HUN 1201 Study guide for Exam 1 2015 What is Nutrition o The science that studies food How food nourishes the body and influences health Stages Ingestion Digestion Absorption Transport Metabolize Excretion What are the overreaching goals of Healthy people 2020 o Help people attain higher quality and longer lives via prevention of disease disability injury and premature death o Achieve health equity improve health for all o Create social and physical environments that promote health o Promote quality of life healthy development and healthy behaviors across all life stages Define DRI RDA EAR UL EER and AMDR o DRI Dietary Reference Intakes updated nutritional standards Dietary standards for healthy people only Aim to prevent deficiency diseases and reduce risk for chronic diseases in healthy people Consist of EAR RDA AI UL EER AMDR o RDA Recommended Dietary Allowance Use the EAR as a base and include sufficient daily amounts of nutrients to meet the known nutrient needs of practically all healthy populations 97 98 o EAR Estimated Average Requirement Supports a specific function in the body for half of the individuals of the healthy population Used to define the RDA of a nutrient o UL Tolerable Upper Intake Level Maximum daily amount of a nutrient that appears safe for most healthy people Beyond which there is a risk of adverse health effects o EER Estimated Energy Requirement The average daily energy intake to maintain energy balance and good health for population groups Defined by age gender weight height and level of physical activity o AMDR Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range Represents the range of intakes for energy nutrients that provide adequate energy and nutrients and reduce risk of chronic disease If nutrient intake falls outside this range risk for poor health What are the classes of nutrients Define each of them chemical composition kcal content of each nutrient o Classes Carbohydrates Primary fuel source for the body especially for neurologic functioning and physical exercise Composed of chains of carbon hydrogen and oxygen Provide 4 kcal per gram Lipids fats Diverse group of substances that are largely insoluble in water Includes o Triglycerides o Phospholipids o Sterols Main energy source during rest or low to moderate intensity exercise Stored as adipose tissue body fat Provide fat soluble vitamins A D E K Composed of chains of carbon hydrogen and oxygen Provide 9 kcal per gram Proteins Composed of chains of carbon hydrogen oxygen and nitrogen Not typically a primary energy source Important in o Building new cells tissues o Maintaining bone o Repairing cells o Regulating metabolism o Regulating fluid balance Provide 4 kcal per gram Vitamins Assist in regulating body processes o Critical in building and maintaining healthy bones and tissues o Protect immune system o Ensure healthy vision o Do not contain or supply energy to our bodies o Help us utilize the energy derived from macronutrients Can be destroyed by light heat air etc Required in smaller amounts Minerals Inorganic and required for body processes o Regulate fluid and energy production o Essential for bone and blood health o Remove harmful metabolic by products o Exist in the simplest possible form can t be broken down further or destroyed by heat light 2 categories o Major minerals o Trace minerals Water Inorganic supports all body processes o Fluid balance o Nerve impulses o Energy production o Regulation of body temperature o Muscle contractions o Nutrient transport o Excretion of waste products o Macronutrients Provide energy Required in relatively large amounts Carbohydrates lipids fats proteins Do not provide energy they facilitate the release of o Micronutrients energy Vitamins minerals water What are the two main categories of vitamins o Fat soluble A D E K Soluble in fat Stored in the human body Toxicity can occur from consuming excess amounts which can accumulate in the body o Water soluble C B vitamins thiamin riboflavin niacin vitamin B6 vitamin B12 panthoneic acid biotin folate Soluble in water Not stored to any extent in the human body Excess excreted in urine Toxicity generally only occurs as a result of vitamin supplementation Define major minerals and trace minerals o Major minerals Calcium phosphorus sodium potassium chloride magnesium sulfur Needed in amounts greater than 100mg day in our diet Amount present in the human body is greater than 5 g 5 000mg o Trace minerals Iron zinc copper manganese fluoride chromium molybdenum selenium iodine Needed in amounts less than 100mg day in our diet Amount present in the human body is less than 5g 5 000mg Define the various stages of nutrient deficiencies o Primary deficiency A direct consequence of inadequate intake o Secondary deficiency occurs when A person cannot absorb enough of a nutrient Too much of a nutrient is excreted from the body A nutrient is not utilized efficiently Occurs in the early stages few or no symptoms are o Subclinical deficiency observed o Covert symptoms Hidden and require laboratory tests or other invasive procedures to detect o Symptoms of nutrition deficiency that become obvious are overt Which are the components of the food labels required by the FDA o A statement of identity o Net contents of the package o Ingredient list must be listed in descending order by weight therefore the first product listed is the predominant ingredient o Manufacturer s name and address o Nutrition information nutrition facts panel required by FDA Define Daily Values Know how to distinguish a food as a low medium or high source of a nutrient o Daily values Estimate of individual foods contribution to total diet If food contains more than 20 of your daily value for that nutrient it is a good source of that nutrient If food contains between 10 19 of your daily value for that nutrient it is a medium source of that nutrient If food contains less than 5 of your daily value for that nutrient it is a low source of that nutrient What are the recommendations of the Dietary guidelines for Americans o Balance calories to maintain weight o Consume fewer foods of concern o Consume more healthful foods and nutrients o Follow healthy eating patterns What are the tools used to assist in designing a healthful diet o Food labels o The 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans o USDA Food Patterns MyPlate Define the components of a balanced meal o How is BMI calculated What are the BMI ranges for normal weight underweight overweight and obesity o BMI
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