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What is deviance a recognized violation of cultural norms What is social control Attempts by society to regulate peoples thoughts and actions What is crime The violation of a society s formally enacted criminal law What is the criminal justice system by society s t regulate people s thoughts and behavior Why do we know that deviance is socially constructed View all behavior deviance as well as conformity as products of society What are the sociological theories of deviance What is deviant is a product of society What is deviant varies from place to place Behaviors and individuals become deviant as others define them that way What and who a society defines as deviant reflects who has social power and who does not What are the functional aspects of deviance Know Durkheim s theory on deviance Durkheim Deviance is a normal and inevitable necessary for society to function 1 Affirms cultural values and norms 2 Responding to deviance clarifies moral boundaries 3 Responding to deviance brings people together 4 Deviance encourages social change Know Hirschi s social control theory and the four kinds of social ties Why don t people deviate Attachment Opportunity Involvement Belief Know Social Learning Theory Differential Association Theory and Differential Reinforcement Theory Learning any social pattern whether conventional or deviant is a process that takes place in groups Know Becker s Labeling Theory The key is the audience that labels the person or act as deviant Claims that deviance depends less on what someone does than how others react to that behavior What is stigma a powerfully negative label that greatly changes a person s self concept and social identity Merton s Strain Theory know the innovation adaptation Whether a society provides the means to achieve cultural goals Conformity Innovation Ritualism Retreatism Rebellion Hirchi s Theory on factors that control deviance states that imagining the possible consequence of deviance often discourages such behavior People who are well integrated into society are less likely to engage in deviant behavior How are deviance and power related The norms especially the laws of a society generally reflect the interests of the rich and powerful The powerful have the resources to resist deviant labels The belief that laws are just and good masks their political character What is social class a division of a society based on social and economic status What are some significant differences between classes in the U S Higher classes conservative views on economic issues with more liberal views on social issues abortion and gay marriage Middle Lower classes liberal views on economic issues with conservative views on social issues Higher income people are more likely to vote Children from poor families score lower on tests of cognitive skill Poor children often go to inferior schools Poor parents have fewer resources to provide educational experiences for their children Lower class families are somewhat larger than middle class families Family life reproduces class structure Working class couples typically divide responsibilities according to gender roles Middle class couples are more egalitarian status the relative social professional or other standing of someone or something Prestige denoting something that arouses respect or admiration social position is the position of an individual in a given society and culture What is social stratification A system by which a society ranks categories of people in a hierarchy How is it functional Inequality creates incentives Functional importance determines rewards Such a system promotes productivity How is it dysfunctional for society What is the Davis Moore Thesis The Davis Moore Thesis claims that stratification has beneficial consequences for society as a whole What is meritocracy Social stratification based on personal merit What is a meritocratic society The degree of uniformity in a person s social standing across various dimensions of social inequality What is conspicuous consumption Many people buy and use products because of the statement they make about their social position What is social mobility A change in position within the social hierarchy Intergenerational and Intragenerational Intragenerational social mobility a change in social position occurring during a person s lifetime Intergenerational social mobility upward or downward social mobility of children in relation to their parents affected mainly by structural shifts in society What is income money received especially on a regular basis for work or through investments What is wealth an abundance of valuable possessions or money minus outstanding debt What percentage of the US population fall within the middle class 40 45 percent Who are the poor in the US Women and Children Which families are mostly likely to live in poverty Female headed single parent households What is the feminization of poverty is the phenomenon in which women experience poverty at rates that are disproportionately high in comparison to men How many poor households are headed by single women 52 Which age group is most likely to live in poverty Children 46 million people lived below the official poverty line in 2011 Know the differences between absolute and relative poverty Absolute poverty condition characterized by severe deprivation of basic human needs including food safe drinking water sanitation facilities etc Relative poverty condition in which people lack the minimum amount of income needed in order to maintain the average standard of living in which they live Risk factors associated with being in the underclass XXXX What is the relationship between social class and health disability cognitive decline etc Upper class people live 5 years longer than others What are life chances Higher SES is associated with lower rates of poor subjective health chronic diseases functional Social science theory of the opportunities each individual has to improve his or her quality of life coined by Max Weber How does social class affect an individual s life chances Such as life expectancy KNOW the infant mortality rate for the poor compared to national average educational inequality etc What are problems associated with poverty Children born into poor families are 3x more likely to die from disease neglect accidents or violence How is social class related to voter participation Higher income people are more likely to vote What is the wealth gap What is the overall pattern of

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