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Introduction to Sociology Exam 2 Institutions Sets of interlinked organizations designed to meet societal needs Characteristics Interdependent and competitive prescribed unique specialized bureaucracy stratification minorities social structure at all levels symbols part of self biologically socially Involves mores uniqueness is central to the notion of culture Industrialization is increasingly specialized resists change Dimensions Major functions interrelations major types social change policy issue Models Order Universal and functional Conflict Power organization Interactionist Socialization and roles FAMILY Functions Ideas Primary socialization Miniature version of society At heart of society Moral Legal Relations Role continuity Secondary institution Major Types Extended vs Nuclear Matrilineal vs Patrilineal Monogamy vs Polygamy multiple wives vs Polyandry multiple husbands Single career vs Dual career Remarriage Social Change Predominantly nuclear Single parent most likely mother Dual career Remarriage Increasing acceptance of gay marriage Views Conflict o Power relations internal domination homicide o Violence Order o Males work o Females stay home o functional adaptive efficient maintains its center Interactionist o Set of roles o Role models o Relationships o nature of relationships in family ECONOMIC Functions Ideas Physical and material needs Production and consumption Goods and services Division of labor roles Stratification role assignments and evaluation rewards Minority roles labor minority inequality Part of social self identity me Values work set of values as an ethic o Protestant ethic Calvin predestination through social status Emphasizes work savings individualism level of success Social contract As punishment and discipline Rehabilitation As therapy Economic behavior consumption and life style o Veblen Conspicuous consumption o Status oriented consumption o Vicarious consumption Dominant cautiousness and mentality Dominant institution in modern society Relations Both supportive and demanding Politics revenue lobbying campaign constitutions PAC s candidates Education o Provide labor supply Religion o Protestant ethic Media o Influence of social class Religion Church sect o Revenues o Sponsorship advertising o Economic socialization o Economic news Major Types Low division labor vs High division labor Agricultural vs Industrial Socialist vs Capitalist State controlled vs Private Service vs Production Social Change Increase in specialization Increase in technology o Increase robots automation New forms of poverty middle class Views Increase service economy Increase franchised bureaucratized standardized Increase conspicuous consumption Increase integrated products Order Conflict o Economy functional and adaptive o Increased specialized as economy increases specialization increases o Transitional periods economic problems o Functional changing adaptive of labor Population increases needs for resources and increases The division of labor increases accordingly o Economy as reflecting and sewing o Power elite s interests o Changing inequality o Corporate elite is a major part of the power elite o basis of stratification and inequality subject to be controlled and abused by the power elite Interactionist o Economic roles o Relationships o Economic socialization o Economic socialization types of schools we go to values of money Impact of media through advertising State bureaucracy Weber legitimate authority consensus legality of force POLITICS Functions Ideas Social control mores o Creating o Interpreting o Enforcement o State monopoly Social symbols o The Nation People Voter Country Societal unity integration Reinforcing mores through ritual of punishment o Power of state Individual utopias part of me Relations Regulate monitors uses other institutions Family o Family images o Support protect o Patriarchal Economy Education o Regulation deregulation o Dependency revenue campaign support o Regulation monitoring legislation o Job market skills Religion Media o Use civil religion religious rituals religious PAC s o Regulation deregulation o High use o Campaigns o Media politics Types Inherited vs representative Imposed vs Indigenous Elitist vs Pluralistic Stable government both effective and legitimate Lipset Effective STABLE AUTHORITARIA SHAKY UNSTABLE Legitimate N Social Change Increasingly democratic majority rule Decrease minority elites dictators Increase utilitarian Increase self interest o Economic o Normative Increase media politics Increase technology increase role of internet Increase international UN NATO Increase interventionist Views Order o Representative democracy o Veto group based pluralism Competition compromise balance No one group has veto power compromise Conflict Elitist o Power elite o American political system as representative or pluralistic resulting in balance and system bias that favors the elite Formed by Mills Represents the top levels of government military and corporations Institutional elite model o Class elite o Non elite Formed by Domhoff Very rich Formed by Parents System bias that favors very rich Interactionist o Political socialization o Identities and societal experiences o absorb political ideas through the media this may change later in life and conflict with parents view EDUCATION Functions Ideas me generalized other Sub society Socializes trains as for adulthood Segregation Different types American society education does not have a lot of status secondary socialization o based on age and gender roles o class o race o ethnicity part of stratification starts at the neighborhood level minority types of education o originally excluded o then segregated and vocational types of education o in American society teachers are seemingly given a low status seen as babysitting teachers don t seem to be able or to be bright people Relations Major Types Depends and demands College prep academic Vocational and no college prep Elitist vs Open Academic vs Vocational Private vs Public Religious vs Secular Social Changes Increased specialization Increased vocationalization Increased bureaucratization Increased technological Views Order o Meritocracy o Tests o Maximize our abilities Conflict Interactionists place RELIGION Functions Ideas o Sacrilizing function Cultural significance o Protestant ethic o American puritans o American Values they go to school and are tested and put in categories and placed in a career or job that best fits their

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FSU SYG 1000 - Introduction to Sociology: Exam #2

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Chapter 5

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