of Anu and Nammu plan create humans Ilawela The Babylonian god that was slain to create humans Along with the blood clay and spittle was used and humans were formed Nintu Mami the great mother goddess appointed to create humankind by mixing clay with the blood of a junior god who was killed as a sacrifice Shuruppak Atrahasis ruled over ancient Sumerian city first plague sent here Coracle small lightweight boat for Utnapishtim and Atrhasis Utnapishtim favorite of the gods and grandfather of Gilgamesh survived flood and reverses creation of humans became immortal imhullu wind Mt Nimush where Utnapishtim lands after flood birds released dove swallow raven and sacrifice is made Noah is only blameless man the Hebrew patriarch who saved himself and his family and the animals by building an ark in which they survived 40 days and 40 nights of rain Yahweh Hebrew name for god sender warner of flood makes covenant with Noah of no more floods after flood and sacrifice Mt Ar arat where Noah lands after flood birds released raven dove twice dove brings back olive branch signifying the flood is over Trickster shape shifter amoral deceitful transform self and world around them culture hero liminal figure Liminal figure between categories gods and men god like or relationships with gods Akan West Africa Anansi god name for meaning spider culture hero in West African mythology crosses between worlds of gods humans animals Kweku Anansi means born on Wednesday acted as a liminal figure is connected to language and is a symbol of a linguist Onyame Nyame ruler of the gods owned all the stories in the world until Anansi won them Anansesem stories folktales what Nyame owned and Anansi wanted Okyeami Royal spokes person linguist Baduasemanpensa Nyame s daughter s secret name marries man who finds out secret name Lizard wins her as his wife Owoh the snake Anansi borrows money from Anansi kills him after framing him for theft Rolls over after killed that s why all snakes roll over when dead Pandora first woman created by Zeus given to Epimetheus she opens a jar full of toils and ills that are now on the earth ends Golden Race Prometheus the Titan who stole fire from Olympus and gave it to mankind punished by Zeus to have his liver eaten out everyday by an eagle Epimetheus unintelligent Titan whose name means afterthought he accepted the gift of Pandora from Zeus Zeus supreme Greek God refuses Melian race fire creates unnamed woman in Theogony Hephaistos the lame god of fire and metalworking in ancient mythology molds earth in Works and Days Athena goddess of wisdom skills and warfare Works and Days advice for farmers folklore and mythical material why do we have to work Myth of Races One of Hesiod s explanations for why life is hard the devolution of humans from the golden race to the iron race Aeschylus author of Prometheus Bound great Athenian tragedian Prometheus Bound Titan Prometheus is punished for stealing fire from heaven giving it to people Many Gods sympathize with Prometheus but Zeus who just overthrew Titans is now ruling without rules Moirai 3 goddesses Clotho Lachesis Atropos of fate and destiny more powerful than other gods Io priestess of Hera Zeus causes her exile turned into cow Raven Tlingit liminal figure that is a trickster brought fire to humans Tlingit group of North American Indians living in southern Alaska First Nations people Nass River a river created by the Raven dropping water as he escapes Petrel Kit ka ositiyi qa father of raven trained his son to have enough strength to create the world Petrel man who controls all the fresh water when asleep Raven put dog feces all over him and when he goes to clean off Raven steals water from him Bear the animal Raven stole fish from to give to humans Coyote Klamath god who stole fire for humans malleable trickster Klamath People who came up with the story of Coyote Native Americans who live in Oregon Thunder Fire is stolen from this god by Coyote Heroes a being of great strength and courage celebrated for bold exploits Heroines a woman possessing heroic qualities or a woman who has performed heroic deeds Nymphs a minor nature immortal usually depicted as a beautiful maiden Hero cult a hero is a person who is worshipped as a demi god after his death using rituals which are associated with earth powers Menelaus the king of Sparta at the time of the Trojan War Helen Wife of Menelaus and queen of Sparta Her abduction from Sparta by the Trojans sparked the Trojan War Heracles mortal son of Zeus strong and brave but lacks self control rises to Olympus after death Nemean Lion an enormous lion strangled by Hercules as the first of his 12 labors Apples of Hesperides Tree of golden magic apples guarded by nymphs one of Heracles labors Argonauts were a band of heroes in Greek mythology who in the years before the Trojan War accompanied Jason to Colchis ancient Georgian Kingdom in his quest to find the Golden Fleece Hylas a youth who served as a companion of Heracles Roman Hercules his abduction by water nymphs was a theme of ancient art Iodama Pausanias travel guide saw Athena and turned to stone ritual fire on altar Ino Leukothea Thebes daughter of Cadmus and Harmonia sisters Semele and Athamas boils son leaps from cliff renamed Leukothea becomes immortal heroine Libyan Heroines local heroines tied to land

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