Exam 3 Study Guide Chapter 14 ATP Fueling the Body 1 Adenosine Triphosphate ATP a Energy carrying molecule in the body b Must be generated continuously c Muscles store enough energy for 1 3 seconds of activity d Generated from the breakdown of carbohydrates fat and protein 2 Generation of ATP a Anaerobic metabolism i Occurs in the Cytoplasm of the muscle cells ii Glucose a NADH H b ATP Glycogenic Acids iii Pyruvate a Lactic Acid b NADH H b Aerobic Metabolism i Occurs in the mitochondria of the muscle cells 1 Ketogenic amino acids Fatty Acid Pyruvate from anaerobic metabolism 2 Acetyl CoA a TCA Cycle i NADH H 1 Electron Transport Chain a ATP ii FADH2 iii ATP 1 Electron Transport Chain a ATP 3 Creatine Phosphate CP aka Phosphocreatine or PCr a High energy compound b Broken down to support the regeneration of ATP i Regeneration of ATP from CP 1 CP broken down into a Energy b Creatine Phosphate 2 Phosphate from broken down CP is added to ADP to form ATP c Anaerobic Reaction d Stores energy for 3 15 seconds of maximal physical effort e Muscles have 4 times more CP than ATP 4 Glucose Metabolized for ATP production a Next Fastest mode of ATP production after CP ATP b Source during exercise 1 Muscle glycogen and blood glucose 2 Stores of glycogen are limited a More stored for athletes c Anaerobic Process i Glycolysis Breakdown of carbohydrates Glucose 1 2 For every glucose molecule that goes thought glycosis two ATP molecules are produced 3 Anaerobic 4 End Product Pyruvate limited in the cell i Cori Cycle a Pyruvate is converted into lactic acid when oxygen availability is 1 Excess lactic acid is transported back to the liver to be converted back into glucose 2 Glucose produced in the Cori Cycle can recirculate to the muscles and provide energy ii Used during exercise lasting 30 seconds 3 minutes d Aerobic Energy System i Pyruvate goes through the TCA Cycle and the electron transport chain ii Slower process iii Breakdown of glucose molecule yields 36 38 ATP molecules 18 times more energy than the anaerobic process iv Primary source of energy for activities lasting last from 3 min 4 hours v Does NOT result in significant production of acids and other compounds that contribute to muscle fatigue 1 Low intensity activity can be done for hours 5 Triglycerides Metabolized for the production of ATP a For long term activity b Energy provided by breakdown of fatty acid chains i Longer fatty acid chain more ATP generated c Advantages as fat as an energy source i Abundant source of energy even in lean people ii 9 kcal of energy of energy per gram 1 More than 2x as much energy per gram as carbohydrates d Disadvantage of using fat as an energy source i Breakdown process relatively slow slowly metabolized 1 Fat is used predominantly as a fuel source during activities if lower intensity and longer duration marathons e Used During i Rest sitting standing in place and endurance events ii Low to moderate intensity exercise we usually use some combo of energy from fats and carbohydrates There is an inverse correlation between the two as the activity is of lower intensity we use more fats and less carbs as the activity is of higher intensity we use more carbohydrates 6 Proteins amino acids are not a major fuel source for exercise a Though they can be used for energy but more often used to make glucose to maintain blood glucose levels during exercise 7 Energy Needs a Vigorous exercise more energy needs b Higher for athletes c Different for males and females d Needs depend on body size e Needs depend of type of physical activity 8 Suggested Nutrient Intakes to Support Vigorous Exercise a Energy i Functions 1 Supports exercise daily living and basic body functions ii Suggested Intake 1 dependent of mode intensity gender size level of training a For Female Athletes 1 800 3 500 kcal day b For Male Athletes 2 500 7 500 kcal day b Carbohydrates i Functions 1 Provides energy 2 Maintains adequate muscle glycogen and blood glucose a First 4 6 hours of recovery with consistent CHO consumption b Consume High Glycemic Carbs after exercise ex Banana 3 High complex less processed carbohydrate foods provide vitamins minerals and fiber a Ex whole grains fruits and vegetables ii Suggested Intake 1 45 65 of total energy intake 2 Depending on sport and gender 3 6 10g of carbohydrates per kg body weight per day needed to restore glycogen c Fat i Functions 1 Provides energy Fat soluble vitamins and essential fatty acids 2 Supports production of hormones and transport of nutrients ii Suggested Intake 1 20 30 of total energy intake d Protein i Functions 1 Helps build and maintain muscle 2 provides building material for glucose 3 4 is an energy source during endurance exercise aids recovery from exercise ii Suggested Intake 1 10 35 of total energy intake 2 Endurance Athletes 1 2 1 5g per kg body weight 3 Strength athletes 1 3 1 8 per kg body weight e Water i Functions 1 Maintains temperature regulation adequate cooling 2 Maintains blood volume and blood pressure supports cell functions ii Suggested Intake 1 Consume fluid before during and after exercise 2 Consume enough to maintain body weight 3 Consume at least 8 cups 64 fl oz of water daily to maintain health and activity 4 Athletes may need up to 10 liters 170 fl oz everyday a more is required if exercising is in a hot environment 1 Critical for energy production from carbohydrate fat and protein 1 May need slightly more 1 2 times the RDA for thiamin riboflavin and f B vitamins i Functions ii Suggested Intake vitamin B6 g Calcium i Functions 1 Builds and maintains bone mass 2 Assists with nervous system function a b muscle contraction c hormone function d transport of nutrients across cell membrane ii Suggested Intake 1 14 18yr 1 300 mg day 2 19 50yr 1 00 mg day 3 51 70yr a Males 1 000 mg day b Females 1 200 mg day 4 71yr and older 1 200 mg day h Iron i Functions with energy production ii Two types 1 Heme Absorbed by body 2 Non heme iii Suggested Intake 1 Males 2 Females a 14 18yr 11mg day b 19 and older 8mg day a 14 18yr 15mg day b 19 50yr 18 mg day c 51 and older 8 mg day 1 Primarily responsible for the transport of oxygen in blood to cells assist a Vitamin C helps one consume non heme Iron 9 Carbohydrate Needs a 45 65 of total energy consumption b Optimize glycogen storage i Maintains adequate muscle glycogen and blood glucose 1 First 4 6 hours of recovery with consistent CHO consumption c High complex less processed carbohydrate foods provide vitamins minerals and fiber i
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