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Sociology Exam 3 Study Guide Chapter 10 Race and Ethnic Stratification Race the division of people based on certain physical characteristics Ethnicity classification of people who share a common cultural linguistic or ancestral heritage Majority Group the group that has the largest population in society and holds significant power and privilege Minority Group a group that has a smaller population and has less power than the majority group Dominant Group the group that has the greatest power but not necessarily the greatest number Colonialism the imposition of control over a weak nation by more powerful country Racism discrimination based on a person s race Genocide the attempt to destroy or exterminate people based on their race and or ethnicity Hate Groups organizations that promote hostility or violence toward others based on race and other factors Conquest is the domination over a group of people by a superior force Annexation the incorporation of one territory into another Voluntary Immigration the willing movement of people from one society to another Involuntary Immigration the forced movement of people from one society to another Ethnic Cleansing refers to the persecution through imprisonment expulsion or murder of members of an ethnic minority by a majority to achieve ethnic homogeneity in majority controlled territory Migrant Superordination the conquest of a native population by a more powerful group Indigenous Superordination subordination of an immigrant group to a dominant group Pluralistic Minorities are groups that enter into an area voluntarily but seek to maintain their own culture while also integrating into the dominant group Assimilationist Minorities groups that seek to shed their old ways and integrate themselves into mainstream society Secessionist Minorities are groups that voluntarily separate themselves from the dominant group with disdain believing that it will corrupt the group s belief system Militant Minorities groups that seek to overthrow the existing system because they see it as unjust Ethnic Enclaves neighborhoods where people from similar cultures live together and assert cultural distinction from the dominant group Prejudice refers to the negative attitudes about an entire category of people Stereotypes simplified perceptions people have of an entire group that are usually based on false assumptions Discrimination the unfair treatment of people based on a prejudice Institutional Discrimination maintains the advantage for the dominant group while providing the appearance of fairness to all Scapegoat making an unfair accusation against a person or group as a cause of a problem Segregation forced separation because of factors such as race gender or ethnicity Cycle of Poverty generational barrier that prevents poor people from breaking into the middle and upper classes Color blind Racism the idea that racism still exists in society in more subtle ways Double Consciousness the sense that a person must keep a foot in two worlds one in the majority group s world and one in the minority group s world Chapter 11 The Social Side of Sex Sex is the biological makeup of a male or female Gender Identity is our perception of ourselves as male or female Patriarchy is a social system in which the father serves as head of the family and men have authority over women and children Matriarchy is a social system in which women are the main authority and hold power over men Sexism is the belief that one sex is superior to other Gender Roles are society s expectations of how males and females should act and think Calalai are anatomical females in Bugis society who assume the characteristics of men Calabai are anatomical males in Bugis who adhere to some of the responsibilities of women Bissu are androgynous members of Bugis society who embody the perfect mixture of male and female Human Capital Model assumes that men and women bring different natural skills to the workplace Choice Model explains the income gap by analyzing the kinds of jobs women choose Patriarchy Model assumes that we have a male dominated society that doesn t allow women to hold upper tier jobs Glass Ceiling is an invisible barrier preventing women from reaching executive level positions in the workplace Feminism is the vast collection of social movements and theories about gender differences proposing social equality for all people Machismo is overt and exaggerated displays of masculinity Chapter 12 Aging and Health Obesity is an unhealthy accumulation of body fat Health a state of complete physical mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity Social Epidemiology is the study of the distribution of diseases in health throughout a society s population Sick Role is the expected behaviors and responsibilities appropriate for someone who is ill Medicalization the idea that the medical community is the center of many aspects of American society Health Care the care services or supplies related to a person s health Medicare a government run social insurance program that provides health coverage for people 65 years or older Medicaid a form of government health insurance designed for the poor and disabled Gerontology the study if aging and the elderly Young Old a cohort that consists of people between the ages of 65 75 Old Old a cohort that consists of people over the age of 75 Sandwiched Generation the generation that takes care of both its children and its elderly parents Ageism prejudice and discrimination based solely on age Disengagement Theory states that reduced interaction between older persons and other is unavoidable mutual and acceptable to both the individual and society Activity Theory states that life satisfaction depends on maintaining an involvement with life by developing new interests hobbies roles and relationships In addition to this I would review the readings that we have been previously quizzed on that can be found on the SYG1000 blackboard

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FSU SYG 1000 - Sociology Exam 3 Study Guide

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