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1 Springer Ancient Myth Study Guide Midterm Exam 1 Theogony I 1 I 2 I 3 I 6 Hesiod Hymnn to Muses inspire Hesoid to write Reverse Genealogy form 2nd Invocation is condensed genealogy from Giaa to Zeus 3rd invocation is a full genealogy from Chaos and Giaa to Zeus Cronos castrates Ouranos Birth of Aphrodite I 2 Cronos is swallows each of his children Rhea saves Zeus with aid of Giaa Cronos swallows stone Zeus enlists help of hundred handed gods to help him overthrow Cronos and Titans Zeus used Thunderbolts defeats titans puts them in Tartraus center of Earth I 3 Prometheus is punished by Zeus Liver eaten over and over because he tricks Zeus but Zeus knew it was a trick Prometheus gives mortals fire Zeus is upset gives them Women Pandora I 6 After Titan war Zeus is made king In order to prevent succession myth he swallows Metis who is a water deity to prevent her from having children Giaa bears Typhoeus who is the father of all monsters to dethrone Zeus Zeus defeats him with lightening bolt scorching the Earth in the process Works and Days I 4 I 6 Hesiod I 4 Details Prometheus giving fire to mortals Zeus is furious creates Women Pandora which is created by combining gift from each god Pandora acted as a sort of Trojan horse and once she got down to Earth she opened her jar which released countless evils onto the world She opened the box out of curiosity not as a malicious act I 6 Details five races of man Golden Race Cronos time like gods eternal youth Silver Race Child for 100 years sinned no sacrifice to gods thus destroyed Bronze Race Ash trees Ares got in a war and killed off each other Heroes Thebes Troy Isles of Blest grain 3 times a year Iron Age No rest all toil no agreement among people men dishonor parents no justice Timaeus I 16 Plato God is good and wanted creation to be like him Intelligence is better than unintelligence so world must have intelligence because we have souls Plato s Demiurge creates cosmos Very abstract Monotheistic used Water Air Fire and Earth to create universe Metamorphoses I 17 I 18 I 20 I 21 Ovid God ended Strife God is unknown no identity Came from Chaos Earth water air fire molds together globe Distinguished climate zones I 18 Told of Four Ages of man Golden Naturally good no evil Silver Farming is necessary yet life is still happy Bronze Cruelty war but no crimes Iron Ruthless lying snakes violence I 19 Giants attack Olympus by piling up mountains Zeus Strikes through Olympus with lightening and giants are buried under mountains Giaa uses Giants blood to form new race of human as souvenir Story of giants is told to show that heaven was as 2 Springer unsafe as Earth I 20 Lycaon Jupiter calls meeting of Gods gives flashback Jupiter visited Lycaon who gave him terrible dinner Lycaon is turned into wolf his house is burned Some gods assent to Jupiter s decision to destroy Earth others complain about loss of humans as slaves I 21 Jupiter s Flood Jove avoids the fire because he fears burning down heaven goes with Flood At Phocis Deucalion and Pyrrha survive as only woman and man left They D P ask aid of oracle to tell them how to save humanity They used their mother s bones and stones thrown over their shoulder and every stone they through turned into man woman Animals were spontaneously produced Restoration of animal life is from Harmony of discord which is fire working w water Enuma Elish II 1 Describes creation of Marduk Tiamat and Apsu Saltwater and Freshwater are primordial beings They had many children Apsu said that the nose of the children was keeping him up at night so he consulted with the Vizer High official Mummu who gave permission to kill them Tiamat Ea who was all wise knew of the plan and killed Apsu while he was sleeping then killed Mummu Ea gave birth to Marduk and was overjoyed with the power and wisdom Marduk had The Annnuaki Children of Lahrama and Lahnu convinced Tiamat that she never to Avenge Apsu thus Timat created an army and bore Kingu whom she elevated to King Kingu has the tablet of destinies which gave him magical powers Ea learns that Tiamat is preparing for battle and asks grandfather if she may retaliate he consents Marduk agrees to help with the battle on the condition that he be made ruler of the Gods upon his victory The people agree They test Marduk s abilities by having him make a garment vanish and reappear he succeeds Tiamat and Marduk battle Marduk trapped Tiamat in a new then inflated her then shot her with his arrow Used her body to create Earth and Sky Marduk assigns Gods to positions he creates Constellations Moon Sun and Weather Mardu creates man from Kingu s blood As honor to Marduk Gods create palace for him in Babylon They all celebrate at a feast and Marduk is King Egyptian Creation II 6 First there is Atum who is the heart and tongue Ptah gives life to all god though his heart and tongue Ptah s teeth and lips are his Ennead Ptah says and it is so Ex nihilo creation Prose Edda V 1 Snorri Sturluson The goal of this piece was partly to defend Christian faith written in 1200 AD Asir and Vanir two divine females Odin is King of Aesir death cleverness and rules Valhalla Thor is the storm God Belt gloves son of Odin Loki is the trickster God Gylfi is the Christian king and has gone to land of pagas to see what they know 3 Aesir have moved to North Gylfi interrogates them in a contest of knowledge By question and answer method myth unfolds Victoiry in contest when Aesir can no longer answer Victory implies Christianity trumps Norse Mythology Body of Yimir Odin Vill Ve create world First humauns were made from two trees Ask 1st Man Embla 1st Woman Thor travels and sees castle with Loki trickster Thor returns to crush castle to pieces 3 Springer with Hammer but castle disappears Hodr shoots and kills Baldr Aesir try to run Baldr from underworld by weeping him back from hell Prediction for Winter Age I understand that this summary is in no where no complete but this is an extremely long text with a complex storyline Here is a link to a more complete and detailed summary online just scroll halfway down http evans experientialism freewebspace com edda01 htm Inca Creation VI 6 Spaniard Pedo Sarmiento De Gamboa Creator God Viracocha World was dark Viracocha made humauns but they were too big so he made them smaller They broke the precept of Viracocha thus he flooded them but keeps 3 men in order to repopulate Taguapaca is a human used to repopulate earth Viracocha goes to Titicaca island in the lake and orders

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