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Sociology Study Guide Deviance any violation of social norms society agrees upon Crime violation of norms that are written law o Street crime criminal o White collar crime nonviolent usually for o Consensus model laws arise when an unwanted behavior is seen o Conflict model powerful people write laws to protect their own interest while punishing those whose actions they wish to control Punishment o Shaming effort to attach a negative meaning to a behavior Stigmatized permanent label to an offender Can cause repeat offending Reintegrative effort to bring offender back into society o Deterrence stopping crime before it happens General people won t do the crime because they see the consequences Specific measures change in attitude of individuals who committed a crime to scare them from doing it again Jail Why do we have crime o Positivist we commit crimes for the outcome Money revenge the risk is worth the reward o Classical what is stopping us from committing crime o Theory of anomic social instability stems from the social structure cause o Conformist accepts social goals and accepts the appropriate ways to achieve deviance them Example married with kids o Innovators accepts goals using non accepted ways to obtain them Kidnapping a kid o Ritualist don t accept the goals but follow the norms o Retreatist rejects goals and means to achieve them o Rebels create own means to achieve goals o Differential association theory criminal behavior is learned Labeling theory people act like the labels you give them Primary deviance the first time offense Secondary psychological reorientation that occurs when the system catches a person and gives them a label Family two or more people related by blood marriage or adoption Marriage and Family o Nuclear husband wife children o Extended nuclear family plus anyone else Marriage union of two people o Monogamy one wife o Polygamy multiple wives illegal in USA Polygyny 2 or more wives Polyandry 2 or more husbands o Blended family contains half brother sister step parents etc o In the USA Number of people married down Age never married up Interracial marriage up Kids living with married parents down o Homogamy marriage between two people with similar backgrounds o Endogamy marriage with in social group o Exogamy marrying someone from a different social class o Stimulus value role theory Stimulus attraction Value similar characteristics Role act out the role of a couple o Commitment Personel I want Based on love Moral I should Based on attitude toward divorce Structural I have to There is no other alternative o Marital effects factors that make marriage work out For example doing things that both of you enjoy or equal division of labor around the house Divorce o 50 of all marriages do not end with divorce that number is skewed because it s the same people getting divorced o Reasons Residential mobility of nuclear family Ongoing redefinition of family and gender It s easy to file for divorce Longevity It has become more social acceptable o Romantic love till death do us apart weak o Confluent love pure relationship Being replaced with deinstitutionalization social norms of marriage are It is only maintained when both partners want to stick around Education Religion Hidden curriculum lessons taught in school that are not related to academics o Ex Sharing in preschool Teacher expectancy impact of teachers expectations on student performance Grade inflation trend of assigning higher grades than previously assigned grades to students who perform the same Human capitol a person s knowledge skill and personnel attributes Credentilism emphasis on degree assessing skills and knowledge o Example previous jobs didn t require degree but know they do because a degree equals skill and knowledge Religion o Theism believe in god Monotheism believe in one god Polytheism believe in more than one god o Philiosophies of life a way of life that focuses on a set of ethnic moral or philosophicle principles o Totemism honoring a totem or object o Simple supernaturalism supernatural forces influence life o Animism spirits live in natural objects and operate the world Top religions in the world o Christianity o Islamic o Non religious Religion in society o Sacred things that are connected to god or religious purpose Ex cross bible etc o Profane things that aren t sacred Baptism in holly water o Rituals established patterns of behavior associated to experience of the sacred

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