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1 What is nutrition Why is it important Study Guide for Final Exam Test 4 Chapter 1 science that studies food Can prevent some diseases and reduce risk for others One of several factors supporting wellness Poor nutrition causes deficiency diseases such as scurvy and pellagra Plays a role in the development of osteoporosis and cancer Nutrition is part of the U S national health promotion and disease prevention plan Is associated with chronic diseases including heart disease stroke and type 2 diabetes o Healthy People updated every 10 years 2 Explain the different types of nutrients a organic vs inorganic Organic contain carbon and hydrogen Carbohydrates Lipids fats and oils Proteins Vitamins Minerals Water Inorganic do not contain carbon and hydrogen b macronutrient vs micronutrient Macronutrients are required in relatively large amounts Provide fuel energy to our bodies Carbohydrates lipids and proteins Micronutrients are required in smaller amount Don not provide energy but facilitate the release of energy Vitamins minerals water fat soluble vs water soluble vitamins c Fat soluble A D E K Water soluble B C d energy yielding nutrients kcal g for each Carbohydrates and proteins 4kcal gram food Lipids 9 kcal gram Alcohol 7 kcal gram 3 DRI s apply to which population of people Explain the components of the DRI EAR RDA AI UL EER AMDR DRI S Healthy People only EAR meet the needs of of healthy individuals RDA 97 to 98 of healthy people in a particular life stage and gender group AI average daily nutrient intake level observed and experimentally determined estimates of nutrient intake by a group of healthy people Used when RDA is not available UL increases the potential for toxic effects and health risks increases highest intake that will not EER maintain energy balance in a healthy adult Defined by age gender weight height and be toxic level of physical activity AMDR macronutrients that are associated with reduced risk of chronic disease while providing adequate intakes of essential nutrients 1 What are the useful tools for designing a healthful diet Balance Adequate Moderate Diverse variety TOOLS 1 Food labels Chapter 2 o A statement of identity o Net contents of the package o Ingredient list o Manufacturer s name and address o Nutrition information Nutrition Facts Panel 2 The 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans o Updated every 5 years o Four Key Recommendations o Balance Calories to maintain weight o Consume fewer foods of concern o Consume more healthful foods and nutrients o Follow healthy eating patterns o Active for at least 30 mins a day every week 3 USDA Food Patterns MyPlate o Based on 2010 Dietary Guidelines o Eat in moderation variety of foods o Consume the right portion of each recommended food group o Increase their physical activity o Set goals for gradually improving their food choices and lifestyle o Grains Veggies Fruits Dairy Protein Oils 2 Define nutrient density a foods and beverages they supply the most nutrients for the least amount of calories 3 What are the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and MyPlate a D guidelines Increased recommendation for Vitamin D b Myplate i Make your grains whole ii Vary Veggies iii Focus on Fruits iv Know your fats 1 Less than 10 fat from trans fat 2 Less than 300 mg of cholesterol 4 What is a chronic disease a Cancer type 2 diabetes heart disease obesity b Gradual onset and long duration Chapter 13 1 How to evaluate if a person s body weight is healthful a Depends on age and physical development b Maintained without constant dieting c Determined by genetics and family history d Results most likely in normal blood pressure lipid levels and glucose tolerance e f Normal BMI 18 5 25 kg m2 Is achieved by good eating habits and regular physical activity 2 What are the components of energy expenditure a Energy is expended to maintain basic body functions and to perform activities b Total 24 hour energy expenditure is composed of three components c Basal metabolic rate BMR i Energy expended to maintain basal resting functions of the body ii Amount of Lean body mass muscle d Thermic effect of food TEF i Energy expended to process food ii About 5 10 of the energy content of a meal e Energy cost of physical activity i About 15 35 of total daily energy output ii Energy expended on body movement and work above basal levels 1 Know the different eating disorders a Anorexia nervosa Chapter 13 5 i self starvation leading to a severe nutrient deficiency ii Extremely restrictive eating practices iii iv Extreme drive to be thin Intense fear of gaining weight b Amenorrhea c Bulimia nervosa i No menstrual periods for at least 3 months ii Occurs with insufficient energy to maintain normal body functions i recurrent episodes of extreme overeating and compensatory behaviors to prevent weight gain ii Characterized by repeated binge eating followed by purging iii feels a loss of self control a sense of euphoria a drug induced high d Female Athlete Triad i Serious syndrome in some active females ii Low energy availability not eating much food with or without eating disorders iii Amenorrhea low body fat iv Osteoporosis stress fractures v Early warning signs vi excessive dieting and or weight loss excessive exercise stress fractures and self esteem dictated by body weight shape Chapter 4 5 7 alcohol 1 What are the problems associated with alcohol abuse Reduced liver function a Fatty liver alcoholic steatosis i An early and reversible stage of liver disease b Alcoholic hepatitis c Cirrhosis of the liver i Inflammation of the liver caused by alcohol more severe i End stage liver disease ii Having significant abnormalities in liver structure and function d Fetal Alcohol Syndrome permanent i causes malformations of developing fetus s face limbs heart and nervous system ii child will suffer from emotional social learning and developmental disabilities 2 What are the steps in alcohol oxidation What does ADH alcohol dehydrogenase do a Alcohol is oxidized by liver enzymes b First pass metabolism small amount of alcohol is oxidized in the stomach before being absorbed into the bloodstream c Alcohol is oxidized first into acetaldehyde by Alcohol dehydrogenase ADH d Aldehyde dehydrogenase ALDH is an enzyme that converts ethanol to acetaldehyde in the first step of alcohol oxidation e Alcohol then oxidized to ALDH into acetate f Acetate is converted to acetyl CoA 3 Define moderate alcohol consumption a 1 drink per day for females b 2 drinks per day

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