Study Guide for Final Exam Test 4 Chapter 1 1 What is nutrition Why is it important Concept covered on Exam 1 study guide 2 Explain the different types of nutrients a organic vs inorganic b macronutrient vs micronutrient c d fat soluble vs water soluble vitamins energy yielding nutrients kcal g for each 3 DRI s apply to which population of people Explain the components of the DRI EAR RDA AI UL EER AMDR 1 What are the useful tools for designing a healthful diet 2 Define nutrient density Foods that supply the most nutrients for the least amount of calories 3 What are the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and MyPlate Chapter 2 Four KEY Recommendations of the 2010 Dietary Guidelines also covered on Exam 1 study guide 1 Balance calories to maintain weight Keep nutrient consumption within your energy needs no more than you need and no less Choose nutrient dense foods 2 Consume few foods of concern Reduce consumption of Sodium which is linked to blood pressure and calcium loss Fat consume healthy fats in moderation avoid saturated and trans fats Sugars which contribute to obesity and tooth decay Alcohol provides no nutrients and has severe consequences in excess depressed nervous system toxic to liver and other body cells can lead to health and social problems recommended maximum of only 1 drink a day for women and 2 for men 3 Consume more healthful foods and nutrients Increase intake of fruits and vegetables Make half of grains whole grains Choose fat free or low fat dairy products Choose proteins lower in solid fats and calories like lean beer skinless poultry and seafood Choose foods that provide fiber and key nutrients like potassium calcium and vitamin D 4 Follow healthy eating patterns NOTE more on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans is covered on page 9 on Exam 1 SG 4 What is a chronic disease A disease that comes on slowly and can persist for years despite treatment Obesity cardiovascular disease type 2 diabetes various cancers Chronic Disease a disease characterized by a gradual onset and long duration with signs and symptoms that are difficult to interpret and that respond poorly to medical treatment 1 How to evaluate if a person s body weight is healthful 1 BMI 2 Assessing pattern of fat distribution 3 Measures body composition Chapter 13 2 What are the components of energy expenditure 1 Basal Metabolic Rate BMR 2 Thermic Effect of Food TEF 3 Energy Cost of Physical Activity Chapter 13 5 1 Know the different eating disorders 1 Anorexia Nervosa 2 Bulima Nervosa 3 Binge Eating Disorder 4 Night Eating Syndrome 1 What are the problems associated with alcohol abuse Chapter 4 5 7 alcohol 1 Alcohol Hangover 2 Alcohol Posioning 3 Reduced Liver Function Fatty Liver Alcoholic hepatitis Cirrhosis of the liver 2 What are the steps in alcohol oxidation What does ADH alcohol dehydrogenase do 3 Define moderate alcohol consumption Moderate Drinking alcohol consumption of up to one drink per day for women and up to two drinks per day for men 4 Define Metabolic Tolerance Functional Tolerance 1 Define hunger Define appetite What is the difference between the two Concept covered on Exam 2 study guide 2 How do hormones regulate HUNGER know about insulin and glucagon gastin secretin cholecystokinin CCK and gastric inhibitory peptide GIP somatostatin and ghrelin 3 What does CCK cholecystokinin do This concept is also covered in the Exam 2 study guide Chapter 3 Production Site Small intestine duodenum ad jejunum Target Organ Pancreas and Gallbladder and Stomach Actions Stimulates secretion of pancreatic digestive enzymes Stimulates gallbladder contraction Slows gastric emptying THIS IS ONE OF THE HROMONES INVOLVED IN DIGESTION 4 List the accessory organs of digestion 5 Define absorption digestion elimination and segmentation 6 What are the differences between the 4 types of absorption Chapter 4 1 The smallest molecules that make up carbohydrates are called monosaccharides 2 Where does carbohydrate digestion occur and what enzymes are involved more details on this concept in Exam 2 study guide Carbohydrate digestion begins in the mouth It does NOT occur in the stomach For the most part though it takes place in the small intestine Enzymes to know Salivary Amylase and Pancreatic Amylase Also maltase sucrose and lactase 3 What type of diet causes ketosis more details in Exam 2 study guide When we do not eat enough carbohydrates the body seeks an alternative source of fuel for the brain and begins to break down stored fat This is ketosis the process by which the breakdown of fat during fasting states result sin the production of ketones 4 Define hyperglycemia hypoglycemia Ketones substances produced during the breakdown of fat when carbohydrate intake is insufficient to meet energy needs They provide an alternative energy source for the brain when glucose levels are low Hyperglycemia a condition in which blood glucose levels are higher than normal related to diabetes Hypoglycemia a condition marked by blood glucose levels that are below normal fasting levels Reactive hypoglycemia Fasting hypoglycemia Also people with diabetes can develop hypoglycemia if they inject too much insulin or if they exercise and fail to eat enough carbohydrates The above two types of hypoglycemia can develop in people who do NOT have diabetes 5 What dose insulin do What does glucagon do 6 What are the differences between type I and type II diabetes Chapter 5 1 Name some foods sources of saturated fats polyunsaturated fats monounsaturated fats and trans fats much more detail in Exam 2 study guide Sources of Saturated Fats coconut oil palm kernel oil butter cheese whole milk cream lard and beef fat Sources of Polyunsaturated Fats cottonseed canola corn and safflower oils Sources of Monounsaturated Fats olive oil canola oil peanut oil and cashew nuts Sources of Trans Fats cakes cookies crackers pizza dough fried foods donuts 2 Trans fats are not good for health Why Research during the past two decades has shown that both saturated and trans fatty acids raise blood cholesterol levels and appear to change cell membrane function and the way cholesterol is revmoed from the blood For these reasons diets high in saturated or trans fatty acids are associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular disease 3 Name to two essential fatty acids EFAs Essential Fatty Acids cannot be made by the body so must be obtained from food Alpha Linolic Acid Omega 3 AMDR 6 1 2 Reduce risk of heart disease reduce blood clotting
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