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Name don t forget to use previous study guides to study for Final Exam HUN 1201 Study Guide 4 Chapters 10 12 Due Before Final Exam on 4 03 2013 You MUST handwrite your answers grade This study guide is worth 0 5 increase in total weighted Chapter 10 them 1 What are antioxidants and free radicals How do antioxidants battle free radicals a Vitamin antioxidants donate their electrons or hydrogen molecules to stabalize b Mineral antioxidants act as cofactors within enzyme systems and convert free radicals to less damaging substances 2 What are some examples of enzyme systems involved in this process a Superoxide dismutase converts free radicals into less damaging substances b Catalaze removes hydrogen peroxide from the body c Glutathione peroxidase removes hydrogen peroxide 3 What are the functions of vitamin E What are its toxicity and deficiency symptoms a Vitamin E protects polyunsaturated fatty acids fatty cell components and LDLs from oxidization Supports normal nerve and muscle development Is also added to oil based foods and skincare to reduce spoilage b Toxicity symptoms nausia intestinal discress and diarrhea c Deficiency symptoms anemia in premature infants rupturing of red blood cells erythrocyte hemolysis impaired vision and speech 4 What are some major functions of Vitamin C How does vitamin C influence Vitamin E What are toxicity and deficiency symptoms for vitamin C a Vitamin C functions include synthesizing callogen DNA Bile It also acts as an antioxidant for protecting LDL lungs and white blood cells b Vitamin C influences vitamin E by regenerating it after it has been oxidized c Toxicity includes not toxic unless taking supplements d Deficiency includes scurvy bleeding gums wounds that fail to heal bone pain 5 Cite a few sources of each antioxidant a Vitamin E total rasin bran sunflower seeds almonds spinach b Vitamin C red peppers orange juice broccoli 6 Vitamins and minerals that act in synergy antagonistically in regards to absorption a Phytochemicals 7 Discuss causes of hypo hyperkalemia hypo hypernatremia a Hypokalemia means that there is a low amount of potassium in the system b Hyperkalemia means there is an excess amount of potassium in the system c Hyponatremia means there is a low amount of sodium in the system d Hypernatremia means there is an excess amount of sodium in the system Chapter 11 bones 1 What are the major functions and types of bone Know which minerals are found in a The function of bones is to support our organs and our segments b There are two types of bone a Cortical bone compact bone is 80 of the skeleton and the outer surface of bone b Trabecular bone spongy bone is 20 of skeleton and is the inside of the bones It is also sensitive to hormonal and nutritional dificiencies 2 Explain the different processes involved in bone development a Bone growth increase in size completes by age 14 for girls and 17 for boys b Bone modeling shape of bone complete by adulthood Exercise and c Bone remodeling recycling of bone tissue replaces old bone with new bone overweight increases thickness to maintain mineral balance 3 Define bone density what factors influence peak bone density a Bone density is the compactness of bones b Peak bone density can be reached through proper nutrition and exercise running dancing and weightlifting 4 Explain the synthesis functions regulation and sources of the nutrients involved in bone health a Calcium a Functions include provides structure for bones and teeth Assists with acid base balance Maintains healthy blood pressure b Regulations include AI of 1 000 mg to 1300 mg per day c Sources skim milk low fat cheese nonfat yogurt green leafy veggies d Not synthesized b Vitamin D a Functions include regulates blood calcium levels Needed for bone calcification b Regulations include 5 to 15 ug day c Sources the sun erogolciferol plant supplements animal foods milk cod liver oil d Synthesis it is synthesized in the body from the sun c Vitamin K d Phosphorus a Functions blood coagulation and bone metabolism b Regulations 120 ug day c Sources green leafy veggies and vegetable oils d Synthesis is synthesizd by bacteria in the large intestine a Functions critical in bone formation required for proper fluid alance component of ATP DNA and membranes b Sources soft drinks processed foods protein containing foods c No synthesis e Magnesium a Function regulation of bone and mineral status Cofactor for more than 300 enzyme systems And is necessary for the production of ATP b Regulation UL is 350 mg day c Sources green leafy veggies whole grains seeds d No synthesis f Fluoride a Function develop and maintain teeth and bones Combines calcium and phosphorus to protect teeth from bacteria b Regulation 1 4 mg day c Sources fluoridated water and dental products 5 What are the symptoms of excess and deficiencies of each nutrient a Toxicity hypercalcemia b Deficiency hypocalcemia a Toxicity also hypercalcemia b Deficiency loss of bone mass rickets osteomalacia a Calcium b Vitamin D c Vitamin K d Phosphorus a Toxicity no known side affects b Deficiency reduced blood clotting excessive bleeding Fat malabsobtion a Toxicity muscle spasms and convulsions b Deficiency very rare occurs in people with alcohol abuse premature infants and elderly people e Magnesium a Toxicity hypermagnesemia Impaired kidney function b Deficiency hypomagnesemia Osteoporosis heart disease f Fluoride a Toxicity fluorosis b Deficiency cavities 6 Define osteoporosis what are its characteristics risk factors and treatments a Characteristics low bone mass deterioration of bone tissue fragile bones shortening and hunching of spine kyphosis b Risk factors age gender smoking poor nutrition physical inactivity c Treatments no cure adequate calcium and V D intake regular exercise and medications can slow progress Chapter 12 1 What are the components of blood a Erythrocytes red blood cells b Leukocytes white blood cells c Platelets cell fragments for clotting d Plasma fluid portion to maintain blood volume absorption transport storage and regulation of each a Iron 2 What nutrients are involved in blood health Explain their sources functions digestion a Function component of hemoglobin and myoglobin muscle b Absorbtion meat factor stomach acids and vitamin c promote absorbtion Phytate polyphenols fiber and etc impair absorbtion c Transport transferring is a protein that moves iron Receptors on cells allow transport iron into cells d Storage ferritin and hemosiderin help store iron in

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