The Science of Nutrition HUN 1201 Final Exam Study Guide Chapters 1 14 1 What does nutrition study Chapters 1 2 13 13 5 In depth Disordered Eating and 4 5 In depth Alcohol including some of Alcohol metabolism in Chapter 7 Nutrition studies food and how food nourishes our body and influences our health It also involves studying the factors that influence our eating patterns making recommendations about the amount we should eat of each type of food maintaining food safety and addressing issues related to the global food supply 2 What is a Registered Dietitian Requires a bachelor s degree completion of supervised clinical experience passing a national examination and maintenance of registration with the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Qualified to provide nutrition counseling in a variety of settings 3 How do macronutrients differ from micronutrients Macronutrients are the nutrients we need in large amounts these are the big three carbs protein and fat Micronutrients are the other 4 nutrients that we need in relatively smaller amounts these are vitamins and minerals 4 List the 6 essential nutrients in life 1 Carbohydrates 2 Lipids fat 3 Proteins 4 Vitamins 5 Minerals 6 Water 5 Compare the chemical composition of protein carbohydrates and fats carbohydrates are made of chains of carbon hydrogen and oxygen Carbohydrates Carbo carbon hydrate to water Water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen therefore Protein Proteins also contain carbon hydrogen and oxygen however they also include nitrogen These four elements form amino acids Fat Fats are largely insoluble in water They include triglycerides phospholipids and sterols They are made up mainly of carbon hydrogen and oxygen Phospholipids contain phosphorus and sometimes nitrogen They contain much less oxygen and water that carbohydrates or proteins 6 Why is alcohol not a nutrient Alcohol is not considered a nutrient because it does not support the regulation of the body functions or the building or repairing of tissues It is considered a drug and a toxin 7 Calculate the total kilocalories in a meal containing 20g of carbohydrates 10g of protein and 5g of fat Show work no calculator Carbs and proteins both contain 4 kcal g Fats contain 9 kcal g Carbs 20 g 4 kcal g 80 kcal Protein 10g 4 kcal g 40 kcal Fat 5g 9 kcal g 45 kcal Therefore this meal totals 80 40 45 165 Calories kcal 8 Define and list the water soluble and the fat soluble vitamins water soluble vitamins that are soluble in water these vitamins cannot be stored anywhere in the body any excess is excreted in urine toxicity only from excessive supplements Vitamin C and all the B Vitamins Fat soluble not soluble in water but soluble in fat are stored in the body because they are stored they can accumulate in the body and cause toxicity Vitamins A D E and K 9 What are two differences between vitamins and minerals Vitamins are organic compounds and minerals are inorganic elements Minerals already exist in the simplest form therefore can t be broken down during digestion and always maintain their structure Vitamins can be destroyed by heat light excessive cooking exposure to air and an alkaline environment 10 Describe the difference between a primary nutrient deficiency and a secondary nutrient deficiency Primary deficiency when a person does not consume enough of a nutrient in the diet the deficiency occurs as a direct consequence of an inadequate intake Secondary deficiency occurs when a person cannot absorb enough of a nutrient in his or her body when too much of a nutrient is excreted from the body or when a nutrient is not utilized efficiently by the body it is a consequence of some other disorder 11 What is the difference between covert and overt symptoms Covert symptoms are hidden or require laboratory tests or other invasive procedures to detect overt symptoms are obvious 12 What is the AMDR for each of the macronutrients Protein 10 35 Fat 20 35 Carbohydrate 45 65 13 Define the following terms to healthy people DRI Dietary Reference Intakes a set of nutritional reference values that applies only EAR Estimated Average Requirement average daily nutrient intake level estimated to meet the requirements of half of the healthy individuals in a particular life stage RDA Recommended Dietary Allowance the average daily nutrient intake level that meets the nutrient requirements of 97 to 98 percent of healthy individuals AI Adequate Intake a recommended average daily nutrient intake level based on observed or experimentally determined estimates of nutrient intake by a group of healthy people UL Tolerable Upper Intake Level the highest average daily nutrient intake level likely to pose no risk of adverse health effects to almost all individuals EER Estimated Energy Requirement the average dietary energy intake that is predicted to maintain energy balance in a healthy individual AMDR Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range a range of intakes for a particular energy source that is associated with reduced risk of chronic disease while providing adequate intakes of essential nutrients 14 Define malnutrition What are two examples of malnutrition Malnutrition refers to a situation in which a person s nutritional status is out of balance the individual is either getting too much or too little of a particular nutrient or energy over a significant period of time Two types of malnutrition are under nutrition and over nutrition Under nutrition is when someone consumes too little energy or too few nutrients over time causes significant weight loss or a nutrient deficiency Over nutrition is when a person consumes too much energy or too much of a nutrient over time causes obesity heart disease or nutrient toxicity 15 Name the 4 tools that dietitians often use to assess dietary intake List at least one limitation to each of these tools Diet History rely on person s ability to self report as with all these tools accuracy cannot be empirically verified Twenty Four Hour Dietary Recalls does not give an indication of a person s typical intake reliance on person s memory and their ability to estimate portion sizes Food Frequency Questionnaires some only asses qualitative info list of foods typically eaten but not how much Diet Records challenging to complete accurately and in sufficient detail 16 What are the four characteristics of a healthy diet Adequate Moderate Balanced Varied 17 What are the five components FDA requires on all food labels 1 A statement of identity 2 The net contents of the package
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