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Final Exam Sociology Study Guide Chapters 14 18 19 20 and 21 1 Be able to apply the major theoretical perspectives to each topic Problems with biological basis for race and the concept of studying populations instead of races eugenics and the history of structural racism through the social construction of opposing races in US o The genetic variation is greater within any racial group then between any racial groups There is very little genetic variation therefore we need to Racial categories are based more on social definitions than on construct a social aspect biological difference o Who and what classifies race ethnicity changes over time o Functional for Society Slavery was seen as a necessary idea for the ruling race because slavery provided the labor and helped increase economy It is negative for many reasons immoral and made one race better then another o Conflict Races black where seen as minorities Not allowed to go into white restaurants sit on back of bus etc o Symbolic Daily interactions between minorities blacks vs white 2 Benefits of immigrant enclaves Ex KKK They make it easier for assimilation Enclaves allow for someone that immigrates to a certain place to get help and recourses i e help with language get drivers license housing acclimated to the new culture 3 Racial ethnic Demographic changes in the US today Originally in the US there were not much in the way of diversity Now Hispanics as the highest percentage of the minorities Black is now the second However whites still have the grasp on the power Census How we classify the racial groups o New categories to classify race has come about Not just white and black now there is Hispanic Pilipino etc 4 Historical immigration Push Pull Factors A lot of immigrants are pulled here because they feel like there is going to be more of an opportunity o Push Ukraine war going on and no jobs push people here First wave immigrants Cuban Usually higher affluent and better educated o Second and third wave would be the less educated more the lower working class 5 Migration and reception factors and how they affect assimilation and acceptance assistance example different waves of Cuban migration First wave Cubans were welcomed because they where educated and assimilated easier o Economically the US was good and so the assimilation was not an issue Third wave Castro said these were people that were crazy and criminals therefore the third waves were treated poorly o US were going through a recession and therefore it caused even more problems for assimilation Push and Pull factors o Pull Leave because they feel there is better opportunity 6 What are the patterns of minority majority interaction Pluralism Assimilation Segregation Genocide 7 What is pluralism Assimilation Segregation Pluralism is a state in which people of all races and ethnicities are distinct but have equal social standing o These are people who differ in appearance or social heritage that share resources roughly equally o In the US people have equal standing under the law o But in some cities people live in ethnic villages where they display their traditions i e Chinatown Assimilation is the process by which minorities gradually adopt patterns of the dominant culture o Changing modes of dress values religion language and friends o U S as a melting pot different nationalities blend together o Assimilation is a strategy to escape prejudice and discrimination and to achieve upward social mobility o Melting Pot o When in Rome do what the Romans do Segregation is the physical and social separation of categories of people o Although some segregation is voluntary as by the Amish majorities usually segregate minorities by excluding them from neighborhoods schools and occupations Genocide is the systematic killing of one category of people by another 8 How do immigrant enclaves help with assimilation Immigrant enclave distinct group in a larger community It helps immigrants assimilate because they can interact with people of their own old culture For example a polish immigrant that moves to a polish neighborhood in Chicago and the poles of that community will help the new polish person assimilate to life in America Immigrant Enclaves are usually found in big cities 9 What are stereotypes What is discrimination institutional discrimination Prejudice is a rigid and unfair generalization about an entire category of people o One type is stereotype o Prejudice attitudes o Can be positive or negative subtle or extreme Stereotypes are a simplified description applied to every person in some category o Can be very harmful to minorities in the work place Discrimination is the unequal treatment of various categories of people o Can be positive or negative o Subtle or extreme o Discrimination Action Institutional Discrimination is bias built into the operation of society s institutions including schools hospitals the police and the workplace o Ex Banks reject home mortgage applications from minorities at higher rates then white people o Can cause far greater harm then either prejudice or discrimination 10 What is affirmative action Who benefits Affirmative action is a policy that is meant to supply opportunities for members of racial and ethnic minorities o Highly debated Minorities benefit o Score card minorities are given an advantage in a decision For example if one non ethnic individual and one ethnic individual are equally ranked the ethnic individual will be picked 11 How do sociologists define family Family is a social institution found in all societies that unites people in cooperative groups to care for one another including any children o A construct of meaning and relationships both emotional and economic Broken up into Nuclear and extended family o Nuclear Family one or two parents their children conjugal family was in light of the industrialization o Extended family parents children and other kin consanguine family 12 Know the functions of the family Socialization Regulation of Sexual Activity Material and Emotional Security Social Placement Pass culture onto the next generation 13 Parenting and the central responsibility of the family Expensive lifelong commitment U S Adults have decided to delay childbirth or remain childless Industrialization transforms children from an asset to a liability 14 How might a structural functionalist view the family Family is a vital social institution Family confers social status and class Helps define who we are and how we find our

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FSU SYG 1000 - Final Exam Sociology Study Guide

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