Nile River flows south to north floods annually so the land around is fertile with rich soil de posits this brings great wealth to Egypt though exported produce it secures Egypt making inva sion difficult and it contains 6 cataracts Nu Nun Heliopolitan Creation Myth god whose name means abyss bi natural for primordial waters of chaos later exists on the edges of the universe and surrounds life bubble Atum Heliopolitan Creation Myth god who s name means the all creative force self cre ated appears on heliopolis but had always been there associated with the sun setting evening and it the patron god of the heliopolis he produces Shu and Tefnut In Memphite Cre ation Myth he is created by Ptah and then created Ennead part of Ennead Shu Heliopolitan Creation Myth god of air who was produced by Atum supposedly though his sneezing produced Geb earth god and Nut sky goddess with Tefnut part of Ennead Tefnut Heliopolitan Creation Myth god of moisture created by Atum through spitting pro duced Geb earth god and Nut sky goddess with Shu part of Ennead Ennead Heliopolitan Creation Myth the first nine Eygptian gods Atum Shu Tefnut Geb Nut Osiris Seth Isis Nephthys Ptah Memphite Creation Myth craftsman god patron god of Memphis center of royal craft shops Ptah creates the world including Ennead he created through intellectual creation cre ation formed when ideas in his head are pronounced by his tongue he creates Atum who then created the Ennead Osiris Created by Atum in both Heliopolitan and Memphite Creation Myths part of Ennead Plutarch s Isis and Osiris marries Isis and becomes King of Egypt civilizes Egypt and known world through persuasion Seth tricks him into a chest nails it shut and sends him down the Nile the chest washes ashore in Byblos Isis finds the chests and has sex with Osiris corpse and bears a son Horus Osiris body is then cut up 14 pieces and scattered throughout the Nile swamp Isis finds all but the phallus and creates a replica Osiris becomes king of the under world and choses Horus as his heir not Seth Isis Created by Atum in both Heliopolitan and Memphite Creation Myth daughter of Geb and Nut sister of Nephthys Osiris and Seth part of Ennead Plutarch s Isis and Osiris She marries Osiris searches for the chests Osiris is in and becomes close to the royal family at Byblos she even raised the queen s baby and burned away its mortality she reveals herself to the family and finds the chest hidden in a pillar she then has sex with the corpse of Osiris and bears a son named Horus she hides the chests and Seth finds it and cute the body into 14 pieces and scat ters them Isis finds all the pieces besides Osiris Phallus and creates a replica she then reani mates Osiris and performs rights for his eternal life Isis presents Horus as heir to Osiris throne and Horus becomes new king Seth Created by Atum in both Heliopolitan and Memphite Creation Myth brother to Osiris Isis and Nephthys Plutarch s Isis and Osiris Seth marries Nephthys he is a trickster god of chaos and violence originally of desert and storms he creates a chest the size of Osiris and tricks him into the chests he nails the chest shut and sends it out to sea on the Nile where it eventually washes ashore at Byblos Seth finds the chest after Isis and cuts Osiris dead body into 14 pieces and scatters them throughout the Nile swamps later on he battles Horus in court for Osiris heir and loses Byblos Plutarch s Isis and Osiris ancient Phoenician City where the chest washed ashore and was hidden in a pillar on one of the temples there Isis searches for the chest and becomes close to the royal family at Byblos Horus Plutarch s Isis and Osiris son of Osiris and Isis he was conceived when Osiris was dead he fought Seth in court and became Osiris heir the kings of Egypt become avatars of Ho rus and they are incarnated of Horus he is an early Egyptian god dipped as falcon falcon headed man and is associated with the sun sky war and protection hor means falcon or the distant one he is represented in two ways as a child and son of Isis and Osiris and as an adult falcon with the sun as his right eye and the moon as his left eye he hovers over and pro tects Pharaohs Re Egyptian word for sun sun god and often a creator god overall most important god in An cient Egypt ofter associated merged with other gods especially Horus and often depicted with solar disc surrounded by coiled serpents solar disc eye of Re somewhat separate god fe male counterpart personified by Egyptian goddesses and has a violent nature helps Re sub due his enemies humans were created by tears of Re s Eye associated with creation of sea sons months and other living creatures often identified with patron god of a city represents the midday sun human plot rebellion against Re so he sends his Eye to destroy them Re has second thoughts about destruction she orders massive amount of Red dye and mixes it with bear to make 7k jars Re has red beer poured out where Sekhmet attempts to kill mankind Sekhmet gets drunk and forgets her duty humans are saved Deliverance of Mankind and De struction Khepri depict morning Re as scarab dung beetle Hathor Eye of Re morphs in this goddess cow goddess with horns linked to female sexuality and motherhood sometimes viewed as the mother or wife of falcon god Horus Hathor means house of Horus she slew mankind in the desert she merges into goddess Sekhmet Sekhmet Godess merged with Hathor lion goddess associated with healing and war Re changes her mind and has Sekhmet get forget her tasks by getting her drunk Book of the Dead Collection of magical spells that ensure soul lives on in the afterlife found in New Kingdom tombs on papyrus included with mummy for both royal and non royal dead proper name is The Book of Coming Forth by Day Protestation of Guiltlessness Part of the Book of the Dead Deceased in afterlife negative confession of up to 42 sins Canaan Modern day Israel Jordan Lebanon and Syria people referred to as the Israelites or Hebrews later Jews they speak Hebrew Canaan is divide by Israel north and Judah Judeah south Yahweh name of their god depicted as storm god cloud thunder lightening travels in sky he defats dragon in the sea Leviathan Rahab Book of Jobs Sea dragon that god defeated Cosmocentric creation Genesis focus is on the universe 1 light 2 sky 3 Earth sea plants 4 animals 5 human beings Men and women created last at same time their job is to exercise dominion over living things multiple and subdue Earth
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