Study Guide Chapter 1 I II Early Thinkers A Emile Durkheim Sociology A The scientific study of social behavior and human groups focuses on social relationships and how those relationships influence people s behavior and how societies the sum and total of those relationships develop and change individual and the wider society ex Kelsey Timmerman studying foreign garment workers 1 Key element ability to view one s own society as an outsider would an awareness of the relationship between an B Sociological Imagination rather than only from personal experiences and cultural biases 2 Example divorce C Wright Mills used sociological imagination to view divorce as not only the individuals problem but a societal concern C Sociology involves the organized systematic study of phenomena human D Social science behavior in order to enhance understanding they interact and change study of the social features of humans and the ways in which 1 developed a theory about the relationship between suicide and social factors although it is a solitary act it is related to group life concluded that suicide rates reflected the extent to which people were or were not integrated into group life 2 Anomie refers to the loss of direction felt in a society when social control of individual behavior has become ineffective 3 Sociology should provide direction for social change B Auguste Comte the most influential philosopher of the 1800 s 1 2 believed that a theoretical science of society and a systematic investigation of behavior were needed to improve society 3 coined the term sociology to apply to the science of human behavior 4 Sociology should provide direction for social change C Harriet Martineau 1 people learned of Comte s work through her translations 2 Society in America examined religion politics child rearing and immigration in the nation social class distinction race gender female employment slaves 3 Her writings emphasized the impact that the economy law trade health and population could have on social problems D Herbert Spencer 1 Applied the concept of evolution of the species to societies in order to explain how they change 2 Don t be critical of present social arrangements because they will change 3 survival of the fittest E Max Weber 1 Verstehen German word for understanding or insight stresses the need for sociologists to take into account the subjective meanings people attach to their actions how they themselves view and explain their behavior example social rankings of individuals in a fraternity Ideal Type construct or model for evaluating specific cases 2 3 Karl Marx had an impact on Weber value free and objective F Karl Marx 1 The Communist Manifeto argued that the masses of people with no resources other than their labor the proletariat should unite to fight for the overthrow of capitalist societies 2 Believed society was divided into two classes the owners and the workers workers should overthrow the existing class system 3 He emphasized the group identifications and associations that influence an individual s place in society contemporary sociology G W E B DuBois 1 Believed that knowledge was essential in combating prejudice and achieving tolerance and justice 2 Granting full political rights to blacks was essential to their social and economic progress challenged the status quo unlike Herbert 3 Double Consciousness refers to the division of an individual s identity into two or more social realities Obama vs reality of being black H Charles Horton Cooley 20th century 1 First looked at smaller unites intimate face to face groups families gangs friendships 2 He saw these smaller groups as seedbeds of society they shape peoples ideals beliefs values and social nature I Jane Addams 20th century 1 Cofounded the Hull House settlement house 2 Prevented segregation in Chicago public schools J Robert Merton 1 Combined theory and research 2 Noted different ways in which people attempted to achieve success in life innovators people who accept the goal of pursuing material wealth but use illegal means burglary 3 Macrosociology concentrates on large scale phenomena or entire civilizations Durkheim s study of suicide stereotype of Asian Americans 4 Microsociology stressed the study of small groups often through experimental means K Pierre Bourdieu generation to the next 1 Capital material goods cultural social assets sustains families from one 2 Cultural Capital noneconomic goods like family background education takes immigrants 2 or 3 generations to develop the same level of cultural capital 3 Social Capital collective benefit of social networks built on trust III Theoretical Perspectives A Functional Perspective 1 Society is a living organism in which each part of the organism 2 Emphasized the way in which the parts of a society are structured to contributes to its survival maintain its stability 3 Talcott Parsons key figure 4 Manifest Functions open stated and conscious functions Ex a university s role in certifying academic competence 5 Latent Functions unconscious or unintended functions that may reflect hidden purposes Ex university s serve as a meeting ground for people seeking marital partners 6 Dysfunction an elements or process of a society that may disrupt the social system and reduce stability homicide B Conflict Perspective assumes that social behavior is best understood in terms of tension between groups over power or the allocation of resources housing money access to services political representation 1 Marxist View Marx viewed struggle between social classes as inevitable Conflict is a part of every day life 2 Emphasis on social change and the redistribution of resources makes conflict theorists more radical and activist than functionalists 3 Feminist Perspective sees inequity in gender as central to all behavior and organization Ida Wells Barnett advocate of women s rights campaign C Interactionist Perspective generalizes about everyday forms of social interaction in order to explain society as a whole 1 Nonverbal communication gestures facial expressions posture 2 Symbolic Interactionism sociological framework in which human beings are viewed as living in a world full of meaningful objects salute symbolizes respect MICROSOCIOLOGY Dramaturgical approach people are seen at theatrical performers Review table 3 1 in book IV Applied and Clinical Sociology A Applied 1 the use of the discipline of sociology with the specific intent of yielding practical applications for human behavior and
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