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Study Guide for Final Exam Test 4 Chapter 1 1 What is nutrition Why is it important Nutrition is the science that studies food How food nourishes our body how food influences our health includes identifying how we consume digest metabolize and store nutrients Also includes studying our eating patterns and making recommendations It is important because it is one of the several factors supporting wellness and it can prevent some diseases and reduce risk for others 2 Explain the different types of nutrients a organic vs inorganic Organic nutrients contain carbon and hydrogen These include carbohydrates lipids proteins and vitamins Inorganic nutrients do not contain carbon and hydrogen These include minerals and water b macronutrient vs micronutrient Macronutrients are required in relatively large amounts provide energy fuel to our bodies include carbohydrates lipids and proteins Micronutrients are nutrients needed in relatively small amounts to support normal health and body functions These include vitamins and minerals fat soluble vs water soluble vitamins Fat soluble vitamins are vitamins that are not soluble in water but are soluble in fat these include vitamins A D E and K Water soluble vitamins are vitamins that are soluble in water these include vitamins B and C energy yielding nutrients kcal g for each Carbohydrates and proteins yield 4 kcal gram of energy Lipids yield 9 kcal gram of energy Alcohol provides 7 kcal gram of energy c d 3 DRI s apply to which population of people Explain the components of the DRI EAR RDA AI UL EER AMDR DRI Dietary Reference Intakes apply only to the healthy people of the population Aim to prevent deficiency diseases and reduce chronic diseases EAR Estimated Average Requirement is the average intake level of a nutrient to meet the needs of half of the healthy population in a particular life stage and gender group RDA Recommend Dietary Allowance is the average daily nutrient intake level that meets the needs of 97 98 of healthy people in a particular life stage and gender group AI Adequate Intake is the recommended average daily nutrient intake level based on observed and experimentally determined estimates of nutrient intake by a group of healthy people UL Tolerable Upper Level Intake is the highest average daily nutrient intake level likely to pose no risk of adverse health effects to most people EER Estimated Energy Requirement is the average dietary intake to maintain energy balance in a healthy adult Chapter 2 1 What are the useful tools for designing a healthful diet Diet history twenty four hour dietary recall food frequency questionnaire diet records 2 Define nutrient density The relative amount of nutrient per amount of energy number of Calories 3 What are the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and MyPlate The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that you balance calories to maintain weight consume fewer foods of concern consume more healthful foods and nutrients and follow healthy eating patterns MyPlate recommends that you make half your plate fruits and veggies vary your veggies focus on fruits make at least half your grains whole grains switch to low fat or free fat dairy products and vary your protein choices 4 What is a chronic disease Chronis disease is a characterized by a gradual onset and long duration with signs and symptoms that are difficult to interpret and that respond poorly to medical treatment 1 How to evaluate if a person s body weight is healthful Chapter 13 Determine the body mass index BMI measuring body composition and assessing the pattern of fat distribution android vs gynoid 2 What are the components of energy expenditure Basal Metabolic Rate BMR 60 75 Thermic Effort of Food TEF 5 10 Physical Activity Energy Cost 15 35 Chapter 13 5 1 Know the different eating disorders Anorexia Nervosa self starvation leading to a severe nutrient deficient Bulimia Nervosa recurrent episodes of extreme overeating and compensatory behaviors to prevent weight gain Binge Eating a disorder characterized by binge eating an average of twice a week or more typically without compensatory purging Night Eating Syndrome people who are not hungry during the day but eat at in the evening and night Female Athlete Triad a potentially serious condition characterized by the coexistence of three disorders low energy availability menstrual dysfunction and low density bone Chapter 4 5 7 alcohol 1 What are the problems associated with alcohol abuse Reduced liver function Alcoholic hepatitis Cirrhosis of the liver increased risk for chronic diseases Malnutrition Increased risk of traumatic injury increased mortality risks When alcohol is consumer it will have a narcotic effect on the brain and it will act as a direct toxin 2 What are the steps in alcohol oxidation What does ADH alcohol dehydrogenase do Most alcohol is metabolized in the liver but a small amount is metabolized in the stomach Cells in the stomach and liver secrete the enzyme ADH which triggers the first step in alcohol degradation while ALDH takes the breakdown process one step further 3 Define moderate alcohol consumption Women should drink no more than one drink per day while men should have no more than two drinks per day 4 Define Metabolic Tolerance Functional Tolerance Metabolic tolerance is when the liver becomes more efficient in its breakdown of alcohol so your BAC rises more slowly after drinking Functional Tolerance is when an individual shows few signs of impairment intoxication even at a high BAC Chapter 3 1 Define hunger Define appetite What is the difference between the two Hunger is a physiological drive for food and it is nonspecific meaning it can be satisfied by a variety of different foods Appetite is the psychological desire to consume specific foods and they are aroused by environmental cues Hormones tell your body when you are full satiated from signals from the stomach and a rise in blood glucose 2 How do hormones regulate appetite 3 What does CCK cholecystokinin do CCK signals the gallbladder to release bile 4 List the accessory organs of digestion The gallbladder pancreas and liver 5 Define absorption digestion elimination and segmentation Absorption is the process of taking broken down food molecules through the intestinal wall Digestion is occurs when large molecules are broken down to smaller molecules mechanically and chemically Elimination is when undigested portions of food and waste products are removed from the body

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FSU HUN 1201 - Test 4

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