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Chapter 9 1 What are the three 3 main purposes of electrolytes electrolytes help regulate fluid balance muscle contractions electrolytes enable nerves to respond to stimuli cell membranes permeable to water but not freely permeable to electrolytes water travels by osmosis osmotic pressure keeps electrolytes from drawing liquid toward them across a semipermeable membrane nerve impulses initiated at nerve cell membrane by a change in elec trical charge across the membrane Na K play critical role stimulated by nerve cells influx of Ca2 into the muscle from the extracellular space con traction calcium leaves the cell and electrical signal is completed muscle relaxation 2 Understand the Renin Angiotensin system what happens and what or gans hormones etc are involved Know Specific roles of ADH Renin Angiotensin II Aldosterone increased concentration of solutes in blood ADH release from pituitary gland increased water reabsorption by kidneys increased blood vol ume increased blood pressure decreased blood volume decreased blood pressure angiotensinogen released from liver angiotensin 1 released angiotensin 2 released vasoconstriction of blood vessels increased blood pressure increased aldosterone from adrenal gland increased reabsorption of sodium and chloride increased water retention decreased urine output antidiuretic hormone ADH released by pituitary gland and stimulates kid neys to reabsorb water renin released by kidneys when blood pressure is low angiotensin 2 active vasoconstrictor which increases blood pressure by constricting blood vessels aldosterone released by adrenal glands on top of kidneys which signals kidneys to retain sodium and chloride 3 What population s are most susceptible to dehydration elderly and infants Chapter 10 1 What are antioxidants and free radicals How do antioxidants battle free radicals when electrons are lost during oxidation leaving an uneven number or unpaired election making them unstable a What are the three 3 enzyme systems involved in this process superoxide dismutase converts free radicals to less damaging substances such as hydrogen peroxide catalase removes hydrogen peroxide from the body by converting it to h2o and o2 glutathione peroxidase removes hydrogen peroxide and stops lipid peroxi dation enzyme activates angiotensin 1 free radicals dase lipid peroxidation is when lipids are oxidized begin to form free radi cals b Which nutrient is required as a cofactor for glutathione peroxi selenium antioxidant that spares vitamin e 2 What are the functions of vitamin E What are the deficiency symp toms functions incorporated into the chylomicron to be transported to the liver and VLDLs protects polyunsaturated fatty acids PUFAs fatty cell components and LDLs from oxidization lowers heart disease risk added to oil based foods and skincare products to reduce rancidity and spoilage necessary for normal nerve and muscle development enhances immune system functions promotes vitamin A absorption if low prevents erythrocyte hemolysis rupturing of red blood cells deficiency rare erythrocyte hemolysis rupturing of red blood cells leads to anemia can result in anemia in premature infants symptoms loss of muscle coordination and reflexes impaired vision speech impaired immunity with low selenium vitamin E deficiency is associated with fat malabsorption in the diges tive tract 3 Where is the majority of Vitamin E stored in the body 90 in adipose tissue remaining 10 in cell membranes 4 Why is it important to ensure free radicals do not form in cell mem they form within the phospholipid bilayers of cell members and steal elec tions damaged lipid molecules cause cell membranes to lose integrity 5 What are some major functions of Vitamin C How does vitamin C work with Vitamin E What are toxicity and deficiency symptoms for vitamin C What health situations increase your requirement for Vita min C functions collagen prevents scurvy DNA bile neurotransmitters serotonin carnation transports long chain fatty acids hormones thyroxine epinephrine steroids protecting LDL cholesterol from oxidation lungs from ozone and cigarette damage reduces nitrosamines cancer causing agent found in cured and pro cessed meats regenerates oxidized vitamin e branes toxic through supplements enhances iron absorption nausea diarrhea nosebleeds and abdominal cramps harmful for people with hemochromatosis excess iron accumulation in body scurvy most common disease deficiency bleeding gums loose teeth weakness wounds that fail to heal bone pain and fractures diarrhea depression after 1 month without dietary vitamin c anemia can result high risk low fruit and vegetable intake alcohol and drug abuse crease or decrease absorption of beta carotene 6 Know food sources of beta carotene and Vitamin A Does cooking in beta carotene red orange yellow and deep green fruits and vegetables heat improves digestibility and absorption vitamin a animal liver eggs dairy fortified foods plants dark green or ange and deep yellow fruits and vegetables that are high in beta carotene can be converted to vitamin a 7 What functions in the body is Vitamin A responsible for What happens with vitamin A toxicity and pregnancy functions antioxidant scavenges free radicals and protects LDL from oxi dation essential for healthy vision cell differentiation process by which stem cells mature into special ized cells sperm production and fertilization bone growth toxicity highly mainly from supplements birth defects spontaneous abortion fatigue loss of appetite blurred vision hair loss skin disorders bone and joint pain abdominal pain nausea diarrhea and damage to the liver and nervous system 8 Why do cataracts form Including what in our diets can help prevent them damaged portion of eye s lens cloudy vision impaired adjustment from dark to bright light age related vision impairment beta carotene and vitamin A in diet 9 What is Keshin Beck s disease and the lack of what nutrient causes it Keshin Beck deforming arthritis lack of selenium 10 Describe the risk factors for cancer tobacco use unhealthiful diet infectious agents ultraviolet radiation physical inactivity hypokalemia low blood potassium levels Know what causes hypo hyperkalemia hypo hypernatremia 11 hyperkalemia high blood potassium levels kidney or diabetic ketoacidosis taking certain diuretics and with ex treme dehydration vomiting diarrhea alcohol abuse long term con sumption of natural licorice or eating disorder can alter normal heart rhythm resulting in heart

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FSU HUN 1201 - Chapter 9

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