CLT 3378 Fall 2013 Titles and Cultures Enuma Elish Babylonian The Baal Cycle Ugaritic Canaanite The Kumarbi Cycle Hurrian Hittite Hurro Hittite The Illuyanka Myths Hattian Hittite Genesis Israelite Hebrew The Theogony by Hesiod Greek The Library by Apollodorus Greek African Creation Myths Fulani Fula Nigeria Madagascar Yoruba Zulu Fon The Prose Edda by Snorri Sturluson Norse Icelandic Chinese Creation Myths Chinese Review Terms Polytheism belief in many gods sphere of influence things associated with a god Ea trickery wisdom anthropomorphism conception of gods in the shape of humans a god talking walking doing human things binaturalism conception of gods as having two natures being both abstract concepts as well as being the physical thing Tiamat is water but also commands it syncretism When one culture adopts another s beliefs and gods the Hittites Mesopotamia means between two rivers Refers to the land between the Tigris and the Euphrates Babylonians Writers of the Enuma Elish had the New Year Festival at which the Enuma Elish was performed Babylon City in Mesopotamia said to be built by Marduk Marduk is also the protector god of the city Enuma Elish Means When on high Performed at the Babylonian New Year Festival Is a succession myth as well as a creation myth Marduk Storm god becomes king of the gods Rules the winds also associated with fertility rainy season in Babylon was a time of growth Conquers Tiamat uses her body to create the world created humans from Qingu s blood Apsu Male side of the primal couple binatural is a huge body of fresh water Conspires against his children is killed by Ea and turned into a palace Tiamat Female side of first primal couple Also binatural is a huge body of salt water Refuses to conspire with Apsu to kill their children but later amasses an army of mutants Represents primal chaos Is killed by Marduk and her body is used to create the earth and sky Anu Father of Ea king of the gods before Marduk Ea Father of Marduk trickster god of wisdom Culture hero he teaches humans culture skills Uses spells to put Apsu to sleep and kill him Uses Apsu s body to create his palace mushussu dragon dragon monster created by Tiamat Mutant and signifies Tiamat s mastery of chaos imhullu wind ill wind wielded by Marduk when he goes to fight Tiamat Qingu Traitor general appointed by Tiamat Is killed and his blood is used to create humans Tablet of Destinies Tablet outlining the fates of the gods and their jobs Given to Qingu by Tiamat Marduk takes it back after the battle and gives it to Anu The Baal Cycle Ugarit Modern day Syria area rich site for cuneiform texts Ras Shamra hill of fennel Site where Ugarit was discovered in 1920 Canaanite Spoke Ugaritic a unique language with a lost meaning No vowels first known alphabet a Semitic language Ilimilku A scribe probably the writer of the Baal Cycle Baal means Lord also called Prince Baal Rider on the Clouds the Conqueror Hadad the thunderer Storm god wind rain fertility protector of Ugarit King of gods El god seems to be immensely powerful but stays distant Known for wisdom power behind the king Is the father and creator Asherah Athirat Wife of El Lady Asherah of the Sea Mother of the Gods Convinces El to give Baal his own palace Anat Sister and lover of Baal Goddess of war and fighting sex hunting childbirth Also called the Virgin Goddess and Mistress of the Peoples Turns her furniture into soldiers so that she can continue to fight beats Mot to dust when she hears of him eating Baal Kothar wa Hasis The Clever One craftsman and maker of goods for the gods Builds Baal s house first out of cedar from Lebanon then burns it and it turns to gold and silver Argues with Baal over putting in another door and window Baal finally agrees after he goes and conquers a few towns Yam the Sea fights with Baal over the kingship Prince of the sea Judge river Rabbin Is never seen as truly going away persistence of evil Shapash Goddess of the Sun comes up with the plan to hide Baal in the Underworld so that Mot cannot eat him Mot Death Threatens to eat Baal ends up eating a small cow that looks like Baal Known as El s son El s Darling the Hero Phlegm a level of the Ugaritic underworld described as an unpleasantly damp place The Kumarbi Cycle Hittites practiced syncretism Indo European people Hurrians Neighbors of the hittites lived in Northern Syria Hattusas Hittite capital here they found many cuneiform tablets Storm God Unnamed chief god of the hittites Identified with the Hurrian Tessub Strongly identified with the human king and queen of Hatusas Alalu First King of the gods was a god of underworld Overthrown by his cupbearer Anu Father of Kumarbi Anu 2nd king of the gods storm god overthrown by his cupbearer Alalu s son Kumarbi Kumarbi Son of Alalu god of the underworld cupbearer to Anu overthrows Anu and swallows his genitals impregnating himself with Tessub Overthrown by Tessub Tessub Son of Kumarbi and Anu final King of the Gods Storm god Tasmisu Brother of Tessub also born from Kumarbi and Anu Ullikummi Rock son of Kumarbi and a boulder Is planted on Ubelurri s shoulder to grow is deaf and blind threatens Tessub and the home of the gods Ea cuts him off Ubelurri s shoulder using the heavenly copper cutting tool and then Tessub can defeat him Sauska Ishtar goddess of beauty and sexual desire tries to defeat Ullikummi by seducing him but it doesn t work because he is deaf and blind Hebat Sun goddess and Tessub s wife See s Ubelurri and almost falls off the roof her servants have to catch her and pull her to safety Ubelurri Holds up the heavens much like the Greek Atlas has Ullikummi growing on his right shoulder The Illuyanka Myths Hattians writers of the Illuyanka Myths Illuyanka Hattian word for serpent Purulli festival festival at which the Illuyanka Myths were performed Inara Daughter of the Storm Gods prepares a feast at which the serpent gets drunk and can be defeated by the Storm God Hupasiya Mortal man that Inara asks to help her defeat the serpent He asks her to sleep with him in return for the favor Genesis Yahweh also known as elohim not meant to be pronounced it is the name of God Is used in the second and third chapters of genesis elohim means god is used in the first two chapters of Genesis Monolatry The belief in many gods but worship of one single god Babylonian Exile The time that the Jews spent exiled from their homeland After this historians began calling the Israelites Jews Leviathan Serpent within Genesis
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