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DRAFT Study Guide Exam 3 Fall 2014 This study guide is not meant to be an exhaustive list of all possible items on the test It is helpful for identifying key points and terms from the lectures and readings assigned for this exam Chapters 14 18 19 20 and 21 plus required course library materials Be able to apply the major theoretical perspectives to each topic Chapter 14 Problems with biological basis for race and the concept of studying populations instead of races eugenics and the history of structural racism through the social construction of opposing races in US Race is a socially constructed concept Humans do differ by physical traits but race only comes in when members of a society decide that some physical trait actually matters We in the United States see black white and brown for the 3 main different races only 6 difference although years ago those of Irish Italian etc descent were not seen as Caucasian like they do today There is more genetic variation within each category than there is between Studying populations is more accurate than races because races are so complex they cannot simply fit under just 3 different vague categories Populations allow to be more specific instead of just labeling all of the people in the world under 3 categories Europeans committed genocide against Native Americans U S government forced assimilation minorities adopting patterns of dominant culture and faced segregation Social standing is well below average White Anglo Saxon Protestants are of the original European settlers and are extremely well to do African Americans experienced more than two centuries of slavery faced segregation Still disadvantaged socially Hispanic Americans make up the largest U S minority Cubans most affluent in Miami Mexican Americans are the largest Hispanic minority also poorest prevalent in Southwest Arab Americans are represented in all social classes very diverse face prejudice and hate crimes because of linkage between Arabs and terrorists White ethnic Americans formed supportive residential enclaves Ethnicity is culture related Benefits of immigrant enclaves Those of the same background live near each other and can trade valuable resources and information They help with people trying to get jobs immigrants would not have to learn English if they are living in a part of society where everyone speaks the same foreign language Can help make social connections finding out about affordable housing and government programs Enclaves help encourage immigrants to keep a sense of pride in their cultures Racial ethnic Demographic changes in the US today historical immigration In 2011 Asians represented 5 2 Hispanics 16 7 African Americans 13 1 and Arab Americans 6 of the U S population Europeans arrived in late 15th century after Columbus discovered America Africans arrived in 1619 on a Dutch trading ship to Jamestown Virginia Chinese immigration began in 1849 due to the California Gold Rush Japanese immigration began in 1860 1960 Cubans fled to the United States due to revolution led by Fidel Castro Migration and reception factors and how they affect assimilation and acceptance assistance example different waves of Cuban migration Most minorities adopt the dominant culture because it is the path to upward social mobility against the prejudice and stereotypes people has towards minorities Assimilation is the process by which minorities gradually adopt patterns of the dominant culture People learning to speak English taking tests to become U S citizens to get the benefits of being a citizen What are the patterns of minority majority interaction Minorities learn the cultures of the majority in order to blend in and move upward socially When a minority stood out the majority showed prejudice and discrimination segregation against them They develop the dominant culture despite distinct physical appearances Social movement is to make English the nation s official language What is pluralism Assimilation Segregation Pluralism is a state in which people of all races and ethnicities are distinct but have equal social standing i e people who differ in appearance or social heritage share the same resources roughly equally U S is pluralistic in a sense that everyone has equal standing under the law People proudly display their heritage in ethnic villages such as Little Italy Chinatown etc Although U S is pluralistic few minorities want to live exclusively with others like their own our tolerance of social diversity only goes so far and it is a national effort to make English the national language How do immigrant enclaves help with assimilation Helps immigrants build up resources skills and knowledge to move out of the enclave and Amalgamation Mixing to make new assimilate within the United States Genocide Native Americans constructed massacre What are stereotypes What is discrimination institutional discrimination A stereotype is a simplified description applied to every person in some category Discrimination is the unequal treatment of various categories of people Institutional prejudice and discrimination is bias built into the operation of society s institution hospitals schools etc Theories of prejudice Scapegoat theory person or category of people typically with little power whom people unfairly blame for their own troubles Authoritarian Personality Theory people who show this type of personality conform to conventional cultural values and see moral issues as clear cut matters of right and wrong view society as naturally competitive and hierarchal with better people like themselves dominating all minorities Culture theory prejudice is found in everyone part of culture in which we all live and learn We view some minorities as better or worse than others Conflict theory powerful people to oppress others use prejudice as a tool What is affirmative action Who benefits Affirmative action is an action or policy favoring those who tend to suffer from discrimination especially in relation to employment or education positive discrimination Minorities benefit Median income for blacks 60 of what it is for whites Blacks have 10 of the wealth whites have Blacks have median income is around 30K Hispanics 36K whites 55K Chapter 18 How do sociologists define family Family is defined as a social institution found in all societies that unites people in cooperative groups to care for one another including any children Family consists of extended family family composed of parents and children

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