CLT3378 Exam 1 Study Guide Hero can have a relationship with a god or not figures whom the gods take a special interest not always good Trickster amoral shape shifting deceiving can be gods and are instigators sometimes culture heroes Polytheism many gods worshipped Binaturalism conception of gods with 2 natures physical space god abstract concept god thing god Syncretism adaptation of one cultures myths by another s culture Mesopotamia a long fertile crescent in the Middle East Sumerians 3500 BCE one of the first developed cities Akkadians spoke Hebrew like languages not as advanced as Sumerians Assyrians dominant power in north Babylonians Semitic people language similar to hebrew amorites Enuma Elish Babylonian creation epic Marduk s rise to kingship Apsu binatural fresh water god lover of Tiamat First in Babylonian creation Tiamat binatural sea god lover of Apsu Lahmu and Lahamu children of Apsu and Tiamat not binatural power over water Anshar and Kishar children of Lahamu and Lahmu associated with the sky Anu child of anshar and Kishar binatural the sky top most part heaven sky god servant of Alalu but overthrows him and has his genitals bitten off when overthrown by Kumarbi Ea trickster fresh water wisdom god culture hero who created seven sages advisor midwife to Kumarbi deceives him by giving Kumarbi a stone instead of Tessub Marduk Son of Ea king of the gods storm god Qingu becomes Tiamat s lover after Apsu s death receives the tablet of destinies Tablet of Destinies gives the power to rule over the gods The Baal Cycle group of Canaanite ugaritic poems about Baal and Baal defeats Yam Ugarit city of Baal Illimilku wrote it all down Baal Baal patron god of Ugarit storm god who rules over all gods son of El El father creator god wisdom not worshipped Asherah wife of El mother of all gods Anat sister lover of Baal Fiercely loyal to Baal influences are childbirth nursing hunting and war Kothar wa hasis craftsman god builds palace and weapons for Baal the clever one Yam Sea god enemy of Baal Desire dragon fire Mot death god of the underworld son of el is always hungry Hittites Indo european people Hurrians people in northern syria empire named mitanni Illuyanka serpents myths about storm god vs serpent hattian or Hittite for serpent Purulli festival in spring Illuyanka myth recited here Inara daughter of storm god prepares feast huntress gets Illuyanka drunk and gets him killed by storm god Hupasiya Inara asks this mortal man for help to defeat Illuyanka but want to sleep with Inara Kumarbi Hurrian god associated with the underworld Alalu s son Alalu underworld god king of the gods father of kumarbi In the song of Kumarbi overthrown by servant Anu Tessub born from Kumarbi s good place Anu s son oberthrows Kumarbi and becomes king of gods Song of Kumarbi succesion myth the rise and fall of Kumarbi alalu anu kumarbi tessub Song of Ullikummi Kumarbi plans to have his son overthrow Tessub plan fails Ullikummi stone child son of a rock and Kumarbi placed on the shoulder of Ubelum to hide from Tessub until older Sun rats him out he fights Tessub he loses Ubelurri sky supporter at the bottom of the ocean Ullikummi was hiding on his shoulder without him knowing worst pain he ever felt when the bronze tool cut Ullikummi off elohim name of isrealite god literally god a title not a name Canaanite Yahweh name lord isrealite god YHWH storm god like adonay lord another word for YHWH Monolatry acknowledge that they re many other gods but worship only one Isrealites were first this Monotheism worship and belief in one singular god Leviathon the Sea is defeated by Yahweh river serpent dragon Rahab another name for Leviathon the sea god Bereshith in the beginning the hebrew title to genesis Genesis origin greek 950 550 BCE in prose JEDP theory reason there are so many discrepencies are because the author was compiling several stories JEDP are initials from several authors Shemesh hebrew word for sun not used in Genesis sounds too much like god name Yareah hebrew word for moon not used in genesis word sounds too similar to a god name Tehom deep abyss primordial waters Cosmocentric most important is the earth and universe not humans Anthropocentric most important in creation are humans Tree of Knowledge if you eat from it you become like a god serpent tricks woman to do so Tree of Life planted with tree of knowledge gives immmortality god exiled adam and eve to prevent them from eating this too itsavon pain toil god punishes man and woman with the pain of childbirth and work Hesiod one of the 1st greek poets from ascra family from kyme late 700BCE wrote Work and days and theogony Theogony creation of gods greek creation epic poem cosmogany Muses goddesses associated with poetry hold musical instruments live on mt helicon first insult hesoid then tell him all the myths Chaos chasm in the beginning there was nothing chaos is a binatural god and the first Gaia Ge binatural goddess of earth 2nd Tartaros binatural god specific region in underworld the prison Eros binatural god of sexual desire for procreation Ouranos heaven Gaia produces him asexually gaia s lover the sky Sickle gaia makes a sickle made out of adamant to plot against ouranos shoving her kids back inside her Adamant a very strong metal that gaia made Kronos child of gaia crooked schemer the only child to step up against ouranos castrates his father with the sickle Aphrodite goddess of sexual desire controls born form the sea foam Aphros sea foam in greek Titans the children of gaia and ouranos Zeus storm god born from kronos and rhea overthrows kronos king of gods Rhea sister and wife to kronos mother of olympians plots to save her children from kronos Cyclops another set of children from gaia and ouranos put in tartaros zeus frees them and they make his thunderbolts Titanomachy titans vs olympians zeus realeases the 100 handers to fight with them Typhoeus Typhon gaia bears him a giant fire breathing dragon who is a threat to zeus Metis wisdom binatural zeus first lover swallowed by zeus to prevent son overthrowing him Athena born from zeus head and is associated with wisdom Apollodorus wrote zeus vs typhon the library mythological handbook Delphyne dragoness who guards zeus sinews for typhon Mt Aetna in sicily zeus throws mt aetna on top of typhon trapping him Anthropomorphism the attribution of human form or behavior to a deity or animal Sphere of Influence area with which gods are associated have power Cuneiform wedge shaped Mummu
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