Chapter 7 5 In Depth Vitamins and Minerals Discovering The Hidden Nutrients Macronutrients which include carbohydrates fats and proteins provide energy o Need to consume them in large amounts Micronutrients include vitamins and minerals which are need in much smaller amounts o They assist body functions such as energy metabolism and the formation and maintenance of healthy cells and tissues Vitamins are carbon containing compounds that regulate a wide range of body processes Vitamins A D E and K are fat soluble vitamins o Absorbed along with dietary fat o Ex meats dairy products nuts seeds vegetable oils and avocados o Readily stored in the adipose tissue DON T NEED TO CONSUME EVERYDAY Toxic damage to hair skin bones eyes and nervous system Megadosing taking a dose of a nutrient that is 10 or more times greater than the recommended How Are Vitamins Classified Fat Soluble Vitamins amount Water Soluble Vitamins Vitamin C and the B vitamins thiamin riboflavin niacin vitamin b6 vitamin b12 folate pantothenic acid and biotin o Ex whole grains fruits vegetables meats and dairy o Absorbed through the intestinal tract directly into the blood stream then travel to target cells o We do not store large amounts of water soluble vitamins Kidneys filter out and excreted in urine o CONSUMED ON A DAILY BASIS o Toxicity is rare How Are Minerals Classified Minerals are naturally occurring inorganic substances such as calcium iron and zinc o All are elements already in their simplest form and aren t broken down or digested before absorption Major Minerals Required in amounts of at least 100 mg daily SODIUM fluid acid base balance muscle contraction transmission of nerve impulses toxicity water retention high blood pressure loss of calcium in urine deficiency muscle cramps dizziness fatigue nausea vomiting mental confusion POTASSIUM fluid balance transmission to nerve impulses muscle contraction toxicity muscle weakness vomiting irregular heartbeat deficiency muscle weakness paralysis mental confusion irregular heartbeat PHOSPHORUS fluid balance bone formation component of ATP which provides energy toxicity muscle spasms convulsions low blood calcium deficiency muscle weakness muscle damage bone pain dizziness CHLORIDE fluid balance transmission of nerve impulses component of stomach acid antibacterial toxicity none deficiency dangerous blood acid base imbalances irregular heartbeat CALCIUM primary component of bone acid base balance transmission of nerve impulses muscle contraction toxicity mineral imbalances shock kidney failure fatigue mental confusion deficiency osteoporosis convulsions heart failure MAGNESIUM component of bone muscle contraction assists more than 300 enzyme systems toxicity none deficiency low blood calcium muscle spasms or seizures nausea weakness increased risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease hypertension osteoporosis and type 2 diabetes SULFUR component of certain b vitamins and amino acids acid base balance detoxification in liver toxicity none deficiency none Trace Minerals Need to consume in amounts less than 100 mg per day SELENIUM for carbohydrate and fat metabolism toxicity brittle hair and nails skin rashes nausea and vomiting weakness liver disease deficiency specific forms of heart disease and arthritis impaired immune function muscle pain and wasting depression hostility FLUORIDE development and maintenance of healthy teeth and bones toxicity fluorosis of teeth an bones deficiency dental caries low bone density IODINE synthesis of thyroid hormones temperature regulation reproduction and growth toxicity goiter deficiency goiter hypothyroidism cretinism in infant mother who is iodine deficient CHROMIUM glucose transport metabolism of DNA and RNA immune function and growth toxicity none deficiency elevated blood glucose and blood lipids damage to brain and nervous systems MANGANESE Assists many enzyme systems synthesis or protein found in bone and cartilage toxicity impairment of neuromuscular system deficiency impaired growth and reproductive function reduced bone density impaired glucose and lipid metabolism skin rash IRON Component of hemoglobin in blood cells component of myoglobin in muscle cells assists many enzyme systems toxicity nausea vomiting and diarrhea dizziness confusion rapid heartbeat organ damage death deficiency iron deficiency microcytic hypochromic anemia ZINC assists more than 100 enzyme immune systems immune system function growth and sexual maturation gene regulation toxicity nausea vomiting and diarrhea headaches depressed immune function reduced absorption of copper deficiency growth retardation delayed sexual maturation eye and skin lesions hair loss increases incidence of illness and infection COPPER Assists many enzyme systems iron transport toxicity nausea vomiting and diarrhea liver damage deficiency anemia reduced levels or white blood cells osteoporosis in infants and growing children What We Eat Differs From What We Absorb Dietary iron can be in the form of heme iron meat fish poultry or non heme iron plant and Non heme iron zinc vitamin E and vitamin b6 absorption can be reduced by binding factors in High fiber foods such a whole grains and foods high in oxalic acid tea spinach can decrease the animal foods foods absorption of zinc and iron What We Eat Differs From What Our Cells Use Many vitamins undergo one or more chemical transformations after they are eaten and absorbed into our bodies B complex vitamins must combine with other substances Transformations activate the vitamin because the reactions don t occur randomly but only when the active vitamin is needed Iron ferrous and ferric Copper cu1 cu2 Are Supplements Healthful Sources of Micronutrients Much easier to develop a toxic overload of nutrients from supplements than it is from foods Some micronutrients consumed as supplements appear to be harmful for health Most minerals are better absorbed from animal food sources than they are from supplements ex calcium fortified juices Enriching a low nutrient food with a few vitamins and or minerals does not turn it into a healthful food o Ex soda is enriched with phosphorus Eating a variety of healthful foods provides you with many more nutrients phytochemicals and other dietary factors than supplements alone Foods often provide a balance of micronutrients and other factors that work in concert with one another A healthful diet built from a wide variety of foods offers social emotion and other benefits that are absent
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