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Native American tricksters stories told orally like raven and coyote CLT3378 Final Exam Study Guide Raven belonged to Tlingit Klinkit people creates world distributes the sun moon water fog fire female genitals and animals causes a flood which kills everyone and has to recreate humans out of leaves Tlingit pronounced klinkit native american people that lived in Alaska and NW Canada christianized origin of people from Nass River Nass River possible origin of Tlingit people located in Alaska Kit ka ositiyi qa Raven s father god Petrel controls all freshwater spring water and fog with a fog hat Raven rubs dog manure on him so he can steal his water willingly gives fog to raven Coyote trickster in the western U S of the Klamath people oregon considered a culture hero because he distributes fire to the world West Africa where Akan people live Anansi is a West African trickster Anansi name means spider West African trickster of Akan people aka Ananse Kweku Kwaku meaning born on wednesday sometimes called Aunt Nancy Miss Nancy by Americans liminal figure threshold between one realm and another god man and animal Nyame aka Onyame friend of Anansi sometimes called Ananse Kokuroko or the great spider sky god possible that he was the same figure as Anansi father of Baduasemanpensa Baduasemanpensa Nyame s daughter name sounds like a talking drum marries lizard after it guesses her name after hearing Anansi say it India southern Asia Rig Veda is oldest literary work of India Rig Veda oldest literary work of India was told orally for centuries then written in sanskrit composed by Vedic people 1028 hymns to gods in 10 books means praise knowledge sacred to Hindus earliest of four vedas Sanskrit indo european language Rig Veda written in sanskrit Vedic people composed Rid Veda from india Agni Vedic god name means fire binatural thing and god represents fire lightening sun hearth sacrifice cremation poetry Soma Vedic god binatural thing and god deified sacred drink drink is hallucinogenic and made from an unknown plant from mountains drank by gods priests brought vitality and immortality to gods priests did not become immortal themselves Indra Vedic god king of the gods god of thunder and war rain and fertility god drinker of soma poet seer son of father Tvashtr and mother Aditi Indra was kept in his womb by Aditi to prevent him from killing his father unlike Gaia who wanted to bare Kronos Indra bursts out of his mother s side and kills his father kills Vritra with thunderbolts Vritra male dragon serpent holds back waters in the world killed by Indra s thunderbolts and rivers are created like tiamat storm god vs dragon Tiamat compares to Vritra she is the sea primordial water used to create things killed by storm god Marduk Sarama King Indra s dog tracks down the cattle that Panis demons stole and resists their bribes Panis demons live beyond river Rasa which encircles heaven and earth steals cattle of Angirases family of sages river Rasa encircles heaven and earth demons Panis live beyond it compared to Okeanos Golden Embryo unknown creator god referred to as Hiranyagarbha a title not name arises from primordial waters creates waters separates earth and sky then creates earth and sky contradicting Hiranyagarbha title in which the golden embryo is referred to hirany gold garbha egg womb seed embryo Prajapati creator god later edition of Hiranyagarbha Purusha cosmic giant primeval male not a human being dismembered by creator god used to create universe like Ymir Tiamat and Apsu like earth sky gods humans animals first sacrifice as both an object and a recipient Aditi female creative force infinity goddess gives birth to earth which bears the sky gives birth to Daksha and he gives birth to her sun born from her has 8 sons including Martanda who she rejects because he dies every night mother of Indra Daksha male creative force born by Aditi and gives birth to Aditi Martanda sun rejected because he dies every night and is reborn in the morning son of Aditi Yama king of dead the afterlife realm he was human first mortal to reach the death realm in heaven path maker for humans Three Days of Soma after cremation fire burns for 3 days because it takes 3 days for souls to travel path to death realm soma is offered to priests Norse medieval scandinavians vikings in the north sir family of norse gods at war with Vanir family good gods create order Vanir family of norse gods at war with Aesir live with Aesir in Asgard fertility gods Njord Vanir sea god father of twins Frey and Freyja Frey son of Njord fertility of earth god killed by giant Surt at Ragnarok brother of Freyja Freyja daughter of Njord goddess of sexual desire sister of Frey j tnar giants not always gigantic enemies of Aesir and Vanir associated with evil Odin king of Aesir god of death and cleverness his horse Sleipnir has 8 legs father of Thor Vali and Vidar and Baldr son of Bor and Bestla swallowed by Fenrir at Ragnarok brother of Vili and Ve Valhalla one of the 2 death realms norse idea of best afterlife hall in Asgard home of Aesir for souls of the warriors slain in battle warriors await Ragnarok feast on boar and drink mead Asgard a level on the ash tree Yggdrasil level right under the surface of the ground Aesir and Vanir live here Valhalla is a hall in Asgard Valkyries female spirits of battle lead dead warrior souls to Valhalla Valkyia chooser of the slain Saehrimnir boar that the dead warrior souls of Valhalla feast on everyday it regenerates itself at night Heidrun goat that provides mead to warrior souls of Valhalla Sleipnir King Odin of Aesir s horse that has 8 legs son of Loki the god Hermod rides him to Hel Hugin one of the two ravens that tells King Odin of Aesir all the news in the world hugin thought Munin one of the two ravens that tells King Odin of Aesir all the news in the world Munin mind memory Yggdrasil ash tree world tree supports the universe different levels of different realms like Asgard Midgard Utgard and Hel Thor storm god son of Odin warrior strongman prized possessions are his hammer Mjollnir iron gloves and belt which enhances strength protects gods from giants worshipped by farmers and sailors protector of afterlife and gravegoods models of Mjollnir hammer death by poison at Ragnarok brother of Vali and Vidar father of Modi and Magni Mjollnir a hammer Thor s prized possession Loki father mare of Sleipnir by giantess aka Thokk father of Fenrir wolf Jormungand midgard serpent and Hel trickster god half giant

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FSU CLT 3378 - Final Exam Study Guide

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