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SYG1000 Final Exam Study Guide Fall 2014 This study guide is not meant to be an exhaustive list of all possible items on the test It is helpful for identifying key points and terms from the lectures and readings assigned for this exam Chapters 14 18 19 20 and 21 plus required course library materials Be able to apply the major theoretical perspectives to each topic Problems with biological basis for race and the concept of studying populations instead of races Because race involves social definitions it is a highly variable social constructed concept Benefits of immigrant enclaves new country Helps assimilate into new culture understanding customs and helps keep old traditions in the Racial ethnic Demographic changes in the US today historical immigration The U S has provided a home for more immigrants than any other country The growing minority population of the U S will bring changes to the country Immigrants who arrive in the coming decades will face the same prejudice and discrimination experienced by those who came before them Migration and reception factors and how they affect assimilation and acceptance assistance Factors include religious and political persecution economic factors chasing the American Dream They hope to gain acceptance and to blend into U S society without completely giving up their traditional culture Some still build racial and ethnic enclaves to ensure their culture remains What are the patterns of minority majority interaction Pluralism assimilation segregation and genocide A state in which people of all races and ethnicities are distinct but have equal social standing The U S is pluralistic in a sense that all people have equal standing under the law but is not a What is pluralism truly pluralistic nation Assimilation The process by which minorities gradually adopt patterns of the dominant culture Doing so is the path to upward social mobility and a way to escape prejudice and discrimination aimed at foreigners Involves change in ethnicity not race changing dress values language friends etc Segregation Physical and social separation of categories of people How do immigrant enclaves help with assimilation Helps assimilate into new culture understanding customs and helps keep old traditions in the new country What are stereotypes What is discrimination institutional discrimination Stereotypes are a simplified description applied to every person in some category Discrimination is the unequal treatment of categories of people and is a matter of action Institutional discrimination bias built into the operation of society s institutions including schools hospitals police and the workplace For example research has been found that banks reject home mortgage applications from minorities at a higher rate than from whites What is affirmative action Who benefits A policy meant to broaden opportunities for qualified minorities Employers are required to monitor hiring promotion and admission policies to eliminate discrimination against minorities How do sociologists define family A construct of meaning and relationships both emotional and economic A social unit based on kinship relations not only relations based on blood but also those created by choice marriage partnership or adoption Know the functions of the family contributing members of society Socialization the family is the first and most important setting for helping children become Regulation of sexual activity every culture regulates sexual activity in the interest of maintaining kinship organization and forbids forms of incest taboo Social placement parents pass on their social identity to their children at birth Material and emotional security offering physical protection emotional support and financial assistance Parenting and the central responsibility of the family The industrial revolution turned children from assets into liabilities which resulted in less Today a major responsibility of family is to successfully raise your children to become children being born productive members of society How might a structural functionalist view the family Children as public good from this perspective children need to be raised to be productive members of society to take the place of parents Socialization of children change in purpose children serve in the family assets to liabilities During industrialization children went from being assets to the family and working in the family s fields to working in factories and not benefiting family life as much child labor laws Define patrilineal and matrilineal descent Patrilineal descent more common is a system tracing kinship through the father and ensures that fathers pass property on to their sons Matrilineal descent is a system tracing kinship through the mother and mothers pass property to their daughters The influences of patriarchy second shift physical violence partner child abuse Patriarchy is a system where men are dominant over women The Second Shift Division of Household Labor women do twice as much work in house as Men are more likely to be victims of violent crime women are more likely to be victims of men domestic violence by partners What is the cycle of abuse Most people who are abusers have been personally abused themselves Characteristics of household division of labor especially among dual earner families Women take the lead in managing day to day activities around the house and raising children while men connect the family to the larger world by participating in the labor force Impact of Industrialization on family types and family size Along with industrialization came forms of birth control which resulted in fewer kids Kids went from being assets to the family and working in the family s fields to working in factories and not benefiting family life as much child labor laws What is the observed pattern of median age at first marriage Age of first marriage is around 28 for men and 26 for women Current divorce rates and overall pattern factors reasons noted for increase in divorce About 20 of marriages end in divorce within 5 years and about 50 eventually do so Individualism is on the rise romantic love fades women are less dependent on men divorce has become socially acceptable it is easier to legally get Hull article competing theories about changing landscape of marriage Transformation theory and pure relationships Giddens argues that we are witnessing a transformation of intimacy while the American family scholar Andrew Cherlin suggests that we

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FSU SYG 1000 - Final Exam

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