12 12 2011 Chapter 1 Explain the different types of nutrients Organic vs inorganic Macronutrients o Carbohydrates exercise o Lipids Insoluble in water o Organic contains carbon such as carbohydrates lipids proteins vitamins o Inorganic does not contain carbon such as minerals and water Fuel for the body especially for neurologic functioning and physical Include triglycerides phospholipids and sterols Energy source during rest or low to moderate intensity exercise Stored as adipose tissue body fat Provide fat soluble vitamins Primarily in meat dairy seeds nuts and legumes Small amounts are found in vegetables and whole grains o Proteins Micronutrients o Vitamins assist in regulating body processes Required in smaller amounts Critical in building and maintaining healthy bones and tissues Support immune system Ensure healthy vision Do not supply energy to our bodies o Minerals required for body processes Regulate fluid and energy production Essential for bone and blood health Remove harmful metabolic by products Major minerals and trace minerals Fat soluble vs water soluble vitamins o Fat soluble vitamins A D E and K Soluble in fat Stored in human body Toxicity can occur from consuming excess amounts o Water soluble vitamins C B vitamins thiamin riboflavin niacin vitamin B6 vitamin B12 pantothenic acid biotin and folate Soluble in water Not stored in body excess excreted in urine Toxicity occurs through supplementation Energy yielding nutrients kcal g for each know their major functions in the body o Carbohydrate 4 kcal g o Fat 9 kcal g o Protein 4 kcal g o Alcohol contributes 7 kcal g that can be used for energy but it is not considered a nutrient Be able to calculate energy contributions of nutrients You consume a total of 2 500 kcal You consumed 300 g of carbs 90 g of lipids and 123 g of proteins o To calculate carbs multiply g times total energy 300 g carbs x 4 kcal g 1 200 kcal of carbs o Take total kcal and divide by total kcal consumed and multiply by 100 1 200 kcal 2 500 kcal x 100 48 of total energy from carbs o To calculate lipids and proteins its the same but with 9kcal and 4kcal Explain the components of the DRI Estimated Average Requirement EAR o supports a specific function in the body for half 50 of the healthy population o Used to define the RDA of a nutrient Recommended Dietary Allowance RDA o use the EAR as a base and include sufficient daily amounts of nutrients to meet the known nutrient needs of practically all healthy populations 98 Adequate Intake AI o insufficient scientific evidence to determine EAR o reflect the average daily amount of a nutrient that a group of healthy people consumes Tolerable Upper Limit Intake UL o maximum daily amount of a nutrient that appears safe for most healthy people o beyond which there is an increased risk of adverse health effects Estimated Energy Requirement EER o the average daily energy intake to maintain energy balance and good health for population groups o Defined by age gender weight height and level of physical activity Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range AMDR o represents the range of intakes for energy nutrients that provide adequate energy and nutrients and reduce risk of chronic disease o CHO 45 65 o Fat 20 35 o Protein 10 35 Chapter 2 What are the different components of healthful diet Adequate Moderate Balanced Diverse o Sufficient energy and nutrients to maintain a person s health o Not too much and not too little of any of the foods o Proper proportions of nutrients o Many different foods from the different food groups on a regular basis What are the key recommendations of the dietary guidelines for Americans Consume a variety of nutrient dense foods Choose foods that are limited in saturated and trans fats cholesterol added sugars salt and alcohol Chapter 3 Hunger What is the difference between hunger and appetite o Physiological drive for food o Nonspecific o Can be satisfied by a variety of different foods Appetite o Psychological desire to consume specific foods o Aroused by environmental cues What are the components of gastric juice What role does each play Hydrochloric acid HCl denatures proteins and activates pepsin Pepsin enzyme to digest protein Gastric lipase enzyme to digest fat Intrinsic factor protein to absorb vitamin B12 What are the functions of chyme mucus and bicarbonate in the stomach Chyme liquid product of mechanical and chemical digestion in the stomach Mucus layer protects the stomach lining from the acid in gastric juices Bicarbonate neutralizes the acid Review the digestive enzymes and hormones of the GIT and their function Digestive Enzymes o Salivary amylase digest carbohydrates o Pepsin digest proteins o Gastric lipase digests lipids o Proteases digest proteins o Elastase digests fibrous proteins o Pancreatic lipase digest lipids o Cholesterol esterase digests cholesterol o Pancreatic amylase digests carbohydrates o Carboxpeptidase digests proteins o Lipase digests lipids o Sucrase digests sucrose o Maltase digests maltose o Lactase digests lactose What are the three accessory organs and their functions Gallbladder o Stores bile a greenish fluid produced by the liver o CCK Signals the gallbladder to release bile o Bile Emulsifies the lipids Lipids are dispersed into smaller globules and become more accessible to digestive enzymes Pancreas o Manufactures holds and secretes digestive enzymes o Stores enzymes in the inactive form Pancreatic amylase digests carbohydrates Pancreatic lipase digests fats Protease digests proteins o Insulin glucagon hormones are produced to regulate blood glucose o Bicarbonate is secreted to neutralize chyme The liver is one of the most important organs in the body o Synthesizes chemicals for metabolism Bile for emulsification of fats o Receives the products of digestion via the portal vein o Releases glucose from glycogen stores o Stores vitamins o Manufactures blood proteins o Filters the blood removing wastes and toxins Chapter 5 Triglycerides What are the 3 types of lipids found in food and our bodies Phospholipids Sterols Explain the different classifications of fatty acids Carbon chain length o Short medium or long chain fatty acids o Carbons can be numbered o Carboxyl end COOH carbon alpha first o Methyl end CH3 carbon omega last o Determines method of lipid digestion absorption metabolism and use Saturation level o Saturated fatty acids hydrogen atoms surrounding every carbon in the chain o Monounsaturated fatty acids 1 double bond lack 1
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