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HUN 1201 Exam 3 Study Guide Fall 2013 Chapter 14 What sources of energy are utilized during resting and different forms of physical activity high low intensity exercise Adenonsine triphosphate ATP energy carrying molecule in the body generated continuously since muscles store only enough for 1 3 seconds of activity It is generated from the breakdown of CHO Fat and Protein Creatine Phosphate CP stores energy that can be used to regenerate ATP Stores enough energy for 3 15 seconds of maximal physical effort Muscle has 4X as much CP than ATP Anaerobic reaction Glucose Next source of energy for ATP production Glucose source during exercise is muscle glycogen and blood glucose Used in exercise lasting from 30seconds 3 minutes Provides ATP through glycolysis which is the next fastest mode of production Pyruvate is the primary end product Oxygen is limited anerobic so pyruvate is converted to lactic acid Excess lactic acid goes to the liver to be converted back to glucose cori cycle Anaerobic no oxygen breakdown of glucose yields 2 ATP molecules and Aerobic oxygen breakdown of glucose yields 36 38 molecules of ATP Aerobic is a much slower process BUT the yield is much greater it can fuel the body for 3min 4 hours Fats Triglycerides Low intensity exercise and long duration of time marathons Abundant energy source even in lean people 2x more energy per gram than Carbohydrates Primary energy source during rest sitting and standing in place and endurance events The longer the fatty acid chain is the more energy ATP is produced Fuel sources change depending on the intensity and duration of exercise o Why are these sources of energy utilized during certain times and less during other times Consider Aerobic and anaerobic exercise Aerobic exercise makes cells able to work for a longer period of time For the anaerobic process for glucose it can fuel from 3 minutes 4 hours compared to the anaerobic process of glucose which only lasts from 30 seconds 3 minutes Also fats is an aerobic process and that fuels cells the longest like marathons o When would you be using ATP Creatine phosphate Carbohydrates Fats ATP 1 3 seconds CP is used the most during very intense short bouts activity like lifting jumping and sprinting 3 15 seconds CHO s Anaerobic lasts 30 seconds 3 minutes and aerobics lasts 3 minutes to 4 hours Fats walking long distances hiking long distance cycling and other low to moderate intensity forms of exercise Also important during endurance events like marathons What is glycogen loading In what kinds of sports is it most effective It involves altering both exercise duration and carbohydrate intake to maximize the amount of muscle glycogen Athletes who compete in marathons long distance swimming cross country skiing and triathlons benefit from this They consume up to 12g kg of CHO a day or two before an event However this does not always improve performance like football and baseball games Common side effects are gastrointestinal distress diarrhea feeling heavy bloated and sluggish What are the common heat illnesses and how are they manifested Know the most fatal one Heat Syncope Dizziness people get from standing in the heat too long It can also occur when people stop suddenly after a race or stand rapidly from laying down Heat Cramps Muscle Spasms that occur during exercise or many hours of hard work Most commonly felt in the legs arms arms or abdomen after a person cools down Occurs when sweat loss and fluid intake is high urine is low and sodium intake is inadequate Heat Exhaustion Heat Stroke Occur on a continuum Early signs of heat exhaustion are excessive sweating cold and clammy skin rapid but weak pulse weakness nausea dizziness headache and difficulty concentrating Signs that someone is progressing to a heat storke are hot and dry skin rapid and strong pulse diarrhea body temp 104 F hallucinations coma Medical care is essential Heat stroke is the most fatal one What are micronutrients Chapter 7 5 Vitamins and minerals needed in smaller amounts They assist body functions like energy metabolism as well as the formation and maintenance of healthy cells and tissues What is the difference between water soluble and fat soluble vitamins Fat Soluble Vitamins A D E K and are stored in the body Water Soluble Vitamin C and all the B s o How are they absorbed Fat soluble are found in fatty portions of food and absorbed with dietary fat Ex fat containing meats dairy products nuts seeds and vegetable oils and avocados Water Soluble are found in a wide variety of foods such as whole grains fruits and veggies meats and dairy products They are easily absorbed through the intestinal tract directly into the bloodstream where they then travel to target cells o How are they stored and or excreted Fat Soluble are stored as adipose tissue excess is stored in liver and other tissues and can reach toxic levels Water Soluble are filtered through our bloodstream by our kidneys and excess is excreted through urine o How often do we have to consume them Fat soluble do not have to be consumed everyday Water soluble need to be consumed on a daily or weekly basis What are the characteristics of minerals What is the difference between major and trace minerals Minerals are naturally occurring inorganic No carbon containing substances All are elements which means they are already in the simplest form possible The body does not digest or break them down prior to absorption Major Minerals Body requires at least 100mg per day and you store more than 5 g in body There are 7 Sodium potassium phosphorus chloride magnesium and sulfur Trace Minerals Require less than 100 mg a day and the body stores less than 5 g There are 8 selenium fluoride iodine chromium manganese iron zinc and copper Fluoride Can be found in toothpaste and is needed for teeth Iodine Thyroid hormones which help regulate temperature and metabolism Chromium Helps with glucose transport type 2 diabetes What affects micronutrient absorption both increase and decrease absorption Know some examples The absorption of many vitamins and minerals depends on their chemical form Heme is much easier to absorb than non heme The presence of other factors within the same food influence mineral absorption minerals Absorption of many vitamins and minerals is also influenced by other foods in the meal Fat soluble vitamins are better absorbed when the meal contains dietary fat just as calcium absorption is increased with the presence of lactose But high fiber foods

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