HUN 1201 Final Exam Study Guide 1 Chapter 1 1 What is nutrition The science of food and nutrients and how they affect our bodies 2 Explain the different types of nutrients a Organic Carbon and hydrogen Vs Inorganic not containing carbon and hydrogen b Macronutrient needed in the body at a relatively high amount Vs Micronutrients needed in the body at a scarce amount c Fat soluble Vitamins soluble in fat Vs Water soluble Vitamins soluble in water d Energy yielding nutrients i Protein 9 kcal g ii Carbohydrates 9 kcal g iii Fats lipids 4 kcal g iv Alcohol 7 kcal g 3 DRI s apply to healthy people a EAR Estimated average requirement the average daily nutrient intake that meets half of the healthy population b RDA Recommended dietary allowance the daily nutrient intake level that meets the requirements for 97 98 of healthy people c AI Adequate Intake Determined based on the observations of healthy peoples diets d UL Tolerable Upper Level Intake the most you can consume of each macro micro nutrient before it becomes unhealthy e EER Estimated energy requirement Estimated amount of calories to maintain healthy balance f AMDR Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution range a range of intakes for each energy source associated with reduced risk of chronic disease while providing adequate nutrients Chapter 2 1 Useful tools for designing a healthful diet MyPlate DRI s food label s nutrition label s 2 Nutrient dense amount of nutrient per size of food 3 Recommendations a Dietary Guidelines for Americans b MyPlate 4 What is a chronic disease Disease that can t be cured but can be controlled Chapter 13 1 How to evaluate if a person s body weight is healthful a Healthful i Appropriate for age and physical development ii Can achieve sustain without cutting calories iii Compatible with normal blood pressure lipid levels glucose tolerance iv Based on genetic background HUN 1201 Final Exam Study Guide 2 v Promotes good eating habits vi Acceptable to you b Methods i Underwater weighing ii Skinfolds iii Bioelectric impedance analysis iv Dual energy x ray absorption v Bod pod c BMI i Underweight less than 18 5 kg m2 ii Normal 18 5 24 9 kg m2 iii Overweight 25 29 9 kg m2 iv Obesity 20 29 9 kg m2 v Morbid Obesity 40 or more kg m2 2 What are the components of energy expenditure output a 3 Components i Basal metabolic rate BMR 60 70 fundamental physiological functions ii Thermic effect of food TEF 5 10 energy to consume food iii Energy loss of physical activity 15 35 expended on body movement sand muscular work above basal levels Chapter 13 5 1 Eating disorders a Anorexia nervosa b Binge eating c Bulimia d Night eating disorder e Female Athlete Triad f Muscle Dysmorphia Chapter 4 5 7 1 What are the problems associated with alcohol abuse a Hangover fluid electrolyte imbalance irritation inflammation metabolic disturbances biological disturbances b Reduced brain function c Reduced liver function d Risk of chronic disease e Risk of traumatic injury f Fetal infant health problems Fetal alcohol syndrome 2 What are the steps in alcohol oxidation What does ADH do a ADH Alcohol dehydrogenase the enzyme that converts ethanol to Acetaldehyde in the first step of Alcohol Oxidation b Starts in stomach and continues in the liver c Alcohol Oxidation HUN 1201 Final Exam Study Guide 3 i For low moderate intake Oxidized by ADH into Acetaldehyde then by ADLH into acetate and finally acetate is converted into acetyl CoA ii For chronically abusive alcohol consumption Oxidized first by MEOS Instead of ADH then continues on same pathway 3 Moderate alcohol consumption 1 drink per day for women and 2 drinks per day for men 4 Metabolic Tolerance Takes more to get you drunk Functional Tolerance Even when drunk they feel as if they can function normally Chapter 3 1 Hunger physiological Appetite psychological 2 How do hormones regulate appetite a When our blood glucose levels fall prompting a change in insulin and glucose in the blood a message is relayed in the hypothalamus telling us to eat in order to supply our bodies with more glucose b Ghrelin triggers appetite secreted by cells in the stomach and influences the hypothalamus telling you to eat c Leptin counteracts ghrelin by reducing your need to eat d Gastrin has been connected to your body s ability to keep at normal weight while maintaining the right levels of insulin e Somatostatin is found in the cells of the stomach and acts on the stomach to keep gastrin from being released Causes a slower rate of nutrient absorption Incretins GLP 1 and GLP for fullness f g Neuropeptied Y for appetite stimulation also increases fat cells from ingested food 3 CCK Cholecystokinin For fullness the hormone CCK comes into action when certain cells are exposed the food you are eating CCK acts on other parts of the body such as the pancreas to get your digestive enzymes flowing It also acts on the brain to give you a feeling of satiety The result is that you feel full and stop eating a Produced in the small intestine b Stimulates production of pancreatic digestive enzymes c Stimulates gallbladder contraction d Slows gastric emptying in the stomach 4 List accessory organs of digestion a Pancreas secrets bicarbonate into the small intestine which helps neutralize the acidic chime and several enzymes b Liver secretes bile into the small intestine c Gallbladder stores and concentrates bile 5 Define HUN 1201 Final Exam Study Guide 4 Chapter 4 a Absorption the process in which molecules of food are taken from the GI tract into the blood circulation b Digestion foods are broken down into their component molecules either chemically or mechanically c Elimination undigested portions of food and waste products are removed from the body poop and pee d Segmentation Rhythmic contraction of the circular muscles in the small intestine to move things along 6 Differences between the 4 types of absorption a Active transport nutrients move from low to high concentration with the help of carrier proteins energy needed b Passive diffusion nutrients move from high to low no energy required c Facilitated diffusion nutrients move from high to low with the help of a carrier protein no energy required d Endocytosis a cell forms a vesicle to surround and engulf a nutrient an the nutrient is dissolved in water inside the vesicle allowing the whole protein to be absorbed intact 1 The smallest molecules that make up carbohydrates are called Glucose a Carbohydrates are polymers of glucose 2 Where does carbohydrate digestion occur
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