Chapter 3 Exam 2 Study Guide 1 Define hunger and appetite Which organ triggers the feelings of hunger and satiation a Hunger is the physical drive for food any food Appetite is the craving of a specific type of food and is often aroused by environmental cues i e milk at bedtime The Hypothalamus triggers feelings of hunger and satiation 2 What are the roles of nutrient type on hunger What type of nutrient has the highest satiety value a Proteins have the highest satiation value Solid foods are more filling and satisfying 3 Define the processes of digestion absorption and elimination a Digestion large food molecules are broken down into smaller molecules both mechanically and b Absorption taking products of digestion through the intestinal wall c Elimination Undigested portion of food and waste products are removed 4 Know the difference between peristalsis and segmentation a Peristalsis Muscular contractions that move food through through the esophagus in one single chemically direction b Segmentation occurs in the large and small intestine and moves chime in both directions in order to encourage more mixing of digestive enzymes and food 5 Know the role of gastrin a Gastrin is a hormone secreted by stomach lining cells and tells the glands to produce gastric juice 6 Know the two different types of cells in gastric glands What is gastric juice and what is the role of each component of the gastric juice a Gastric glands are made up of Parietal cells which secrete HCl and intrinsic factor and Chief cells which secrete pepsinogen and gastric lipase HCl activates pepsinogen turning it into pepsin and allowing it to begin the breakdown of proteins HCl also denatures proteins allowing pepsin to easily act upon them Intrinsic factor helps to metabolize B12 Gastric lipase is an enzyme that begins the breakdown of lipids 7 Know the role of bicarbonate in stomach and small intestine a In the stomach the cells lining the stomach wall secrete bicarbonate in order to neutralize HCl and keep the stomach from digesting itself It is secreted in the small intestine for the same reason and protects the remainder of the GI tract organs 8 Know the enzymes produced in gastrointestinal tract mouth stomach and pancreas that facilitate the digestion of carbohydrates fats and lipids a Mouth salivary amylase begins the breakdown of starches carbs b Stomach Pepsin begins the breakdown of proteins and Gastric lipase begins the breakdown of lipids and HCl denatures proteins c Pancreas secretes pancreatic lipase fat digestion pancreatic amylase breakdown of carbs proteases breakdown proteins and lactase digests lactose 9 List the key hormones involved in digestion and their actions a Gastrin acts on gastric glands and tells them to produce gastric juice stomach b Secretin Stimulates the secretion of pancreatic bicarbonate pancreas c Cholecystokinin CCK signals gallbladder to release bile stimulates secretion of the pancreatic digestive enzymes gallbladder and pancreas d Gastric inhibitory protein GIP Inhibits gastric acid secretion slows gastric emptying stimulates insulin release pancreas 10 List the accessory organs that facilitate digestion and each of their roles a Gallbladder secretes bile which is produced by the liver b Pancreas secretes lipase amylase and bicarbonate to help facilitate digestion also secretes insulin and c glucagon to regulate blood glucose levels Liver Synthesizes chemicals for digestion bile releases glucose stores vitamins manufactures blood proteins filters blood removing toxins 11 Define food intolerance and food allergy a Allergy your body seeing the nutrient as an attacker and attacking it causing a large reaction b Intolerance being unable to digest a certain food Chapter 4 1 List the most common types of monosaccharides and disaccharides a Monosaccharides Glucose Fructose galactose b Disaccharides Lactose maltose sucrose 2 What is common among the molecules of glucose fructose and galactose a They are monosaccharides that combine to form disaccharides 3 What are the monosaccharides that comprise lactose maltose and sucrose Lactose glucose galactose a b Maltose glucose glucose c Sucrose glucose Fructose 4 In what form are carbohydrates stored in animals and where are they stored a Carbs are stored in animals as glycogen and it is stored in the liver and in muscle tissue 5 Define lactose intolerance a Insufficient enzyme lactase to digest lactose It s not an allergy it is an inability to digest 6 Define the role of mouth pancreas and liver in carbohydrate digestion a Mouth beings carbohydrate digestion with salivary amylase HCL denatures the salivary amylase The pancreas then continues the process of carb digestion in the small intestine by secreting pancreatic amylase The liver converts the glucose products of carb digestion into glycogen and stores it in small amounts or sends it to the body s muscles to be stored 7 List all the hormones that regulate blood glucose levels and under which condition they will be released in the bloodstream a Insulin secreted by pancreatic beta cells Lowers blood glucose by signaling cells to take up glucose from the blood stream and store it as glycogen b Glucagon secreted by the alpha cells in the pancreas and raises blood glucose levels by telling cells to release their stored glycogen as glucose into the blood stream Stimulates gluconeogenesis c Epinephrine and Norepinephrine secreted by the adrenal gland associated with fight or flight responses when blood glucose levels are low Tells cells to release glucose into the blood stream d Cortisol and Growth hormone Both are secreted by adrenal glands raise blood glucose levels Cortisol stimulates gluconeogenesis from body tissues 8 Know the role of insulin and glucagon and how they regulate blood glucose levels Insulin lowers blood sugar levels by telling glucose to go into cells and be stored as glycogen a b Glucagon Raises blood sugar levels by telling glucose to leave cells 9 Define glycemic index and glycemic load How is glycemic load calculated a Glycemic index is how quickly a certain food raises your blood glucose levels b Glycemic load The amount of glucose in a food multiplied by the glycemic index 10 Glucose is a primary energy source for which types of cells a Red blood cells function solely off of glucose for energy The brain also heavily prefers glucose to any alternate energy source 11 Define ketosis ketoacidosis and gluconeogenesis a Ketosis the process by which fat is broken down
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