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SYG1000 Study Guide Exam 3 Chapter 10 Race Ethnicity o Race socially constructed division of people based on certain physical characteristics not biological Ex White black Asian Hispanic etc o Ethnicity classification of people who share a common cultural linguistic or ancestral heritage more self defined voluntary o It s hard to identify race pbs website matching game o How does the US census define race Racial categories 5 white black Asian pacific islander native Hawaiian Native American Hispanic Latino isn t included Groups o Majority groups the group that has the largest population in society they hold significant power and privilege Whites in the US majority group Asians Blacks Hispanics in the US o Minority groups any group that has a smaller population less power than the belief o Dominant group group that has the greatest power but not necessarily the greatest numbers Ex White in South Africa Ex Hispanics outnumber whites in CA but whites still dominate in politics economics Asians Hispanics are the fastest growing minority groups in US Prejudice Discrimination o Prejudice a negative attitude about an entire category of people belief Stereotypes simplified perception people have of an entire group usually based on false assumptions o Discrimination unfair treatment of people based on a prejudice acts based on Institutional discrimination a specific type of discrimination where the structures of society allow for discrimination Ex Public school systems aren t sufficient in minority poor neighborhoods o Segregation the forced separation of people b c of factors such as race gender or ethnicity Racism o discrimination based on a person s race o Why does it exist Races exist each race has distinct genetic differences Racial inequality is due to those differences o Genocide a type of extreme racism attempt to destroy eliminate a people based on their race and or their ethnicity o Hate groups organizations that promote hostility or violence toward others based on race and other factors Ex KKK on exists still in Tallahassee o Racism in everyday life Video Waverly HS kids dressed up in blackface as Chris Brown Racial Stratification o Income o Education 90 of Asians have HS diploma 60 of Blacks Most Asians get a college degree followed by whites 2010 o Health and mortality Whites live longest in US Males live to Hispanics 78 4 whites 76 5 Asians 76 3 Blacks 70 2 Types of minority groups done voluntarily o Pluralistic groups that enter into an area voluntarily but seek to maintain their own culture while also integrating into the dominant group o Assimilationist groups that seek to shed their old ways and integrate themselves into mainstream society o Secessionist groups that voluntarily separate themselves from dominant group and view the dominant group w disdain believing that it will corrupt the group s belief system Ex Amish unjust o Militant groups that seek to overthrow the existing system b c they see it as o Ethnic enclaves neighborhoods where people from similar cultures live together and assert cultural distinction from the dominant group Ex Chinatown Little Italy Race and Theoretical Perspective o Functionalism racism has intended and unintended consequences o Conflict theory one group keeps advantage over another ex white people elected for government positions o Symbolic interactionism might consider racial slurs ex Oriental colored dark Article Racial Profiling o Tomaskovic Devey and Warren Explaining and Eliminating Racial Profiling o When we discuss racial profiling what do we mean o Police stopping and searching cars and drivers based primarily on the driver s race not any reasonable suspicion or observed violation of the law o This profiling gained popularity in the 1980 s o By 1990 s tactic is called into question by civil rights organizations o Effectiveness of racial profiling o Evidence suggests it s LESS effective than random stops o Racial profiling decreases police efficiency o Despite lack of effectiveness still continues in some places o Missouri as an example 2007 o Blacks 78 more likely to be searched than whites contraband found 25 less o Hispanics 118 more likely to be searched than whites contraband found often 38 less often o Where does the bias come from o Patrol practices o High crime neighborhoods o Targeting specific people institutions o Individual officers o Conscious prejudice o Implicit biases o What can be done o Monitoring racial composition of police stops o Enforcement of civil rights laws lawsuits o Education and exposure to minorities o Careful we don t just choose a new scapegoat o Illegal immigrants racial profiling of Hispanics Article International Adoption o Tesller et al The Many Faces of International Adoption o International development began in the late 40 s early 50 s in the United States o Now a common form of adoption o International adoptees as immigrants o Different circumstances than other immigrants o More advantages o But also separated from both other immigrants and white o Americans o Bi cultural socialization o Racial dilemmas o Color blindness acceptance into families can delay first o encounter with prejudice discrimination o Preference for lighter skin adoptees Chapter 11 Gender Sexuality to o Sex the biological make up of a male or female Intersexed has both male and female parts 2 of population o Gender our perception of ourselves as male or female Transgender when gender you identify w doesn t match your biological sex Cisgender when your gender agrees with your biological sex o Sexuality who we re romantically emotionally and sexually attracted Heterosexual homosexual bisexual asexual Heterosexism discrimination based on sexual orientation o We must consider sexuality as a spectrum not a binary o What is normal depends on the time and place o Gender roles society s expectations of how males and females should act and think Constantly evolving doing gender gender is performed in our interactions and behaviors are assessed based on socially accepted conceptions of gender o Patriarchy social system in which father serves as head of the family and men have authority over women and children o Matriarchy social system in which mother serves as head of household and women have authority over men and children o Sexism belief that one sex is superior to the other Who s in charge Gender Inequalities o Gender income Men make more money o Gender education Men make up to 700 000 more than women both with bachelor

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